Publications Archive
RTD Phase 2 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | BodyPoweredSenSE |
A Wearable Device For Physical and Emotional Health Monitoring
Srinivasan Murali, Francisco Rincon, David Atienza
A Wearable Device For Physical and Emotional Health Monitoring
Srinivasan Murali, Francisco Rincon, David Atienza
Characterization of piezoelectric PDMS nanoparticle composites
C.J. Borsa, M. Mioni? Ebersold, P. Bowen, P.-A. Farine, D. Briand
Design of an integrated thermoelectric generator power converter for ultra-low power and low voltage body energy harvesters aimed at ExG active electrodes
Energy-Aware Embedded Classifier Design for Real-Time Emotion Analysis
Manoj Padmanabhan, Srinivasan Murali, Francisco Rincon and David Atienza
Low Power and Scalable Many-Core Architecture for Big-Data Stream Computing
Karim Kanoun, Martino Ruggiero, David Atienza, and Mihaela van der Schaar
Methods for reliable estimation of pulse transit time and blood pressure variations using smartphone sensors
Online Energy-Efficient Task-Graph Scheduling for Multicore Platforms
Karim Kanoun, Nicholas Mastronarde, David Atienza and Mihaela van der Schaar
Online Energy-Efficient Task-Graph Scheduling for Multicore Platforms
Karim Kanoun, Nicholas Mastronarde, David Atienza and Mihaela van der Schaar
Perception-related EEG is more sensitive to Alzheimer’s disease effects than resting EEG
Elham Barzegaran, Bart van Damme, Reto Meuli, Maria G Knyazeva
Phase and Frequency Self-configurable Efficient Low Voltage Harvester for Zero Power Wearable Devices
M. Ataei, A. Boegli, P. A. Farine
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A Wireless Body Sensor Network For Activity Monitoring With Low Transmission Overhead
Ruben Braojos, Ivan Beretta, Jeremy Constantin, Andreas Burg and David Atienza
Design of an Integrated Thermoelectric Generator Power Converter for Ultra-Low Power and Low Voltage Body Energy Harvesters aimed at EEG/ECG Active Electrodes
Early Classification of Pathological Heartbeats on Wireless Body Sensor Nodes
Ruben Braojos, Ivan Beretta, Giovanni Ansaloni and David Atienza
Hardware-Software Inexactness in Noise-aware Design of Low-Power Body Sensor Nodes
Hossein Mamaghanian, Giovanni Ansaloni, Mohamed M. Sabry, David Atienza and Pierre Vandergheynst
Hardware/Software Approach for Code Synchronization in Low-Power Multi-Core Sensor Nodes
Ruben Braojos, Ahmed Dogan, Ivan Beretta, Giovanni Ansaloni and David Atienza
Ultra-Low Power Design of Wearable Cardiac Monitoring Systems
Weakened functional connectivity in patients with psychogenic non-epileptic seizures (PNES) converges on basal ganglia
Elham Barzegaran, Cristian Carmeli, Andrea O Rossetti, Richard S Frackowiak, Maria G Knyazeva
Optimized thermal coupling of micro thermoelectric generators for improved output performance
N. Wojtas, L. Ruthemann, W. Glaz, and C. Hierold
Stacked Micro Heat Exchange System for Optimized Thermal Coupling of MicroTEGs
N. Wojtas, M. Grab, W. Glaz, and C. Hierold
Power enhancement of micro thermoelectric generators by microfluidic heat transfer packaging
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Novel Method for Analyzing Crack Growth in Polymeric Microtensile Specimens by In Situ Atomic Force Microscopy
| | Envirobot |
An automated microreactor for semi-continuous biosensor measurements
Buffi, N., Beggah, S., Truffer, F., Geiser, M., van Lintel, H., Renaud, P., and van der Meer, J.R.
Electrochemical Detection of Free Chlorine at Inkjet Printed Silver Electrodes
Extensive local adaptation within the chemosensory system following Drosophila melanogaster’s global expansion
Arguello JR, Cardoso-Moreira M, Grenier JK, Gottipati S, Clark AG and Benton R
On designing an active tail for legged robots: simplifying control via decoupling of control objectives
Heim, SW; Ajallooeian, M; Eckert, P; Vespignani, M; Ijspeert, AJ
Optimal Search Strategies for Pollutant Source Localization
B. Bayat, N. Crasta, H. Li, and A. Ijspeert
Towards improved biomonitoring tools for an intensified sustainable multi-use environment
Regulatable and Modulable Background Expression Control in Prokaryotic Synthetic Circuits by Auxiliary Repressor Binding Sites
Davide Merulla, Jan Roelof van der Meer
Biomimetic Pieris rapae's Nanostructure and Its Use as a Simple Sucrose Sensor
D. Bonzon, R. Martinez-Duarte, P. Renaud and M. Madou
Biorobotics: Using robots to emulate and investigate agile animal locomotion
Compact portable biosensor for arsenic detection in aqueous samples with Escherichia coli bioreporter cells
Frederic Truffer, Nina Buffi, Davide Merulla, Siham Beggah, Harald van Lintel, Philippe Renaud, Jan Roelof van der Meer, Martial H Geiser
Comparative genome analysis of Pseudomonas knackmussii B13, the first bacterium known to degrade chloroaromatic compounds
| | | | | | FlusiGate | | | | | | | | | FlusiTex |
A FRET-based biosensor for the detection of neutrophil elastase
C Schulenburg, G Faccio, D Jankowska, K Maniura-Weber, M Richter
A FRET-based biosensor for the detection of neutrophil elastase
C Schulenburg, G Faccio, D Jankowska, K Maniura-Weber, M Richter
Cellular forces and matrix assembly coordinate fibrous tissue repairg
Sakar M.S., Eyckmans J., Pieters R., Eberli D., Nelson B.J., Chen C.S.
Cellular forces and matrix assembly coordinate fibrous tissue repairg
Sakar M.S., Eyckmans J., Pieters R., Eberli D., Nelson B.J., Chen C.S.
Encapsulation of {FRET}-based glucose and maltose sensors to develop functionalized silica nanoparticles
Greta Faccio and Markus B. Bannwarth and Cindy Schulenburg and Victoria Steffen and Dagmara Jankowa and Martina Pohl and R. M. Rossi and K. Maniura-Weber and Luciano F. Boesel and Michael Richter
Encapsulation of {FRET}-based glucose and maltose sensors to develop functionalized silica nanoparticles
Greta Faccio and Markus B. Bannwarth and Cindy Schulenburg and Victoria Steffen and Dagmara Jankowa and Martina Pohl and R. M. Rossi and K. Maniura-Weber and Luciano F. Boesel and Michael Richter
Smart Textiles as materials for continous health monitoring
Smart Textiles as materials for continous health monitoring
Multisegmented FeCo/Cu Nanowires: Electrosynthesis, Characterization, and Magnetic Control of Biomolecule Desorption
The biocompatibility and anti-biofouling properties of magnetic core-multishell Fe@ C NWs/AAO nanocomposites
Electrophoretic deposition as a new approach to produce optical sensing films adaptable to microdevices
| | | | | | HearRestore |
A Custom Made Probe To Protect The Facial Nerve During Robotic Direct Cochlear Access
A Custom Made Probe To Protect The Facial Nerve During Robotic Direct Cochlear Access
A Neuromonitoring Approach to Facial Nerve Preservation During Image-guided Robotic Cochlear Implantation
A Neuromonitoring Approach to Facial Nerve Preservation During Image-guided Robotic Cochlear Implantation
Electrical impedance sensing to preserve the facial nerve during image-guided robotic cochlear implantation
Electrical impedance sensing to preserve the facial nerve during image-guided robotic cochlear implantation
Ensuring the safety of minimally invasive cochlear implantation
Ensuring the safety of minimally invasive cochlear implantation
Ex-Vivo Evaluation of a Chorda Tympani Model for Minimally Invasive Cochlear Implantation
Ex-Vivo Evaluation of a Chorda Tympani Model for Minimally Invasive Cochlear Implantation
Experimental determination of the emissivity of bone
Experimental determination of the emissivity of bone
Facial nerve image enhancement from CBCT imaging using supervised learning techniques
P. Lu, L. Barazzetti, V. Chandran, K. Gavaghan, S. Weber, N. Gerber, M. Reyes
Facial nerve image enhancement from CBCT imaging using supervised learning techniques
P. Lu, L. Barazzetti, V. Chandran, K. Gavaghan, Stefan Weber, N. Gerber, M. Reyes
High accuracy navigation for lateral skull base surgery
High accuracy navigation for lateral skull base surgery
Intraoperative Evaluation of an Image Guided Robotically Drilled Trajectory for Minimally Invasive Cochlear Implantation
A. Sikandar, N. Gerber, T. Williamson, M. Caversaccio, S. Weber, K. Gavaghan
Reducing temperature elevation of bone drilling
Reducing temperature elevation of bone drilling
Surgical Planning Tool for Bonebridge Implantation Using Topographic Bone Thickness Maps
M. Barakchieva, W. Wimmer, P. Dubach, A. Arnold, M. Caversaccio, N. Gerber
Surgical Planning Tool for Bonebridge Implantation Using Topographic Bone Thickness Maps
M. Barakchieva, W. Wimmer, P. Dubach, A. Arnold, M. Caversaccio, N. Gerber
Temperature Prediction Model for Bone Drilling Based on Density Distribution and In Vivo Experiments for Minimally Invasive Robotic Cochlear Implantation
A. Feldmann, J. Anso, B. Bell, T. Williamson, K. Gavaghan, N. Gerber, H. Rohrbach, S. Weber, P. Zysset
Temperature Prediction Model for Bone Drilling Based on Density Distribution and In Vivo Experiments for Minimally Invasive Robotic Cochlear Implantation
A. Feldmann, J. Anso, B. Bell, T. Williamson, K. Gavaghan, N. Gerber, H. Rohrbach, Stefan Weber, P. Zysset
Facial Nerve Image Enhancement from CBCT using Supervised Learning Technique
Ping Lu, Livia Barazzetti, Vimal Chandran, Kate Gavaghan, Stefan Weber, Nicolas Gerber, Mauricio Reyes
An image-guided robot system for direct cochlear access
B. Bell, T. Williamson; N. Gerber, K. Gavaghan, W. Wimmer, M. Kompis, S. Weber, M. Caversaccio
Feasibility of Detection of the Facial Nerve Using EMG During Robotic Direct Cochlear Access
Feasibility of Using EMG for Early Detection of the Facial Nerve During Robotic Direct Cochlear Access
Manual Electrode Array Insertion Through a Robot-assisted Minimal Invasive Cochleostomy: Feasibility and Comparison of Two Different Electrode Array Subtypes
F. Venail, B. Bell, M Akkari, W. Wimmer, T. Williamson, N. Gerber, K. Gavaghan, F. Canovas, S. Weber, M. Caversaccio A. Uziel
Mechatronic feasibility of minimally invasive, atraumatic cochleostomy
T. Williamson, X. Du, B. Bell, C. Coulson, M. Caversaccio, D. Proops, P. Brett, S. Weber
Minimally Invasive Robotic Cochlear Implantation Surgery
B. Bell, N. Gerber, T. Williamson, K. Gavaghan, S. Weber, M. Caversaccio
Preliminary Clinical Evaluation of Surgical Planning for Cochlear Implantation Surgeries
N. Gerber, P. Senn, M. Vischer, B. Bell, C. Jolly, S. Weber, M. Caversaccio
Semiautomatic Cochleostomy Target and Insertion Trajectory Planning for Minimally Invasive Cochlear Implantation
Surgical planning tool for robotically assisted hearing aid implantation.
