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Novel sensing technologies can provide air quality data with unprecedented temporal and spatial resolution. This opens exciting new opportunities for the study of urban air quality and its impact on health. However, as opposed to traditional, expensive, and highly accurate air quality measurements, the use of dense networks based on low-cost sensors is largely unexploited. An important issue for obtaining accurate and spatially highly resolved air pollution data is the tradeo between high cost of accurate air pollution monitoring sensors and the number of such devices required for succinctly monitoring a given geographical area. [read on]
Model-View Sensor Data Management in the CloudT. Guo, T. G. Papaioannou and K. Aberer IEEE International Conference on Big Data (BigData)A model-based back-end for air quality data management.E. C. Un, J. Eberle, Y. Kim and K. Aberer. ACM conference on Pervasive and ubiquitous computing - UbiComp 13Energy-Efficient Opportunistic Collaborative SensingJ. Eberle, Z. Yan and K. Aberer IEEE 10th International Conference on Mobile Ad-Hoc and Sensor Systems (MASS)A cost-effective method for simulating city-wide air flow and pollutant dispersion at building resolving scaleBerchet, A., Zink, K., Muller, C., Oettl, D., Brunner, J., Emmenegger, L., & Brunner, D. [more] |
Pre-Deployment Testing, Augmentation and Calibration of Cross-Sensitive Sensors Balz Maag, Olga Saukh, Zimu Zhou, David Hasenfratz, Lothar ThieleLimiting the Influence of Low Quality Information in Community SensingGoran Radanovic and Boi FaltingsCharacterizing impact of air pollution on human healthDai-Hua TSAI, Michael RIEDIKER, Nancy HOPF, Nicole CHARRIERE, Sandrine ESTOPPEY-YOUNES, Murielle BOCHUDAdaptive Sampling for Characterizing Sensor Accuracy and Sensor SelectionAndreas Krause, Adish Singla [more] |
Health-Optimal Routing in Urban AreasOlga Saukh, Balz Maag, David Hasenfratz, Tabita Arn, Ivo de Concini, Lothar ThieleEfficiently gathering contextual information for health studiesJulien Eberle, Jean-Paul Calbimonte, Karl AbererTowards High Resolution Air Pollution Maps for the City of LausanneAdrian Arfire, Ali Marjovi, Emmanuel Droz, Alcherio MartinoliHigh-resolution air pollution modeling for urban environmentsAntoine Berchet, Katrin Zink, Adrian Arfire, Ali Marjovi, Alcherio Martinoli, Lukas Emmenegger, and Dominik Brunner [more] |
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