Photodiode Response in a CH3NH3PbI3/CH3NH3SnI3 HeterojunctionSpina M, Mihaly L, Holczer K, Náfrádi B, Pisoni A, Forró L, Horváth E.
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces Optically switched magnetism in photovoltaic perovskite CH3NH3(Mn:Pb)I3B. Náfrádi, P. Szirmai, M. Spina, H. Lee, O. V. Yazyev, A. Arakcheeva, D. Chernyshov, M. Gibert, L. Forró & E. Horváth
Nature CommunicationsCyan titania nanowires: Spectroscopic study of the origin of the self-doping enhanced photocatalytic activityPéter Szirmai, Bálint Náfrádi, Alla Arakcheeva, Edit Szilágyic, Richárd Gaál, Norbert M. Nemes, Xavier Berdat, Massimo Spina, Laurent Bernard, Jacim Jacimovic, Arnaud Magrez, László Forró, Endre Horváth
Catalysis TodayTerabit/s data transmission using optical frequency combsKoos, C., Leuthold, J., Freude, W., Kippenberg, T.J., Pfeifle, J., Weimann, C., Hartinger, K., Brasch, V., Herr, T., Holzwarth, R., Hillerkuss, D., Schmogrow, R.
Proceeding SPIE 2013 [more]