N. Gerber, B. Bell, K. Gavaghan, C. Weisstanner, M. Caversaccio, S. Weber S
Cone Beam and Micro-Computed Tomography Validation of Manual Array Insertion for Minimally Invasive Cochlear Implantation
W. Wimmer, B. Bell, M. Huth, C. Weisstanner, N. Gerber, M. Kompis, S. Weber, M. Caversaccio
Estimation of tool pose based on force–density correlation during robotic drilling
TM Williamson, B. Bell, N Gerber, L Salas, P. Zysset, Marco Caversaccio, Stefan Weber
High Accuracy Functional Neuromonitoring to Preserve the Facial Nerve during Robotic Direct Cochlear Access using a custom made Concentric Stimulating Probe
Intraoperative Neuromonitoring of the Facial Nerve during Minimally Invasive Cochlear Implantation: A custom made Stimulating Probe
Validation of custom active markers for use with a high accuracy tracking system
| | | | | HearRestoreGate | | | | | | | | | HeatReserves |
"Primary Frequency Control with Refrigerators under
Startup Dynamics and Lockout Constraints"
C. Ziras, E. Vrettos, G. Andersson
"Robust Energy-Constrained Frequency Reserves
From Aggregations of Commercial Buildings"
E. Vrettos, F. Oldewurtel, G. Andersson
"Scheduling and Provision of Secondary Frequency
Reserves by Aggregations of Commercial Buildings"
"Stochastic Frequency Reserve Provision by
Chance-Constrained Control of Commercial Buildings"
X. Zhang, E. Vrettos, M. Kamgarpour, G. Andersson, J. Lygeros
A scenario approach for non-convex control design
S. Grammatico, X. Zhang, K. Margellos, P. Goulart, and J. Lygeros
A scenario approach for non-convex control design
S. Grammatico, X. Zhang, K. Margellos, P. Goulart, and J. Lygeros
Convex Approximation of Chance-Constrained MPC through Piece-Wise Affine Policies using Randomized and Robust Optimization
X. Zhang, A. Georghiou, J. Lygeros
Convex Approximation of Chance-Constrained MPC through Piece-Wise Affine Policies using Randomized and Robust Optimization
X. Zhang, A. Georghiou, J. Lygeros
On the Range of Feasible Power Trajectories for a Population of Thermostatically Controlled Loads
D. Paccagnan, M. Kamgarpour, J. Lygeros
On the Range of Feasible Power Trajectories for a Population of Thermostatically Controlled Loads
D. Paccagnan, M. Kamgarpour, J. Lygeros
On the Sample Size of Random Convex Programs with Structured Dependence on the Uncertainty
X. Zhang, S. Grammatico, G. Schildbach, P. Goulart, J. Lygeros
Optimisation of urban energy systems: case study of the Empa Areal
M. Hohmann, C. Waibel, R. Evins, J. Carmeliet
Optimisation of urban energy systems: case study of the Empa Areal
M. Hohmann, C. Waibel, R. Evins, J. Carmeliet
Optimization framework for distributed energy systems with integrated electrical grid constraints
Boran Morvaj, Ralph Evins, Jan Carmeliet
Robust Energy-Constrained Frequency Reserves From Aggregations of Commercial Buildings
E. Vrettos, F. Oldewurtel, G. Andersson
Robust Optimal Control with Adjustable Uncertainty Sets
X. Zhang, M. Kamgarpour, A. Georghiou, J. Lygeros
Robust Optimal Control with Adjustable Uncertainty Sets
X. Zhang, M. Kamgarpour, A. Georghiou, J. Lygeros
Scheduling and Provision of Secondary Frequency Reserves by Aggregations of Commercial Buildings
Stochastic Control of Cooling Appliances under Disturbances for Primary Frequency Reserves
T. Borsche, Juan de Santiago, G. Andersson
Stochastic Control of Cooling Appliances under Disturbances for Primary Frequency Reserves
T. Borsche, Juan de Santiago, G. Andersson
Applying Networked Estimation and Control Algorithms to Address Communication Bandwidth Limitations and Latencies in Demand Response
G. Ledva, E. Vrettos, S. Mastellone, G. Andersson, and J. Mathieu
Arbitraging Intraday Wholesale Energy Market Prices with Aggregations of Thermostatic Loads
J. L. Mathieu, M. Kamgarpour, J. Lygeros, G. Andersson and D. S. Callaway
Balance Group Optimization by Scenario-based Day-ahead Scheduling and Demand Response
T. Borsche, F. Oldewurtel, G. Andersson
Centralized and Decentralized Balance Group Optimization in Electricity Markets with Demand Response
E. Vrettos, F. Oldewurtel, M. Vasirani, and G Andersson
Combined Load Frequency Control and Active Distribution Network Management with Thermostatically Controlled Loads
E. Vrettos, and G Andersson
Control of Thermostatic Loads Using Moving Horizon Estimation of Individual Load States
E. Vrettos, J. L. Mathieu, and G Andersson
Demand Response with Moving Horizon Estimation of Individual Thermostatic Load States from Aggregate Power Measurements
E. Vrettos, J. L. Mathieu, and G Andersson
Energy Arbitrage with Thermostatically Controlled Loads
J. L. Mathieu, M. Kamgarpour, J. Lygeros, G. Andersson and D. S. Callaway
Exploring the Potential of Buildings in the Swiss Ancillary Service Market
E. Vrettos, X. Zhang, F. Oldewurtel, M. Kamgarpour, J. Lygeros, G. Andersson
How punishment and reward increase customer acceptance of demand response in the energy industry
Kuenzel, K., Loock, M., Cometta, C.
Integrating Large Shares of Heterogeneous Thermal Loads in Power System Frequency Control
E. Vrettos, C. Ziras, and G. Andersson
Modeling Options for Demand Side Participation of Thermostatically Controlled Loads
On the sample size of randomized MPC for chance-constrained systems with application to building climate control
X. Zhang, S. Grammatico, G. Schildbach, P.J. Goulart, J. Lygeros
Popluation of Thermostatically Controlled Loads for the Swiss Ancillary Service Market
M. Kamgarpour, E. Vrettos, G. Andersson, J. Lygeros
Predictive Control of Buildings for Demand Response with Dynamic Day-ahead and Real-time Prices
E. Vrettos, K. Lai, F. Oldewurtel, and G Andersson
Primary Frequency Control with Refrigerators under Startup Dynamics and Lockout Constraints
C. Ziras, E. Vrettos, and G. Andersson
Robust provision of frequency reserves by office building aggregations
E. Vrettos, F. Oldewurtel, F. Zhu, and G Andersson
Scenario-based MPC for Energy Schedule Compliance with Demand Response
T. Borsche, F. Oldewurtel, G. Andersson
Stochastic Frequency Reserve Provision by Chance-Constrained Control of Commercial Buildings
X. Zhang, E. Vrettos, M. Kamgarpour, G. Andersson, and J. Lygeros
Stochastic Model Predictive Control Using a Combination of Randomized and Robust Optimization
X. Zhang, K. Margellos, P.J. Goulart, J. Lygeros
The impact of low energy buildings on the optimal design of distributed energy systems and networks
Boran Morvaj, Ralph Evins, Jan Carmeliet
Contract Design for Frequency Regulation by Aggregations of Commercial Buildings
M. Balandat, F. Oldewurtel, M. Chen, C. Tomlin
Impact of Frequency Control Reserve Provision by Storage Systems on Power System Operation
On the Sample Size of Random Convex Programs with Structured Dependence on the Uncertainty
X. Zhang, S. Grammatico, G. Schildbach, P. Goulart, and J. Lygeros
Optimal selection and operation of distributed energy resources for an urban district
Boran Morvaj, Ralph Evins, Jan Carmeliet
Randomized Nonlinear MPC for Uncertain Control-Affine Systems with Bounded Closed-Loop Constraint Violations
X. Zhang, S. Grammatico, K. Margellos, P. Goulart, and J. Lygeros
| | | | | | IcySoC | |
Approximate Computing with Unreliable Dynamic Memories
S. Ganapathy, A. Teman, R. Giterman, Andreas Burg, G. Karakonstantis
Automatic Generation of Inexact Digital Circuits by Gate-level Pruning
J. Schlachter, V. Camus, C. Enz, K. V. Palem
Energy versus Data Integrity Trade-Offs in Embedded High-Density Logic Compatible Dynamic Memories
A.Teman, G. Karakonstantis, R. Giterman, P. Meinerzhagen, Andreas Burg
Energy-Efficient Digital Design through Inexact and Approximate Arithmetic Circuits
V. Camus, J. Schlachter, C. Enz
Energy-Efficient Inexact Speculative Adder with High Performance and Accuracy Control
V. Camus, J. Schlachter, C. Enz
Exploiting Dynamic Timing Margins in Microprocessors for Frequency-Over-Scaling with Instruction-Based Clock Adjustment
J. Constantin, L. Wang, G. Karakonstantis, A. Chattopadhyay, Andreas Burg
A Quality-Scalable and Energy-Efficient Approach for Spectral Analysis of Heart Rate Variability
G. Karakonstantis, A. Sankaranarayanan, M. M. Sabry, D. Atienza, Andreas Burg
Highly Energy-efficient and Quality-tunable Inexact FFT Accelerators
A. Lingamneni, C. Enz, K. Palem, C. Piguet
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Design issues and considerations for low-cost 3-D TSV IC technology
Geert Van der Plas, Paresh Limaye, Igor Loi, Abdelkarim Mercha, Herman Oprins, Cristina Torregiani, Steven Thijs, Dimitri Linten, Michele Stucchi, Guruprasad Katti, Dimitrios Velenis, Vladimir Cherman, Bart Vandevelde, Veerle Simons, Ingrid De Wolf, Riet Labie, Dan Perry, Stephane Bronckers, Nikolaos Minas, Miro Cupac, Wouter Ruythooren, Jan Van Olmen, Alain Phommahaxay, Muriel de Potter de ten Broeck, Ann Opdebeeck, Michal Rakowski, Bart De Wachter, Morin Dehan, Marc Nelis, Rahul Agarwal, Antonio Pullini, Federico Angiolini, Luca Benini, Wim Dehaene, Youssef Travaly, Eric Beyne, Paul Marchal
Networks on chips: From research to products
Giovanni De Micheli, Ciprian Seiculescu, Srinivasan Murali, Luca Benini, Federico Angiolini, Antonio Pullini
| | IrSens2 |
Advanced Fabrication of Single-Mode and Multi-Wavelength MIR-QCLs
Advanced fabrication of single-mode and multi-wavelength QCLs
An experimental study of noise in mid-infrared quantum cascade lasers of different designs
An experimental study of noise in mid-infrared quantum cascade lasers of different designs
Cylindrical multipass reflection cells for optical trace gas sensing
Cylindrical multipass reflection cells for optical trace gas sensing
Dual-section DFB-QCLs for multi-species trace gas analysis
Frequency Ageing and Noise Evolution in a Distributed Feedback Quantum Cascade Laser Measured Over a Two-Month Period
Frequency Ageing and Noise Evolution in a Distributed Feedback Quantum Cascade Laser Measured Over a Two-Month Period
Simultaneous measurement of NO and NO 2 by dual-wavelength quantum cascade laser spectroscopy
Simultaneous measurement of NO and NO 2 by dual-wavelength quantum cascade laser spectroscopy
Simultaneous Measurement of NO and NO 2 using a Dual-Wavelength Quantum Cascade Laser
Simultaneous Measurement of NO and NO 2 using a Dual-Wavelength Quantum Cascade Laser
Single-mode quantum cascade laser array emitting from a single facet
M. Suess, P. Jouy ; C. Bonzon ; J. Wolf ; E. Gini ; M. Beck ; J. Faist
Single-mode quantum cascade laser array emitting from a single facet
M. Suess, P. Jouy ; C. Bonzon ; J. Wolf ; E. Gini ; M. Beck ; J. Faist
Surface emitting multi-wavelength array of single frequency quantum cascade lasers
P. Jouy, C. Bonzon, J.M.Wolf, E.Gini, M.Beck, J. Faist
Surface emitting, single-mode quantum cascade laser array
Dual-Wavelength Quantum Cascade Laser for Trace Gas Spectroscopy
Intermittent operation of QC-lasers for mid-IR spectroscopy with low heat dissipation: tuning characteristics and driving electronics
| | | | | | ISyPeM2 | |
A Cloud-based eHealth Architecture for Privacy Preserving Data Integration
A. Dubovitskaya, V. Urovi, M. Vasirani, K. Aberer, M. Schumacher
Erlotinib: Another Candidate for the Therapeutic Drug Monitoring of Targeted Therapy of Cancer? A Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Systematic Review of Literature
Label free detection of Tobramycin in Serum by Transmission Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance
G. Cappi, F. M. Spiga, Y. Moncada, A. Ferretti, M. Beyler, M. Bianchessi, L. Decosterd, T. Buclin, and C. Guiducci
More DNA aptamers for small drugs: a capture-SELEX coupled with Surface Plasmon Resonance and High-Throughput Sequencing
F. M. Spiga, P. Maietta, and C. Guiducci
Peak shift measurement of localized surface plasmon resonance by a portable electronic system
G. Cappi, E. Accastelli, V. Cantale, M. A. Rampi, L. Benini, and C. Guiducci
Detection of PCR amplification by top-down silicon nanowires field effect transistors
E. Accastelli, F. M. Spiga, T. Ernst, and C. Guiducci
Hybridization chain reaction performed on a metal surface as a means of signal amplification in SPR and electrochemical biosensors
Large-scale imatinib dose-concentration-effect study in CML patients under routine care conditions
Verena Gotta, Stephane Bouchet, Nicolas Widmer, Peter Schuld, Laurent A. Decosterd, Thierry Buclin, Francois-Xavier Mahon, Chantal Csajka
Safe Implementation of Embedded Software for a Portable Device Supporting Drug Administration
Simalatsar, A.; Bornet, R.; Wenqi You; Y. Thoma; De Micheli, G.
A 0.18 Biosensor Front-End Based on Noise, Distortion Cancelation and Chopper Stabilization Techniques
V. Balasubramanian, P.-F. Ruedi, Y. Temiz, A. Ferretti, C. Guiducci, and C. C. Enz
A portable setup for molecular detection by transmission LSPR
G. Cappi, E. Accastelli, F. M. Spiga, V. Cantale, M. A. Rampi, L. Benini, and C. Guiducci
Comparison between front- and back-gating on silicon nanoribbons in real-time sensing experiments
E. Accastelli, G. Cappi, J. Buckley, T. Ernst, C. Guiducci
Population pharmacokinetic study of gentamicin in a large cohort of premature and term neonates
A Fuchs, PharmD, M Guidi, PhD, E Giannoni, MD, D Werner, PharmD, PhD, T Buclin, MD, N Widmer, PharmD, PhD, C Csajka, PharmD, PhD
Screening of large molecule diversities by phage display
Rentero, Inmaculada; Heinis, Christian
| | | | MagnetoTheranostics |
Impact of the calculation algorithm on biexponential fitting of diffusion-weighted MRI in upper abdominal organs.
Barbieri S, Donati OF, Froehlich JM, Harriet Thoeny
Comparison of Intravoxel Incoherent Motion Parameters across MR Imagers and Field Strengths: Evaluation in Upper Abdominal Organs.
Sebastiano Barbieri, Olivio F. Donati, Johannes M. Froehlich, Harriet C. Thoeny
Comparison of Intravoxel Incoherent Motion Parameters across MR Imagers and Field Strengths: Evaluation in Upper Abdominal Organs.
Sebastiano Barbieri, Olivio F. Donati, Johannes M. Froehlich, Harriet Thoeny
Differentiation of Prostate Cancer Lesions With High and With Low Gleason Score by Diffusion-Weighted MRI.
Differentiation of Prostate Cancer Lesions With High and With Low Gleason Score by Diffusion-Weighted MRI.
Diffusion-weighted imaging outside the brain: Consensus statement from an ISMRM-sponsored workshop.
Taouli B, Beer AJ, Chenevert T, Collins D, Lehman C, Matos C, Padhani AR, Rosenkrantz AB, Shukla-Dave A, Sigmund E, Tanenbaum L, Thoeny H, Thomassin-Naggara I, Barbieri S, Corcuera-Solano I, Orton M, Partridge SC, Koh DM.
Diffusion-weighted imaging outside the brain: Consensus statement from an ISMRM-sponsored workshop.
Taouli B, Beer AJ, Chenevert T, Collins D, Lehman C, Matos C, Padhani AR, Rosenkrantz AB, Shukla-Dave A, Sigmund E, Tanenbaum L, Thoeny H, Thomassin-Naggara I, Barbieri S, Corcuera-Solano I, Orton M, Partridge SC, Koh DM.
High signal intensity in dentate nucleus and globus pallidus on unenhanced T1-weighted MR images in three patients with impaired renal function and vascular calcification.
Barbieri S, Schroeder C, Froehlich JM, Pasch A, Thoeny HC
High signal intensity in dentate nucleus and globus pallidus on unenhanced T1-weighted MR images in three patients with impaired renal function and vascular calcification.
Barbieri S, Schroeder C, Froehlich JM, Pasch A, Harriet Thoeny
Impact of the calculation algorithm on biexponential fitting of diffusion-weighted MRI in upper abdominal organs.
Barbieri S, Donati OF, Froehlich JM, Thoeny HC.
Evaluation of the Modern Luque Trolley Construct for Treatment of Early Onset Scoliosis Using a Gliding Implant in an Immature Animal Model
Ouellet, Jean A; Ferland, Catherine E; Racloz, Guillaume; Klein, Karina; H. Richter; Steffen, Thomas; von Rechenberg, Brigitte
Impact of the Calculation Algorithm on Biexponential Fitting of Diffusion-Weighted MRI in Upper Abdominal Organs
Sebastiano Barbieri, Olivio F. Donati, Johannes M. Froehlich, Harriet C. Thoeny
Non-invasive off-resonance gradient-free positive contrast flow-imaging using extraneous paramagnetic biomarker-induced spin-labeling
JAM Bastiaansen, H Feliciano, AJ Coristine, JB Ledoux, D Bonvin, M Mionic H Hofmann, M Stuber
| | | | | | | MIXSEL2 |
Carrier-envelope offset stabilized ultrafast diode-pumped solid-state lasers
Carrier-envelope offset stabilized ultrafast diode-pumped solid-state lasers
Characterizing the Carrier-Envelop Offset in an Optical Frequency Comb without Direct Detection
Characterizing the Carrier-Envelop Offset in an Optical Frequency Comb without Direct Detection
Characterizing the carrier-envelope offset in an optical frequency comb without traditional f-to-2f interferometry
Characterizing the carrier-envelope offset in an optical frequency comb without traditional f-to-2f interferometry
Dual-comb modelocked lasers: semiconductor saturable absorber mirror decouples noise stabilization
S.M. Link, A. Klenner, U. Keller
Dual-comb modelocked lasers: semiconductor saturable absorber mirror decouples noise stabilization
S.M. Link, A. Klenner, U. Keller
First Investigation of the Noise and Modulation Properties of the Carrier Envelope Offset Frequency in a Modelocked Semiconductor Laser
First Investigation of the Noise and Modulation Properties of the Carrier Envelope Offset Frequency in a Modelocked Semiconductor Laser
First Investigation of the Noise and Modulation Properties of the Carrier Envelope Offset in a Modelocked Semiconductor Laser
First Investigation of the Noise and Modulation Properties of the Carrier Envelope Offset in a Modelocked Semiconductor Laser
Gigahertz dual-comb modelocked diode-pumped semiconductor and solid-state lasers
S.M. Link, M. Mangold, M. Golling, A. Klenner, U. Keller
Gigahertz dual-comb modelocked diode-pumped semiconductor and solid-state lasers
S.M. Link, M. Mangold, M. Golling, A. Klenner, U. Keller
Gigahertz frequency comb offset stabilization based on supercontinuum generation in silicon nitride waveguides
A. Klenner, A.S. Mayer, A.R. Johnson, K. Luke, M.R.E. Lamont, Y. Okawachi, M. Lipson, A.L. Gaeta, U. Keller
Gigahertz frequency comb offset stabilization based on supercontinuum generation in silicon nitride waveguides
A. Klenner, A.S. Mayer, A.R. Johnson, K. Luke, M.R.E. Lamont, Y. Okawachi, M. Lipson, A.L. Gaeta, U. Keller
High Power Yb:YAG Waveguide Amplification of a Femtosecond Semiconductor Disk Laser
High Power Yb:YAG Waveguide Amplification of a Femtosecond Semiconductor Disk Laser
High-power sub-150-fs VECSELs
D. Waldburger, C.G.E. Alfieri, S.M. Link, E. Gini, M. Golling, M. Mangold, B.W. Tilma, U. Keller
High-power sub-150-fs VECSELs
D. Waldburger, C.G.E. Alfieri, S.M. Link, E. Gini, M. Golling, M. Mangold, B.W. Tilma, U. Keller
Recent advances in ultrafast semiconductor disk lasers
B. W. Tilma, M. Mangold, C. A. Zaugg, S. M. Link, D. Waldburger, A. Klenner, A. S. Mayer, E. Gini, M. Golling, U. Keller
Recent advances in ultrafast semiconductor disk lasers
B. W. Tilma, M. Mangold, C. A. Zaugg, S. M. Link, D. Waldburger, A. Klenner, A. S. Mayer, E. Gini, M. Golling, U. Keller
Recent progress in high-power ultrafast MIXSELs
C.G.E. Alfieri, D. Waldburger, S.M. Link, E. Gini, M. Golling, B.W. Tilma, M. Mangold, U. Keller
Recent progress in high-power ultrafast MIXSELs
C.G.E. Alfieri, D. Waldburger, S.M. Link, E. Gini, M. Golling, B.W. Tilma, M. Mangold, U. Keller
Sub-300-femtosecond operation from a MIXSEL
Sub-300-femtosecond operation from a MIXSEL
Carrier-envelope-offset frequency detection of an ultrafast VECSEL
M. Mangold, C.A. Zaugg, A. Klenner, A.S. Mayer, S.M. Link, F.M. Emaury, M. Golling, E. Gini, C.J. Saraceno, B.W. Tilma, U. Keller
Dual-comb MIXSEL
S.M. Link, C.A. Zaugg, A. Klenner, M. Mangold, M. Golling, B.W. Tilma, U. Keller
Dual-comb modelocked laser
S. M. Link, A. Klenner, M. Mangold, C. A. Zaugg, M. Golling, B. W. Tilma, U. Keller
Dual-comb modelocked lasers
Frequency comb offset detection using supercontinuum generation in silicon nitride waveguides
A. S. Mayer, A. Klenner, A. R. Johnson, K. Luke, M. R. E. Lamont, Y. Okawachi, M. Lipson, A. L. Gaeta, U. Keller
Sub-300-femtosecond Semiconductor Disk Lasers
Absorber and gain chip optimization to improve performance from a passively modelocked electrically pumped vertical external cavity surface emitting laser
C. A. Zaugg, S. Gronenborn, H. Moench, M. Mangold, M. Miller, U. Weichmann, W. P. Pallmann, M. Golling, B. W. Tilma and U. Keller
Amplitude Noise and Timing Jitter Characterization of a High-Power Mode-Locked Integrated External-Cavity Surface Emitting Laser
Gigahertz Self-referenceable Frequency Comb from a Semiconductor Disk Laser
High pulse repetition rate and low noise MIXSEL
M. Mangold, S. M. Link, C. A. Zaugg, A. Klenner, A. S. Mayer, M. Golling, B. W. Tilma, U. Keller
Pulse repetition rate scaling from 5 to 100 GHz with a high-power semiconductor disk laser
Recent advances in ultrafast MIXSELs
M. Mangold, C. A. Zaugg, S. M. Link, A. Klenner, M. Golling, B. W. Tilma, U. Keller
Record Low Timing Jitter of a Free-Running High-Power MIXSEL
M. Mangold, S. M. Link, V. J. Wittwer, A. Klenner, M. Golling, B. W. Tilma, U. Keller
SESAM and Gain Chip Optimization Leading to a Record Performance of an Ultrafast Electrically Pumped VECSEL
C.A. Zaugg, S. Gronenborn, H. Moench, M. Mangold, M. Miller, U. Weichmann, W.P. Pallmann, M. Golling, B.W. Tilma, and U. Keller
SESAM-modelocked electrically pumped VECSELs emitting 6.3-ps pulses
C. A. Zaugg, W. P. Pallmann, M. Mangold, I. Dahhan, M. Golling, B. W. Tilma, B. Witzigmann, U. Keller
Sub-10-Picosecond Pulses from a Passively Modelocked Electrically Pumped VECSEL
B. W. Tilma, W. P. Pallmann, C. A. Zaugg, M. Golling, U. Keller
A MIXSEL setting performance records
M. Mangold, C. A. Zaugg, V. J. Wittwer, S. M. Link, M. Golling, B. W. Tilma, U. Keller
Femtosecond pulses from a modelocked integrated external-cavity surface emitting laser (MIXSEL)
M. Mangold, V. J. Wittwer, C. A. Zaugg, S. M. Link, M. Golling, B. W. Tilma, and U. Keller
High power ultrafast VECSELs and MIXSELs
B.W. Tilma, C.A. Zaugg, M. Mangold, S.M. Link, A. Klenner, M. Golling, U. Keller
| | | | | NewbornCare | |
2015 3DTV-Conference: The True Vision-Capture, Transmission and Display of 3D Video
Y. Schoenenberger, J. Paratte, P. Vandergheynst
A multimodal approach to reduce false arrhythmia alarms in the intensive care unit
Sibylle Fallet, Sasan Yazdani, Jean-Marc Vesin
Adaptive frequency tracking for robust heart rate estimation using wrist-type photoplethysmographic signals during physical exercise
Sibylle Fallet, Jean-Marc Vesin
Graph-based denoising for time-varying point clouds
Y. Schoenenberger, J. Paratte, P. Vandergheynst
| | | | | | | ObeSense |
Actively Learning Hemimetrics with Applications to Eliciting User Preferences
Adish Singla, Sebastian Tschiatschek, Andreas Krause
Assessing spatial and temporal variability of air quality at the city scale using building-resolving dispersion modelling
A. Berchet, K. Zink, D. Brunner, L. Emmenegger
Classification Framework for Analysis and Modeling of Physically Induced Reliability Violations
Comparison of tissue oximeters on a liquid phantom with adjustable optical properties
S. Kleiser, N. Nasseri, B. Andresen, G. Greisen, and M. Wolf
Crowd Access Path Optimization: Diversity Matters
B. Nushi, A. Singla, A. Gruenheid, E. Zamanian, A. Krause, D. Kossmann
Efficient Hardware Design of Iterative Stencil Loops
Vincenzo Rana, Ivan Beretta, Francesco Bruschi, Alessandro A. Nacci, David Atienza and Donatella Sciuto
Estimating the real-time respiratory rate from the ECG with a bank of notch filters
L. Mirmohamadsadeghi, J.-M. Vesin
Extracting atrial activations from intracardiac signals during atrial fibrillation using adaptive mathematical morphology
S. Yazdani, A. Buttu,E. Pruvot, J.M. Vesin, P. Pascale
Extraction of QRS Fiducial Points from the ECG Using Adaptive Mathematical Morphology
False arrhythmia alarms reduction in the intensive care unit: a multimodal approach
S. Fallet, S. Yazdani, J.-M. Vesin
GRAMM/GRAL: computing air quality maps at the urban scale
K. Zink, A. Berchet, D. Brunner, J. Brunner, L. Emmenegger
In vivo evaluation of a novel, wrist-mounted arterial pressure sensing device versus the traditional hand-held tonometer
Vardoulis, Orestis; Saponas, T. Scott; Morris, Dan; Villar, Nicolas; Smith, Greg; Patel, Shwetak; Tan, Desney
Incentives for Effort in Crowdsourcing using the Peer Truth Serum
G. Radanovic, Boi Faltings, R. Jurca
Limiting the influence of low quality information in community sensing
Radanovic, G. and Boi Faltings
Monitoring of Pulmonary Artery Pressure at the Bedside
Noisy Submodular Maximization via Adaptive Sampling with Applications to Crowdsourced Image Collection Summarization
Adish Singla, Sebastian Tschiatschek, Andreas Krause
Non-invasive monitoring of pulmonary artery pressure from timing information by EIT: experimental evaluation during induced hypoxia
Operation of a low-cost NO2/O3 sensor network in Zurich: Performance and applications
Mueller, M.D., Ch. Hueglin
Query Rewriting in RDF Stream Processing.
J.-P. Calbimonte, J. Mora and O. Corcho
Real-Time Multi-Signal Frequency Tracking with a Bank of Notch Filters to Estimate the Respiratory Rate from the ECG
L. Mirmohamadsadeghi, J.-M. Vesin
RSP-QL Semantics: a Unifying Query Model to Explain Heterogeneity of RDF Stream Processing Systems
D. DellAglio, E. Della Valle, J.-P. Calbimonte, O. Corcho
Statistical modelling of particle number concentration in Zurich at high spatio-temporal resolution utilizing data from a mobile sensor network
Mueller, M. D., D. Hasenfratz, O. Saukh, M. Fierz, C. Hueglin
Stroke Volume measured via electrical impedance tomography (EIT): a simulation-based feasability study
Touch-Based System for Beat-to-Beat Impedance Cardiogram Acquisition and Hemodynamic Parameters Estimation
Dionisije Sopic, Srinivasan Murali, Francisco Rincon, David Atienza
Toward Semantic Sensor Data Archives on the Web
J.-P. Calbimonte and Karl Aberer
Towards a Unified Language for RDF Stream Query Processing
D. DellAglio, E. Della Valle, J.-P. Calbimonte, O. Corcho
Towards an integrated system for high resolution air quality modelling at the urban scale
K. Zink, A. Berchet, D. Brunner, L. Emmenegger
A Multimodal Approach to Reduce False Arrhythmia Alarms in the Intensive Care Unit
S. Fallet, S. Yazdani, J.-M. Vesin
4D Heart Model Helps Unveiling Contributors to Cardiac EIT Signal
Aortic blood pressure measured via EIT: investigation of different measurement settings
Cooperative dry-electrode sensors for multi-lead biopotential and bioimpedance monitoring
Cooperative sensors: a new approach towards wearable EIT systems
Design of ultra-low-power smart wearable systems
G Surrel, F Rincon, S Murali, D Atienza
Distinguishability as a noise performance metric for EIT algorithms
Energy-Aware Embedded Classifier Design for Real-Time Emotion Analysis
M Padmanabhan, FJ Rincon Vallejos, S Murali, D Atienza Alonso
Estimation of Blood Pressure and Pulse Transit Time Using Your Smartphone
A Dias Junior, FJ Rincon Vallejos, S Murali, D Atienza Alonso
Feasibility of EIT-based pulmonary arterial pressure monitoring
Influence of heart motion on cardiac output estimation by means of electrical impedance tomography: a case study
Real-Time Probabilistic Heart-Beat Classification and Correction for Embedded Systems
G Surrel, F Rincon, S Murali, D Atienza
Single breath-hold 3D measurement of left atrial volume using compressed sensing cardiovascular magnetic resonance and a non-model-based reconstruction approach
Vardoulis, Orestis; Monney, Pierre; Bermano, Amit; Vaxman, Amir; Gotsman, Craig; Schwitter, Janine; Stuber, Matthias; Stergiopulos, Nikolaos; Schwitter, Juerg
Adaptive Mathematical Morphology for QRS Fiducial Points Detection in the ECG
Cardiac output measured by electrical impedance tomography: Applications and limitations
Comparing belt positions for monitoring the descending aorta by EIT
Discarding the Direct Component in Electrical Impedance Tomography
First in vivo application and evaluation of a novel method for non-invasive estimation of cardiac output
Papaioannou, Theodore G.; Soulis, Dimitrios; Vardoulis, Orestis; Protogerou, Athanase; Sfikakis, Petros P.; Stergiopulos, Nikolaos; Stefanadis, Christodoulos
Hardware/Software Approach for Code Synchronization in Low-Power Multi-Core Sensor Nodes.
R. Braojos Lopez, I. Beretta, G. Ansaloni and D. Atienza
Influence of heart motion on EIT-based stroke volume estimation
Non-invasive and non-occlusive blood pressure estimation via a chest sensor
Respiratory rate estimation from multi-lead ECGs using an adaptive frequency tracking algorithm
L. Mirmohamadsadeghi, J.-M. Vesin
Respiratory rate simultaneous estimation from two ECG-derived respiratory waveforms using an adaptive frequency tracking algorithm
Leila Mirmohamadsadeghi, Jean-Marc Vesin
Sleep apnea detection using features from the respiration and the ECG recorded with smart-shirts
L. Mirmohamadsadeghi, S. Fallet, A. Buttu, J. Saugy, T. Rupp, R. Heinzer, J.-M. Vesin, G. P. Millet
The Respiration Pattern as an Indicator of the Anaerobic Threshold
Ultra-Low Power Design of Wearable Cardiac Monitoring Systems.
R. Braojos Lopez, H. Mamaghanian, R. Vallejos, F. Javier, A. Dias Junior, G. Ansaloni, S. Murali and D. Atienza
Understanding the Genesis of Cardiac Signals in Electrical Impedance Tomography
Validation of Algorithms for the Estimation of Pulse Transit Time: Where do We Stand Today?
Papaioannou, Theodoros G.; Vardoulis, Orestis; Stergiopulos, Nikolaos
Investigation on the Origin of Cardiogenic Activity in Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT)
Long-Term Validation of a Blood Pressure Sensor at the Chest
Respiratory rate estimation from the ECG using an adaptive frequency tracking algorithm
Leila Mirmohamadsadeghi, Jean-Marc Vesin
Validation of a novel and existing algorithms for the estimation of pulse transit time: advancing the accuracy in pulse wave velocity measurement
Vardoulis, Orestis; Papaioannou, Theodore G.; Stergiopulos, Nikolaos
Wearable PWV technologies to measure Blood Pressure : eliminating brachial cuffs
Generic and patient-specific models of the arterial tree
Reymond, Philippe; Vardoulis, Orestis; Stergiopulos, Nikos
On the Estimation of Total Arterial Compliance from Aortic Pulse Wave Velocity
O. Vardoulis, T. G. Papaioannou and N. Stergiopulos
The "systolic volume balance" method for the noninvasive estimation of cardiac output based on pressure wave analysis
T. G. Papaioannou, O. Vardoulis and N. Stergiopulos
| | | | OpenSense2 |
Actively Learning Hemimetrics with Applications to Eliciting User Preferences
Adish Singla, Sebastian Tschiatschek, Andreas Krause
Assessing spatial and temporal variability of air quality at the city scale using building-resolving dispersion modelling
A. Berchet, K. Zink, D. Brunner, L. Emmenegger
Crowd Access Path Optimization: Diversity Matters
B. Nushi, A. Singla, A. Gruenheid, E. Zamanian, A. Krause, D. Kossmann
Enhancing Measurement Quality through Active Sampling in Mobile Air Quality Monitoring Sensor Networks
A. Arfire, A. Marjovi, A. Martinoli
GRAMM/GRAL: computing air quality maps at the urban scale
K. Zink, A. Berchet, D. Brunner, J. Brunner, L. Emmenegger
Incentives for effort in crowdsourcing using the peer truth serum
Radanovic G., Faltings B., and Jurca R.
Limiting the influence of low quality information in community sensing
Radanovic, G. and Faltings, B.
Mitigating Slow Dynamics of Low-Cost Chemical Sensors for Mobile Air Quality Monitoring Sensor Networks
A. Arfire, A Marjovi, A Martinoli
Model-based rendezvous calibration of mobile sensor networks for monitoring air quality
A. Arfire, A Marjovi, A Martinoli
Noisy Submodular Maximization via Adaptive Sampling with Applications to Crowdsourced Image Collection Summarization
Adish Singla, Sebastian Tschiatschek, Andreas Krause
Operation of a low-cost NO2/O3 sensor network in Zurich: Performance and applications
Mueller, M.D., Ch. Hueglin
Pre-Deployment Testing, Augmentation and Calibration of Cross-Sensitive Sensors
B. Maag, O. Saukh, D. Hasenfratz, L. Thiele
Query Rewriting in RDF Stream Processing.
J.-P. Calbimonte, J. Mora and O. Corcho
Reactive Processing of RDF Streams of Events
J.-P. Calbimonte and K. Aberer
RSP-QL Semantics: a Unifying Query Model to Explain Heterogeneity of RDF Stream Processing Systems
Semantic Data Layers in Air Quality Monitoring for Smarter Cities
J.-P. Calbimonte, J. Eberle and K. Aberer
SigCO: Mining Significant Correlations via a Distributed Real-time Computation Engine
T. Guo, J.-P. Calbimonte, H. Zhuang and K. Aberer.
Statistical modelling of particle number concentration in Zurich at high spatio-temporal resolution utilizing data from a mobile sensor network
Mueller, M. D., D. Hasenfratz, O. Saukh, M. Fierz, C. Hueglin
Toward Semantic Sensor Data Archives on the Web
J.-P. Calbimonte and Karl Aberer
Towards a Unified Language for RDF Stream Query Processing
Towards an integrated system for high resolution air quality modelling at the urban scale
K. Zink, A. Berchet, D. Brunner, L. Emmenegger
High Resolution Air Pollution Maps in Urban Environments Using Mobile Sensor Networks
A. Marjovi, A. Arfire, A. Martinoli
Incentive Schemes for Participatory Sensing
Radanovic, G. and Faltings, B.
Incentives for Subjective Evaluations with Private Beliefs
Radanovic, G. and Faltings, B.
Incentivizing Users for Balancing Bike Sharing Systems
Adish Singla, Marco Santoni, Gabor Bartok, Pratik Mukerji, Moritz Meenen, Andreas Krause
Online Unsupervised State Recognition in Sensor Data
Julien Eberle, Tri Kurniawan Wijaya, and Karl Aberer
Reducing Multi-Hop Calibration Errors in Mobile Sensor Network
O. Saukh, D. Hasenfratz, L. Thiele
Two-week NO2 maps for the City of Zurich, Switzerland, derived by statistical modelling utilizing data from a routine passive diffusion sampler network
Mueller, M. D., M. Wagner, I. Barmpadimos, and C. Hueglin
A model-based back-end for air quality data management.
E. C. Un, J. Eberle, Y. Kim and K. Aberer.
Deriving High-Resolution Urban Air Pollution Maps Using Mobile Sensor Nodes
D. Hasenfratz, O. Saukh, C. Walser, C. Hueglin, M. Fierz, T. Arn, J. Beutel, and L. Thiele
Energy-Efficient Opportunistic Collaborative Sensing
J. Eberle, Z. Yan and K. Aberer
Incentives for Truthful Information Elicitation of Continuous Signals
G. Radanovic and B. Faltings
Mechanism Design for Crowdsourcing Markets with Heterogeneous Tasks
Gagan Goel, Afshin Nikzad, Adish Singla
Model-View Sensor Data Management in the Cloud
T. Guo, T. G. Papaioannou and K. Aberer
Near-Optimally Teaching the Crowd to Classify
Pattern-wise trust assessment of sensor data.
R. Gwadera, M. Riahi and K. Aberer.
Pushing the Spatio-Temporal Resolution Limit of Urban Air Pollution Maps
David Hasenfratz, Olga Saukh, Christoph Walser, Christoph Hueglin, Martin Fierz, and Lothar Thiele
Semantic and Sensitivity Aware Location-Privacy Protection for the Internet of Things
Berker Agir, Jean-Paul Calbimonte and Karl Aberer
Short-term Effects of Particulate Matters on Blood Pressure in the Swiss Population-based Bus Sante and Colaus Studies
D.-H. Tsai, I. Guessous, M. Riedkier, F. Paccaud, J.-M. Gaspoz, J.-M. Theler, G. Waeber, P. Vollenweider, M. Bochud
A model-based back-end for air quality data management.
E. C. Un, J. Eberle, Y. Kim and K. Aberer.
Incentives for Privacy Tradeoff in Community Sensing
Adish Singla, Andreas Krause
Mobile observatory: an exploratory study of mobile air quality monitoring application
Y. Kim, J. Eberle, R. Hanninen, E. C. Un and K. Aberer.
Spatially Resolved Monitoring of Radio-Frequency Electromagnetic Fields
David Hasenfratz, Silvan Stuerzenegger, Olga Saukh, and Lothar Thiele
User-side adaptive protection of location privacy in participatory sensing
B. Agir, T. G. Papaioannou, R. Narendula, K. Aberer and J.-P. Hubaux.
| | | | | PATLiSci2 |
Fast diagnostics of BRAF mutations in biopsies from malignant melanoma
Fast diagnostics of BRAF mutations in biopsies from malignant melanoma
Piezoresistive membrane surface stress sensors for characterization of breath samples of head & neck cancer patients
Piezoresistive membrane surface stress sensors for characterization of breath samples of head & neck cancer patients
Surface plasmon resonance methodology for monitoring polymerization kinetics and morphology changes of brushes—evaluated with poly (N-isopropylacrylamide)
Emilsson, G., Schoch, R. L., Oertle, P., Xiong, K., Lim, Roderick Y., & Dahlin, A. B.
The Nanomechanical Signature of Tissues in Health and Disease
Asgeirsson, D. O., Oertle, P., Loparic, M., & Plodinec, M.
Nanomechanical Characterization of Living Mammary Tissues by Atomic Force Microscopy
Marija Plodinec and Roderick Y.H. Lim
Nanosensors for Cancer Detection
| | | | | | | SHINE |
A self-assembled, multicomponent water oxidation device
A self-assembled, multicomponent water oxidation device
Advanced and In Situ Analytical Methods for Solar Fuel Materials
Candace K. Chan, Harun Hueysuez in: Candace K. Chan, Harun Tuysuz, A. Braun, Chinmoy Ranjan, Fabio La Mantia, Benjamin K. Miller, Liuxian Zhang, Peter A. Crozier, Joel A. Haber, John M. Gregoire, Hyun S. Park, Adam S. Batchellor, Lena Trotochaud, Shannon W. Boettcher
Advanced and In Situ Analytical Methods for Solar Fuel Materials
Candace K. Chan, Harun Hueysuez in: Candace K. Chan, Harun Tuysuz, Artur Braun, Chinmoy Ranjan, Fabio La Mantia, Benjamin K. Miller, Liuxian Zhang, Peter A. Crozier, Joel A. Haber, John M. Gregoire, Hyun S. Park, Adam S. Batchellor, Lena Trotochaud, Shannon W. Boettcher
Design and Implementation of Solar-Driven Water-Splitting Devices
Adam Weber, Chengxiang Xiang, Miguel Modestino, Shane Ardo, Sophia Haussener, Kate Fountain, John Stevens, Meenesh Singh, Katie Chen, Shu Hu, Matthew Shaner
Design and Implementation of Solar-Driven Water-Splitting Devices
Adam Weber, Chengxiang Xiang, Miguel Modestino, Shane Ardo, Sophia Haussener, Kate Fountain, John Stevens, Meenesh Singh, Katie Chen, Shu Hu, Matthew Shaner
Design guidelines for concentrated photo-electrochemical water splitting devices based on energy and greenhouse gas yield ratios
M. Dumortier; S. Haussener
Design guidelines for concentrated photo-electrochemical water splitting devices based on energy and greenhouse gas yield ratios
M. Dumortier; S. Haussener
Facile Nonpolar Organic Solution-Process to Nanostructure Hematite Photoanode with High Efficiency and Stability for Water Splitting
J.-J. Wang, Y. Hu, R. Toth, G. Fortunato, A. Braun
Facile Nonpolar Organic Solution-Process to Nanostructure Hematite Photoanode with High Efficiency and Stability for Water Splitting
J.-J. Wang, Y. Hu, R. Toth, G. Fortunato, Artur Braun
For nature is not in a hurry and mankind is
A. Braun, N. Gaillard, E.L. Miller, H. Wang
For nature is not in a hurry and mankind is
Artur Braun, N. Gaillard, E.L. Miller, H. Wang
Holistic design guidelines for solar hydrogen production by photo-electrochemical routes
M. Dumortier; S. Tembhurne; S. Haussener
Holistic design guidelines for solar hydrogen production by photo-electrochemical routes
M. Dumortier; S. Tembhurne; S. Haussener
Hollow Mesoporous Plasmonic Nanoshells for Enhanced Solar Vapor Generation
Marcin S. Zielinski, Jae-Woo Choi, Thomas La Grange, Miguel A. Modestino, S. Mohammad H. Hashemi, Ye Pu, Susanne Birkhold, Jeffrey A. Hubbell and Demetri Psaltis
Hollow Mesoporous Plasmonic Nanoshells for Enhanced Solar Vapor Generation
Marcin S. Zielinski, Jae-Woo Choi, Thomas La Grange, Miguel A. Modestino, S. Mohammad H. Hashemi, Ye Pu, Susanne Birkhold, Jeffrey A. Hubbell and Demetri Psaltis
Influence of anodization time on surface modifications on α-Fe2O3 photoanode upon anodization
K. Maabong, Y. Hu, A. Braun, A. Machatine, M. Diale
Influence of anodization time on surface modifications on ?-Fe2O3 photoanode upon anodization
K. Maabong, Y. Hu, Artur Braun, A. Machatine, M. Diale
International Exploratory Workshop on Catalysis, Photoelectrochemistry and X-ray spectroscopy for Renewable Energy
A. Braun, M. Diale, T. Huthwelker, J.A. van Bokhoven
International Exploratory Workshop on Catalysis, Photoelectrochemistry and X-ray spectroscopy for Renewable Energy
Artur Braun, M. Diale, T. Huthwelker, J.A. van Bokhoven
Mass transport aspects of electrochemical solar hydrogen generation
Miguel A. Modestino, S. Mohammad H. Hashemi, Sophia Haussener
Mass transport aspects of electrochemical solar hydrogen generation
Miguel A. Modestino, S. Mohammad H. Hashemi, Sophia Haussener
Molecular Origin and Electrochemical Influence of Capacitive Surface States on Iron Oxide Photoanodes
Y. Hu, Florent Boudoire, Iris Herrmann-Geppert, Peter Bogdanoff, George Tsekouras, Bongjin Simon Mun, Giuseppino Fortunato, Michael Graetzel, A. Braun
Molecular Origin and Electrochemical Influence of Capacitive Surface States on Iron Oxide Photoanodes
Yelin Hu, Florent Boudoire, Iris Herrmann-Geppert, Peter Bogdanoff, George Tsekouras, Bongjin Simon Mun, Giuseppino Fortunato, Michael Graetzel, Artur Braun
Morphology, structural and optical properties of iron oxide thin film photoanodes in photoelectrochemical cell: effect of electrochemical oxidation
K. Maabong, A. Machatine; Y. Hu; A. Braun; F.-J. Nambala; M. Diale
Morphology, structural and optical properties of iron oxide thin film photoanodes in photoelectrochemical cell: effect of electrochemical oxidation
K. Maabong, A. Machatine; Y. Hu; Artur Braun; F.-J. Nambala; M. Diale
Safe And Decentralised Hydrogen Fuel Production And Storage For Residential Building And Mobility Applications
A. Braun, Mmantsae M. Diale, Kelebogile D. Maabong, Rita Toth,
Safe And Decentralised Hydrogen Fuel Production And Storage For Residential Building And Mobility Applications
Artur Braun, Mmantsae M. Diale, Kelebogile D. Maabong, Rita Toth,
The electronic, chemical and electrocatalytic processes and intermediates on iron oxide surfaces during photoelectrochemical water splitting,
A. Braun, Y. Hu, F. Boudoire, D. K. Bora, DD Sarma, M. Graetzel, C. M. Eggleston
The electronic, chemical and electrocatalytic processes and intermediates on iron oxide surfaces during photoelectrochemical water splitting,
Artur Braun, Y. Hu, F. Boudoire, D. K. Bora, DD Sarma, M. Graetzel, C. M. Eggleston
An integrated device view on photo-electrochemical solar-hydorgen generation
M. A. Modestino, S. Haussener
Membrane-less electrolyzer for pure hydrogen production across the whole pH range
S.M.H. Hashemi, M. A. Modestino, D. Psaltis.
Vapor-fed microfluidic hydrogen generator
M. A. Modestino, M. Dumortier, S. M. Hosseini Hashemi, S. Haussener, Christophe Moser, D. Psaltis
Demonstration and future potential of a self-tracking phase change actuator
V. Zagolla ; M. Schmidlin ; E. Tremblay ; Christophe Moser
Design and cost considerations of practical solar-hydrogen generator
C. A. Rodriguez, M. A. Modestino,D. Psaltis, Christophe Moser
Effect of Solar Thermal Energy on Photoreactions Rate
S. M. Hosseini Hashemi, J. W. Choi, D. Psaltis
Heat transfer modeling in integrated photoelectrochemical hydrogen generators using concentrated irradiation
S. Tembhurne, M. Dumortier, S. Haussener
Proof of principle demonstration of a self-tracking concentrator
Volker Zagolla, Eric Tremblay, and Christophe Moser
Self-tracking solar concentrator with an acceptance angle of 32°
Solar photoelectrochemical water splitting with bio-conjugate and bio - hybrid electrodes
D. K. Bora, A. Braun and K. Gajda-Schrantz
Solar thermal harvesting for enhanced photocatalytic reactions
S. M. Hosseini Hashemi, J. W. Choi, D. Psaltis
Thin-film silicon triple-junction solar cells for hydrogen production
Proof-of concept for a self-tracking solar concentrator
V. Zagolla, E. Tremblay, and Christophe Moser
| | | | | SmartGrid |
An Event-driven Low Power Electronics for Loads Metering and Control in Smart Buildings
Gilbert Conus, G. Lilis, Nastaran Asadi Zanjani and Maher Kayal
An Event-driven Low Power Electronics for Loads Metering and Control in Smart Buildings
Gilbert Conus, G. Lilis, Nastaran Asadi Zanjani and Maher Kayal
Building Virtualization Engine: a Novel Approach Based on Discrete Event Simulation
G. Lilis, Olivier Van Cutsem and Maher Kayal
Building Virtualization Engine: a Novel Approach Based on Discrete Event Simulation
G. Lilis, Olivier Van Cutsem and Maher Kayal
Cyber-attack on Packet-Based Time Synchronization Protocols: the Undetectable Delay Box
S. Barreto Andrade, A. Suresh and J.-Y. Le Boudec
Cyber-attack on Packet-Based Time Synchronization Protocols: the Undetectable Delay Box
S. Barreto Andrade, A. Suresh and J.-Y. Le Boudec
Event-driven Human Based Evolutionary Knowledge Base for Smart Buildings
Nastaran Asadi Zanjani, Johann Bigler and Maher Kayal
Event-driven Human Based Evolutionary Knowledge Base for Smart Buildings
Nastaran Asadi Zanjani, Johann Bigler and Maher Kayal
Fault Detection and Faulted Line Identification in Active Distribution Networks using Synchrophasors-based Real-Time State Estimation
M. Pignati, L. Zanni, P. Romano, R. Cherkaoui, M. Paolone
Fault Detection and Faulted Line Identification in Active Distribution Networks using Synchrophasors-based Real-Time State Estimation
M. Pignati, L. Zanni, P. Romano, R. Cherkaoui, M. Paolone
GeoAware : A Hybrid Indoor and Outdoor Localization Agent for Smart Buildings
G. Lilis, A. Hoffet, and M. Kayal
GeoAware : A Hybrid Indoor and Outdoor Localization Agent for Smart Buildings
G. Lilis, A. Hoffet, and M. Kayal
Hardware-in-the-loop Validation of the Grid Explicit Congestion Notification Mechanism for Primary Voltage Control in Active Distribution Networks
K. Christakou, M. Pignati, R. Rudnik, S. Sarri, J.-Y. Le Boudec, M Paolone
Hardware-in-the-loop Validation of the Grid Explicit Congestion Notification Mechanism for Primary Voltage Control in Active Distribution Networks
K. Christakou, M. Pignati, R. Rudnik, S. Sarri, J.-Y. Le Boudec, M Paolone
iPRP - the Parallel Redundancy Protocol for IP Networks: Protocol Design and Operation
M. Popovic, M. M. Maaz, D.-C. Tomozei and J.-Y. Le Boudec
iPRP - the Parallel Redundancy Protocol for IP Networks: Protocol Design and Operation
M. Popovic, M. M. Maaz, D.-C. Tomozei and J.-Y. Le Boudec
JouleSense: A simulation based platform for proactive feedback on building occupants’ energy use
G. Lilis, S. Bansal, and M. Kayal
JouleSense: A simulation based platform for proactive feedback on building occupants’ energy use
G. Lilis, S. Bansal, and M. Kayal
Performance Assessment of Linear State Estimators Using Synchrophasor Measurements
Styliani Sarri, Lorenzo Zanni, Miroslav Popovic,Jean-Yves Le Boudec, and Mario Paolone
Performance Assessment of Linear State Estimators Using Synchrophasor Measurements
Styliani Sarri, Lorenzo Zanni, Miroslav Popovic,Jean-Yves Le Boudec, and Mario Paolone
A Distributed , Event-driven Building Management Platform on Web Technologies
G. Lilis, G. Conus, N. Asadi, and M. Kayal,
A hardware-in-the-loop test platform for the performance assessment of a PMU-based real-time state estimator
S. Sarri, M. Pignati, P. Romano, L. Zanni, M. Paolone
AC OPF in Radial Distribution Networks - Parts I,II
Architecture and Characterization of a Calibrator for PMUs Operating in Power Distribution Systems
D. Colangelo, L. Zanni, M. Pignati, P. Romano, M. Paolone, J.-P. Braun, and L.-G. Bernier
Enabling Resilient Smart Grid Communication over the Information-Centric C-DAX Middleware
M. Hoefling, F. Heimgaertner, M. Menth, K. V. Katsaros, P. Romano, L. Zanni, and G. Kamel
Energy Book for Buildings Occupants Incorporation in energy efficiency of buildings
N. A. Zanjani, G. Lilis, G. Conus, and M. Kayal
Impact of Synchrophasor Measurement Types and Uncertainties on the Accuracy of Distribution System Linear State Estimators
L. Zanni, D. Colangelo, R. Cherkaoui, and M. Paolone
Integrating building automation technologies with smart cities. An assessment study of past, current and future interoperable technologies
G. Lilis, G. Conus, N. Asadi, and M. Kayal,
Integration of an IEEE Std. C37.118 Compliant PMU into a Real-Time Simulator
P. Romano, M. Pignati and M. Paolone
iPRP: Parallel Redundancy Protocol for IP Networks
M. Popovic, M. M. Maaz, D.-C. Tomozei and J.-Y. Le Boudec
Power Flow Method Using a Dedicated Mixed-Signal Hardware Platform
G. Lanz, Theodoros Kyriakidis, Rachid Cherkaoui, Maher Kayal
Real-Time State Estimation of the EPFL-Campus Medium-Voltage Grid by Using PMUs
M. Pignati, M. Popovic, S. Barreto, R. Cherkaoui, G. D. Flores, J.-Y. Le Boudec, M. Mohiuddin, M. Paolone, P. Romano, S. Sarri, T. Tesfay, D.-C. Tomozei, L. Zanni
Transient Stability Analysis of Series Unbalanced
G. Lanz, Theodoros Kyriakidis, Rachid Cherkaoui, Maher Kayal
A Pre-Estimation Filtering Process of Bad Data for Linear Power Systems State Estimators using PMUs
Pignati M., Zanni L., Sarri S., Cherkaoui R., Le Boudec J., and Paolone M.
Cyber-secure Communication Architecture for Active Power Distribution Networks
GECN: Primary Voltage Control for Active Distribution Networks via Real-Time Demand-Response
Impact of demand-response on the efficiency and prices in real-time electricity markets
Mixed-Signal Power System Emulator Extension to Solve Unbalanced Fault Transient Stability Analysis
G. Lanz, T. Kyriakidis, R. Cherkaoui, M.Kayal
On the effect of integration algorithms on reduced accuracy computational architectures
G. Lilis, T. Kyriakidis, G. Lanz, R. Cherkaoui, M. Kayal
Optimal Generation and Storage Scheduling in the Presence of Renewable Forecast Uncertainties
Pipelined Numerical Integration on Reduced Accuracy Architectures for Power System Transient Simulations
G. Lilis, T. Kyriakidis, G. Lanz, R. Cherkaoui, M. Kayal
Primary Voltage Control in Active Distribution Networks via Broadcast Signals: The Case of Distributed Storage
Probabilistic assessment of the process-noise covariance matrix of discrete Kalman filter state estimation of active distribution networks
L. Zanni, M. Pignati, S. Sarri, R. Cherkaoui, M. Paolone
A Hardware-in-the-Loop Test Platform for the Real-Time State Estimation of Active Distribution Networks using Phasor Measurement Units
M. Paolone, M. Pignati, P. Romano, S. Sarri, L. Zanni, R. Cherkaoui
| | | | | SmartSphincter |
Artificial muscle devices: Innovations and prospects for fecal incontinence treatment
Artificial muscle devices: Innovations and prospects for fecal incontinence treatment
Biomimetic artificial sphincter muscles: status and challenges
Biomimetic artificial sphincter muscles: status and challenges
Characterization of ultraviolet light cured polydimethylsiloxane films for low-voltage, dielectric elastomer actuators
Characterization of ultraviolet light cured polydimethylsiloxane films for low-voltage, dielectric elastomer actuators
Electro-spraying and ultra-violet light curing of polydimethylsiloxane to fabricate thin films for low-voltage dielectric elastomer actuators
Electro-spraying and ultra-violet light curing of polydimethylsiloxane to fabricate thin films for low-voltage dielectric elastomer actuators
Electro-spraying nanometer-thin elastomer films for low-voltage dielectric actuators
Electro-spraying nanometer-thin elastomer films for low-voltage dielectric actuators
Molecular beam deposition of high-permittivity polydimethylsiloxane for nanometer-thin elastomer films in dielectric actuators
Molecular beam deposition of high-permittivity polydimethylsiloxane for nanometer-thin elastomer films in dielectric actuators
Morphology and conductivity of Au electrodes on polydimethylsiloxane using (3-mercaptopropyl) trimethoxysilane (MPTMS) as an adhesion promoter
Morphology and conductivity of Au electrodes on polydimethylsiloxane using (3-mercaptopropyl) trimethoxysilane (MPTMS) as an adhesion promoter
Nanomechanical characterization of polydimethylsiloxane films
Nanomechanical characterization of polydimethylsiloxane films
Nanotechnology in the treatment of incontinence
Nanotechnology in the treatment of incontinence
Stress measurements of planar dielectric elastomer actuators
Stress measurements of planar dielectric elastomer actuators
Tailoring the mass distribution and functional group density of dimethylsiloxane-based films by thermal evaporation
Tailoring the mass distribution and functional group density of dimethylsiloxane-based films by thermal evaporation
Thin film formation and morphology of electro-sprayed polydimethylsiloxane
Thin film formation and morphology of electro-sprayed polydimethylsiloxane
Viscoelastic properties of polydimethylsiloxane studied by cantilever bending
Viscoelastic properties of polydimethylsiloxane studied by cantilever bending
Micro- and nanostructured electro-active polymer actuators as smart muscles for incontinence treatment
Siloxane-based thin films for biomimetic low-voltage dielectric actuators
Strain-dependent characterization of electrode and polymer network of electrically activated polymer actuators
Impact of electrode preparation on the bending of asymmetric planar electro-active polymer microstructures
| | | | | | SpineRepair |
Bright Stretchable Alternating Current Electroluminescent Displays Based on High Permittivity Composites
Flurin Stauffer, Klas Tybrandt
Bright Stretchable Alternating Current Electroluminescent Displays Based on High Permittivity Composites
Flurin Stauffer, Klas Tybrandt
Fast and Efficient Fabrication of Intrinsically Stretchable Multilayer Circuit Boards by Wax Pattern Assisted Filtration
Klas Tybrandt, Janos Vo?ro?s
Fast and Efficient Fabrication of Intrinsically Stretchable Multilayer Circuit Boards by Wax Pattern Assisted Filtration
Klas Tybrandt, Janos Vo?ro?s
Intrinsically stretchable biphasic (solid-liquid) thin metal films
A. Hirsch, H. Michaud, A.P. Gerratt, S. de Mulatier, S.P. Lacour
Intrinsically stretchable biphasic (solid-liquid) thin metal films
A. Hirsch, H. Michaud, A.P. Gerratt, S. de Mulatier, S.P. Lacour
Mechanisms Underlying the Neuromodulation of Spinal Circuits for Correcting Gait and Balance Deficits after Spinal Cord Injury
Mechanisms Underlying the Neuromodulation of Spinal Circuits for Correcting Gait and Balance Deficits after Spinal Cord Injury
Multilayer Patterning of High Resolution Intrinsically Stretchable Electronics
Multilayer Patterning of High Resolution Intrinsically Stretchable Electronics
Klas Tybrandt, Flurin Stauffer, Janos Vo?ro?s
Spatiotemporal neuromodulation therapies engaging muscle synergies improve motor control after spinal cord injury
Spatiotemporal neuromodulation therapies engaging muscle synergies improve motor control after spinal cord injury
A Frequency-Domain Analysis of Latch Comparator Offset due to Load Capacitor Mismatch
Y. Tao, Y. Lian, A. Hierlemann
Biomaterials. Electronic dura mater for long-term multimodal neural interfaces.
Platinum-elastomer mesocomposite as neural electrode coating
Minev IR; Wenger N; Courtine G; Lacour SP
Stretchable Silver Nanowire-Elastomer Composite Microelectrodes with Tailored Electrical Properties
Flurin Stauffer, Vincent Martinez, Mohammed O. Adagunodo, Csaba Forro, Janos Voros, Alexandre Larmagnac
| |
A Computational Model for Epidural Electrical Stimulation of Spinal Sensorimotor Circuits
Capogrosso M, Wenger N, Raspopovic S, Musienko P, Beauparlant J, Bassi Luciani L, Courtine G and Micera S
A real-time platform for studying the modulatory capacity of epidural stimulation after spinal cord injury
Moraud, E.M.; Wenger, N.; Gandar, J.; DiGiovanna, J.; Musienko, P.; Courtine, G.; Micera, S.
Closed-loop neuromodulation of spinal sensorimotor circuits controls refined locomotion after complete spinal cord injury.
Wenger N*, Martin Moraud E*, Raspopovic S, Bonizzato M, DiGiovanna J, Musienko P, Morari M, Micera S* and Courtine G*
Corticospinal neuroprostheses to restore locomotion after spinal cord injury
Exchangeable Colloidal AFM Probes for the Quantification of Irreversible and Long-Term Interactions
| | | | | Synergy |
"Entropic stabilization of mixed A-cation ABX3
metal halide perovskites for high performance
perovskite solar cells"
C. Yi, J. Luo, S. Meloni, A. Boziki, N. Ashari-Astani, C. Graetzel, S. M. Zakeeruddin, U. Rothlisberger, M. Graetzel
"High efficiency stable inverted perovskite solar
cells without current hysteresis"
C.-G. Wu, C.-H. Chiang, Z.-L. Tseng, M. K. Nazeeruddin, A. Hagfeldt, M. Graetzel
"Understanding the Impact of Bromide on the Photovoltaic
Performance of CH 3 NH 3 PbI 3 Solar Cells"
M. I. Dar , M. Abdi-Jalebi , N. Arora , T. Moehl , M. Graetzel, M. K. Nazeeruddin
"Working Principles of Perovskite Photodetectors: Analyzing
the Interplay Between Photoconductivity and Voltage-
Driven Energy-Level Alignment"
K. Domanski , W. Tress , T. Moehl , M. Saliba , M. K. Nazeeruddin , M. Graetzel
A Novel Dopant-Free Triphenylamine Based Molecular "Butterfly" Hole-Transport Material for Highly Efficient and Stable Perovskite Solar Cells
F. Zhang, C. Yi, P. Wei, X. Bi, J. Luo, G. Jacopin, S. Wang, X. Li, Y. Xiao, S.M. Zakeeruddin, M. Graetzel
A Novel Dopant-Free Triphenylamine Based Molecular 'Butterfly' Hole-Transport Material for Highly Efficient and Stable Perovskite Solar Cells
F. Zhang, C. Yi, P. Wei, X. Bi, J. Luo, G. Jacopin, S. Wang, X. Li, Y. Xiao, S.M. Zakeeruddin, M. Graetzel
A vacuum flash–assisted solution process for high-efficiency large-area perovskite solar cells
A vacuum flash–assisted solution process for high-efficiency large-area perovskite solar cells
Cesium-containing triple cation perovskite solar cells: improved stability, reproducibility and high efficiency
M. Saliba, T. Matsui, J. Seo, K. Domanski, J.-P. Correa-Baena, Md.K. Nazeeruddin, S.M. Zakeeruddin, W. Tress, A. Abate, A. Hagfeldt, M. Graetzel
Cesium-containing triple cation perovskite solar cells: improved stability, reproducibility and high efficiency
M. Saliba, T. Matsui, J. Seo, K. Domanski, J.-P. Correa-Baena, Md.K. Nazeeruddin, S.M. Zakeeruddin, W. Tress, A. Abate, A. Hagfeldt, M. Graetzel
Controlled growth of PbI2 nanoplates for rapid preparation of CH3NH3PbI3 in planar perovskite solar cells
Controlled growth of PbI2 nanoplates for rapid preparation of CH3NH3PbI3 in planar perovskite solar cells
Efficient luminescent solar cells based on tailored mixed-cation perovskites
D. Bi, W. Tress, M. I. Dar, P. Gao, J. Luo, C. Renevier, K. Schenk, A. Abate, F. Giordano, J.-P. Correa Baena, J.-D. Decoppet, S. M. Zakeeruddin, M. K. Nazeeruddin, M. Graetzel, A. Hagfeldt
Efficient luminescent solar cells based on tailored mixed-cation perovskites
D. Bi, W. Tress, M. I. Dar, P. Gao, J. Luo, C. Renevier, K. Schenk, A. Abate, F. Giordano, J.-P. Correa Baena, J.-D. Decoppet, S. M. Zakeeruddin, M. K. Nazeeruddin, M. Graetzel, A. Hagfeldt
Efficient Monolithic Perovskite/Silicon Tandem Solar Cell With Cell Area> 1 cm2
J. Werner, C.-H. Weng, A. Walter, L. Fesquet, J. P. Seif, S. De Wolf, B. Niesen, C. Ballif
Efficient Monolithic Perovskite/Silicon Tandem Solar Cell With Cell Area> 1 cm2
J. Werner, C.-H. Weng, A. Walter, L. Fesquet, J. P. Seif, S. De Wolf, B. Niesen, C. Ballif
Enhanced electronic properties in mesoporous TiO2 via lithium doping for high-efficiency perovskite solar cells
F. Giordano, A. Abate, J. P. Correa Baena, M. Saliba, T. Matsui, S. H. Im, S. M. Zakeeruddin, M. K. Nazeeruddin, A. Hagfeldt, M. Graetzel
Enhanced electronic properties in mesoporous TiO2 via lithium doping for high-efficiency perovskite solar cells
F. Giordano, A. Abate, J. P. Correa Baena, M. Saliba, T. Matsui, S. H. Im, S. M. Zakeeruddin, M. K. Nazeeruddin, A. Hagfeldt, M. Graetzel
Entropic stabilization of mixed A-cation ABX3 metal halide perovskites for high performance perovskite solar cells
C. Yi, J. Luo, S. Meloni, A. Boziki, N. Ashari-Astani, C. Graetzel, S. M. Zakeeruddin, U. Rothlisberger, M. Graetzel
High efficiency stable inverted perovskite solar cells without current hysteresis
C.-G. Wu, C.-H. Chiang, Z.-L. Tseng, M. K. Nazeeruddin, A. Hagfeldt, M. Graetzel
High-Efficiency Perovskite Solar Cells Employing a S , N -Heteropentacene-based D-A Hole-Transport Material
High-Efficiency Perovskite Solar Cells Employing a S , N -Heteropentacene-based D-A Hole-Transport Material
High-efficiency polycrystalline thin film tandem solar cells
High-efficiency polycrystalline thin film tandem solar cells
Highly efficient planar perovskite solar cells through band alignment engineering
J. P., Correa Baena, L. Steier, W. Tress, M. Saliba, S. Neutzner, T. Masui, F. Giordano, T. J. Jacobsson, A. R. Srimath Kandada, S. M. Zakeeruddin, A. Petrozza, A. Abate, M. K. Nazeeruddin, M. Graetzel, A. Hagfeldt
Highly efficient planar perovskite solar cells through band alignment engineering
J. P., Correa Baena, L. Steier, W. Tress, M. Saliba, S. Neutzner, T. Masui, F. Giordano, T. J. Jacobsson, A. R. Srimath Kandada, S. M. Zakeeruddin, A. Petrozza, A. Abate, M. K. Nazeeruddin, M. Graetzel, A. Hagfeldt
Impact of the Ga droplet wetting, morphology, and pinholes on the orientation of GaAs nanowires
Federico Matteini, Gozde Tutuncuoglu, Dmitry Mikulik, Jelena Vukajlovic-Plestina, Heidi Potts, Jean-Baptiste Leran, W Craig Carter, Anna Fontcuberta i Morral
Ionic polarization-induced curent-voltage hysteresis in CH3NH3PbX3 perovskite solar cells
Ionic polarization-induced curent-voltage hysteresis in CH3NH3PbX3 perovskite solar cells
Low-temperature-processed efficient semi-transparent planar perovskite solar cells for bifacial and tandem applications
Low-temperature-processed efficient semi-transparent planar perovskite solar cells for bifacial and tandem applications
Mechanosynthesis of the hybrid perovskite CH 3 NH 3 PbI 3 : characterization and the corresponding solar cell efficiency
D. Prochowicz, M. Franckevi?ius,, A. M. Cie?lak, S. M. Zakeeruddin, M. Graetzel, J. Lewi?ski
Mechanosynthesis of the hybrid perovskite CH 3 NH 3 PbI 3 : characterization and the corresponding solar cell efficiency
D. Prochowicz, M. Franckevi?ius,, A. M. Cie?lak, S. M. Zakeeruddin, M. Graetzel, J. Lewi?ski
Perovskite Photovoltaics with Outstanding Performance Produced by Chemical Conversion of Bilayer Mesostructured Lead Halide/TiO 2 Films
C. Yi, X. Li, J. Luo, S. M. Zakeeruddin, M. Graetzel
Perovskite Photovoltaics with Outstanding Performance Produced by Chemical Conversion of Bilayer Mesostructured Lead Halide/TiO 2 Films
C. Yi, X. Li, J. Luo, S. M. Zakeeruddin, M. Graetzel
Sputtered rear electrode with broadband transparency for perovskite solar cells
Sputtered rear electrode with broadband transparency for perovskite solar cells
Tuning the Optoelectronic Properties of ZnO: Al by Addition of Silica for Light Trapping in High-Efficiency Crystalline Si Solar Cells
A. Dabirian, S. Martin de Nicolas, B. Niesen, A. Hessler-Wyser, S. De Wolf, M. Morales?Masis, C. Ballif
Tuning the Optoelectronic Properties of ZnO: Al by Addition of Silica for Light Trapping in High?Efficiency Crystalline Si Solar Cells
A. Dabirian, S. Martin de Nicolas, B. Niesen, A. Hessler?Wyser, S. De Wolf, M. Morales?Masis, C. Ballif
Understanding the Impact of Bromide on the Photovoltaic Performance of CH 3 NH 3 PbI 3 Solar Cells
M. I. Dar , M. Abdi-Jalebi , N. Arora , T. Moehl , M. Graetzel, M. K. Nazeeruddin
Working Principles of Perovskite Photodetectors: Analyzing the Interplay Between Photoconductivity and Voltage-Driven Energy-Level Alignment
K. Domanski , W. Tress , T. Moehl , M. Saliba , M. K. Nazeeruddin , M. Graetzel
Analysis of the atomic layer deposited Al2O3 field-effect passivation in black silicon
G. von Gastrow, R. Alcubilla, P. Ortega, M. Yli-Koski, S. Conesa-Boj, A. Fontcuberta i Morral, H. Savin
CH3NH3PbI3 perovskite/silicon tandem solar cells: characterization based optical simulations
Field-effect passivation on silicon nanowire solar cells
Laser-Scribing Patterning for the Production of Organometallic Halide Perovskite Solar Modules
S.-J. Moon, J.-H. Yum, L. Lofgren, A. Walter, L. Sansonnens, M. Benkhaira, S. Nicolay, J. Bailat, and C. Ballif
Organic-inorganic halide perovskite/crystalline silicon four-terminal tandem solar cells
Organometallic Halide Perovskites: Sharp Optical Absorption Edge and Its Relation to Photovoltaic Performance
Photovoltaic Behaviour of Lead Methylammonium Triiodide Perovskite Solar Cells Down to 80 K
Hua Zhang, Xianfeng Qiao, Yan Shen, Thomas Moehl, Shaik Zakeeruddin, Michael Graetzel and Mingkui Wang
Raman Spectroscopy of Organic-Inorganic Halide Perovskites
Complex Refractive Index Spectra of CH3NH3PbI3 Perovskite Thin Films Determined by Spectroscopic Ellipsometry and Spectrophotometry
Ga-assisted growth of GaAs nanowires on silicon, comparison of surface SiOx of different nature
Organic-Inorganic Halide Perovskites: Perspectives for Silicon-Based Tandem Solar Cells
| | | | | | UltrasoundToGo |
A compressed beamforming framework for plane wave ultrasound imaging
A. Besson, R. Carrillo, D. Perdios, M. Arditi, O. Bernard, Y. Wiaux and J.-P. Thiran
A compressed beamforming framework for plane wave ultrasound imaging
A. Besson, R. Carrillo, D. Perdios, M. Arditi, O. Bernard, Y. Wiaux and J.-P. Thiran
A sparse regularization approach for ultrafast ultrasound imaging
R. E. Carrillo, A. Besson, M. Zhang, D. Friboulet, Y. Wiaux, J. P. Thiran and O. Bernard
A sparse regularization approach for ultrafast ultrasound imaging
R. E. Carrillo, A. Besson, M. Zhang, D. Friboulet, Y. Wiaux, J. P. Thiran and O. Bernard
Apodization Scheme for Hardware-Efficient Beamformer
A. Ibrahim, F. Angiolini, M. Arditi, J.-P. Thiran, G. De Micheli
Apodization Scheme for Hardware-Efficient Beamformer
A. Ibrahim, F. Angiolini, M. Arditi, J.-P. Thiran, G. De Micheli
Compressed delay-and-sum beamforming for ultrafast ultrasound imaging
A. Besson, R.E. Carrillo, O. Bernard, Y. Wiaux and J.-P. Thiran
Compressed delay-and-sum beamforming for ultrafast ultrasound imaging
A. Besson, R.E. Carrillo, O. Bernard, Y. Wiaux and J.-P. Thiran
Ekho: A 30.3W, 10k-Channel Fully Digital Integrated 3-D Beamformer for Medical Ultrasound Imaging Achieving 298M Focal Points per Second
P. A. Hager, A. Bartolini, L. Benini
Ekho: A 30.3W, 10k-Channel Fully Digital Integrated 3-D Beamformer for Medical Ultrasound Imaging Achieving 298M Focal Points per Second
P. A. Hager, A. Bartolini, L. Benini
Executing Dataflow Actors as Kahn Processes
Andreas Tretter, Jani Boutellier, James Guthrie, Lars Schor and Lothar Thiele
Executing Dataflow Actors as Kahn Processes
Andreas Tretter, Jani Boutellier, James Guthrie, Lars Schor and Lothar Thiele
Extension of ultrasound Fourier slice imaging theory to sectorial acquisition
M. Zhang, A. Besson, R. E. Carrillo, F. Varray, J. P. Thiran, D. Friboulet, O. Bernard
Extension of ultrasound Fourier slice imaging theory to sectorial acquisition
M. Zhang, A. Besson, R. E. Carrillo, F. Varray, J. P. Thiran, D. Friboulet, O. Bernard
Lightweight Virtual Memory Support for Zero-Copy Sharing of Pointer-Rich Data Structures in Heterogeneous Embedded SoCs
Pirmin Vogel, Andrea Marongiu, Luca Benini
Morphological component analysis sparse regularisation in for plane wave imaging
A. Besson, R. Carrillo, D. Perdios, E. Bezzam, M. Arditi, Y. Wiaux and J.-P. Thiran
Morphological component analysis sparse regularisation in for plane wave imaging
A. Besson, R. Carrillo, D. Perdios, E. Bezzam, M. Arditi, Y. Wiaux and J.-P. Thiran
Single-FPGA 3D Ultrasound Beamformer
Single-FPGA 3D Ultrasound Beamformer
Single-FPGA, Scalable, Low-Power, and High-Quality 3D Ultrasound Beamformer
Single-FPGA, Scalable, Low-Power, and High-Quality 3D Ultrasound Beamformer
Sparse regularization methods in ultrafast ultrasound imaging
A. Besson, R.E. Carrillo, M. Zhang, D. Friboulet, O. Bernard, Y. Wiaux, J.-P. Thiran
Sparse regularization methods in ultrafast ultrasound imaging
A. Besson, R.E. Carrillo, M. Zhang, D. Friboulet, O. Bernard, Y. Wiaux, J.-P. Thiran
Worst-case execution time analysis for many-core architectures with NoC
Stefanos Skalistis, Alena Simalatsar
Worst-case execution time analysis for many-core architectures with NoC
Stefanos Skalistis, Alena Simalatsar
Tackling the Bottleneck of Delay Tables in 3D Ultrasound Imaging
Aya Ibrahim, Pascal Hager, Andrea Bartolini, Federico Angiolini, Marcel Arditi, Luca Benini, Giovanni De Micheli
Assessing the Area/Power/Performance Tradeoffs for an Integrated Fully-Digital, Large-Scale 3D-Ultrasound Beamformer
Pascal Alexander Hager, Pirmin Vogel, Andrea Bartolini, Luca Benini
Assessment of Image Quality vs. Computation Cost for Different Parameterizations of Ultrasound Imaging Pipelines
Aya Ibrahim, Alena Simalatsar, Stefanos Skalistis, Federico Angiolini, Marcel Arditi, Jean-Philippe Thiran, Giovanni De Micheli
Deterministic Memory Sharing in Kahn Process Networks: Ultrasound Imaging as a Case Study
Andreas Tretter, Harshavardhan Pandit, Pratyush Kumar, Lothar Thiele
Efficient Parallel Beamforming for 3D Ultrasound Imaging
Pirmin Vogel, Andrea Bartolini, Luca Benini
Estimating pattern sensitivity to the printing process for varying dose/focus conditions for RET development in the sub-22nm era
Benoit Seguin, Henri Saab, Maria Gabrani, Virginia Estellers
Interleaved Multi-Bank Scratchpad Memories: A Probabilistic Description of Access Conflicts
Andreas Tretter, Pratyush Kumar, Lothar Thiele
Modeling of Reconfigurable Medical Ultrasonic Applications in BIP
Stefanos Skalistis, Alena Simalatsar
Tackling the Bottleneck of Delay Tables in 3D Ultrasound Imaging
Aya Ibrahim, Pascal Hager, Andrea Bartolini, Federico Angiolini, Marcel Arditi, Luca Benini, Giovanni De Micheli
Ultrasound Fourier Slice Imaging: a novel approach for ultrafast imaging technique
O. Bernard, M. Zhang, F. Varray, J. P. Thiran, H. Liegbott, D. Friboulet
| | | | | | WearableMRI |
An FPGA Based Real-Time Data Processing Structure – Application to Real-Time Array Coil Data Compression.
J. Marjanovic, J. Reber, D.O. Brunner, K.P. Pruessmann.
An FPGA Based Real?Time Data Processing Structure – Application to Real?Time Array Coil Data Compression.
J. Marjanovic, J. Reber, D.O. Brunner, K.P. Pruessmann.
MR Probe Design with On-Coil Digital Receiver.
D.O. Brunner, B. Sporrer, C. Vogt, J. Reber, J. Marjanovic, L. Bettini, L. Wu, T. Burger, G. Troester, Q. Huang, K. P. Pruessmann.
MR Probe Design with On-Coil Digital Receiver.
D.O. Brunner, B. Sporrer, C. Vogt, J. Reber, J. Marjanovic, L. Bettini, L. Wu, T. Burger, G. Troester, Qiuting Huang, K. P. Pruessmann.
Scalable, In-Bore Array Receiver Platform for MRI.
J. Reber, J. Marjanovic, D.O. Brunner, A. Port, B.E. Dietrich, K.P. Pruessmann
Scalable, In?Bore Array Receiver Platform for MRI.
J. Reber, J. Marjanovic, D.O. Brunner, A. Port, B.E. Dietrich, K.P. Pruessmann
Integrated CMOS Receiver for Wearable Coil Arrays in MRI Applications
Dead Time Reduction with a Variable Rate Broadband Receiver - Applications to Zero Echo Time Imaging
Marjanovic J, Reber J, Brunner DO, Weiger M, Dietrich BE, Schmid T, Moser U, Barmet C, Pruessmann KP
In-Bore Broadband Array Receivers with Optical Transmission
Reber J, Marjanovic J,Brunner DO, Schmid T, Moser U, Dietrich BE, Barmet C, Pruessmann KP
| | | | | | WearMeSoC |
Correlation of saccadic eye movement performance with the ability to drive
Schmitt K-U, Seeger R, Fischer H, Lanz C, Muser M, Walz F, Schwarz U.
A Versatile Embedded Platform for EMG Geesture Recognition
An Evolved GSM/EDGE baseband ASIC Supporting Rx Diversity
Automated sleep analysis
Achermann P. , Malafeev A., Skorucak J., and Tarokh L.
Automatic SVM classification of sudden cardiac death and pump failure death from autonomic and repolarization ECG markers
Digitally Controlled Feedback for DC Offset Cancellation in a Wearable Multichannel EMG Platform
Marco Tomasini, Simone Benatti, Filippo Casamassima, Bojan Milosevic*, Schekeb Fateh, Elisabetta Farella, Luca Benini
Sleep Homeostasis and Models of Sleep Regulation
A DC-Connectable Multi-Channel Biomedical Data Acquisition ASIC with Mains Frequency Cancellation
A Reconfigurable 5-14 bit SAR ADC for Battery-Powered Instrumentation
An Evolved EDGE PHY ASIC Supporting Soft-Output Equalization and Rx Diversity
An Evolved EDGE PHY ASIC Supporting Soft-Output Equalization and Rx Diversity
Comparison of Visual Spot Checks vs. Trend Analysis of Pulse Oximetry During Six-Minute Walk Tests.
Human sleep and its regulation
Peter Achermann and Leila Tarokh
EMG-based Hand Gesture Recognition With Flexible Analog Front-End
Modular Mulit-Sensor Platform for Portable and Wireless Medical Instrumentation
Quantitative Changes in the Sleep EEG at Moderate Altitude (1630 m and 2590 m).
Stadelmann K, Latshang TD, Lo Cascio CM, Tesler N, Stoewhas AC, Kohler M, Bloch KE, Huber R, Achermann P.
| | | | | WiseSkin |
A 420 ?W, 4 GHz approximate zero IF FM-UWB receiver for short range communications
V. Kopta, D. Barras, C. Enz
A 420 µW, 4 GHz approximate zero IF FM-UWB receiver for short range communications
V. Kopta, D. Barras, C. Enz
Design a Low-Cost Tactile Sensor Glove by Integrating Miniature Commercial Barometers
Design a Low-Cost Tactile Sensor Glove by Integrating Miniature Commercial Barometers
Tao Li, Daniel Berger, Jorn Justiz, and Volker M. Koch
Development of Mechano Vibrotactile Displays for Hand Amputees
Development of Mechano Vibrotactile Displays for Hand Amputees
Intrinsically Stretchable Biphasic (Solid–Liquid) Thin Metal Films
A. Hirsch, H.O. Michaud, A.P. Gerratt, S. de Mulatier, and S.P. Lacour
Intrinsically Stretchable Biphasic (Solid–Liquid) Thin Metal Films
A. Hirsch, H.O. Michaud, A.P. Gerratt, S. de Mulatier, and S.P. Lacour
Large-area tactile skin prepared with thin-film technology
A. P. Gerratt, H. O. Michaud, S. Gupta and S. P. Lacour
Large-area tactile skin prepared with thin-film technology
A. P. Gerratt, H. O. Michaud, S. Gupta and S. P. Lacour
Multimodal Tactile Feedback Using Servomotors and Vibrators
Multimodal Tactile Feedback Using Servomotors and Vibrators
Single Packet Link Estimation
C. Rojas, D. Piguet, J-D. Decotignie
Single Packet Link Estimation
C. Rojas, D. Piguet, J-D. Decotignie
Tactile Prosthetics in WiseSkin
Tactile Prosthetics in WiseSkin
Automatic hand phantom map detection methods (Under submission for BioCAS 2015)
H. Huang, C. Enz, J. Justiz, T. Li and V. M. Koch
Elastomeric Electronic Skin for Prosthetic Tactile Sensation
Gerratt, A.; Michaud, H.; Lacour, S.;
Soft flexion sensors integrating stretchable metal conductors on a silicone substrate for smart glove applications
Michaud H.; Teixidor J. and Lacour S
Soft metal constructs for large strain sensor membrane
Michaud, H.; Teixidor, J.; Lacour, S.;
Stretchable Electronic Skin Based on Distributed Flexion and Pressure Sensors Mounted on a Textile Glove
Gerratt A.; Michaud H.; Lacour S
A non-invasive tactile display system with multiple stimulation patterns (2014 Swiss Society for Biomedical Engineering Annual Meeting)
Data Fusion for a Hand Prosthesis Tactile Feedback System ( BioCAS 2014)
Risk Assessment of Atrial Fibrillation: a Failure Prediction Approach
Tactile data fusion for prosthesis feedback system (2014 Swiss Society for Biomedical Engineering Annual Meeting)
H. Huang, C. Enz, T. Li , J. Justiz and V. M. Koch
The WiseSkin Artificial Skin for Tactile Prosthetics - A power budget investigation
C. Antfolk, V. Kopta, J. Farserotu, J-D. Decotignie, C. Enz
| | | | | | X-Sense2 |
A Heterogeneous System Architecture for Event-triggered Wireless Sensing
Felix Sutton, Reto Da Forno, David Gschwend, Roman Lim, Tonio Gsell, Jan Beutel and and Lothar Thiele:
A Heterogeneous System Architecture for Event-triggered Wireless Sensing
Felix Sutton, Reto Da Forno, David Gschwend, Roman Lim, Tonio Gsell, Jan Beutel and and Lothar Thiele:
A Testbed for Fine-Grained Tracing of Time Sensitive Behavior in Wireless Sensor Networks
Roman Lim, Balz Maag, Benjamin Dissler, Jan Beutel and Lothar Thiele
A Testbed for Fine-Grained Tracing of Time Sensitive Behavior in Wireless Sensor Networks
Roman Lim, Balz Maag, Benjamin Dissler, Jan Beutel and Lothar Thiele
Bolt: A Stateful Processor Interconnect
Felix Sutton, Marco Zimmerling, Reto Da Forno, Roman Lim, Tonio Gsell, Georgia Giannopoulou, F. Ferrari, Jan Beutel and and Lothar Thiele:
Bolt: A Stateful Processor Interconnect
Felix Sutton, Marco Zimmerling, Reto Da Forno, Roman Lim, Tonio Gsell, Georgia Giannopoulou, Federico Ferrari, Jan Beutel and and Lothar Thiele:
Codetection of acoustic emissions during failure of heterogeneousmedia: New perspectives for natural hazard early warning
Jerome Faillettaz, Dani Or, Ingrid Reiweger
Codetection of acoustic emissions during failure of heterogeneousmedia: New perspectives for natural hazard early warning
Jerome Faillettaz, Dani Or, Ingrid Reiweger
Demo: Building Reliable Wireless Embedded Platforms using the Bolt Processor Interconnect
Felix Sutton, Marco Zimmerling, Reto Da Forno, Roman Lim, Tonio Gsell, Georgia Giannopoulou, F. Ferrari, Jan Beutel and and Lothar Thiele:
Demo: Building Reliable Wireless Embedded Platforms using the Bolt Processor Interconnect
Felix Sutton, Marco Zimmerling, Reto Da Forno, Roman Lim, Tonio Gsell, Georgia Giannopoulou, Federico Ferrari, Jan Beutel and and Lothar Thiele:
Investigating the dynamics of a rock glacier using terrestrial laser scanning, time-lapse photography, in-situ GPS measurements and satellite SAR interferometry: Ritigraben rock glacier, Switzerland
Robert Kenner, Marcia Phillips, Jan Beutel, Philippe Limpach, Jessica Papke, Andreas Hasler and Hugo Raetzo:
Investigating the dynamics of a rock glacier using terrestrial laser scanning, time-lapse photography, in-situ GPS measurements and satellite SAR interferometry: Ritigraben rock glacier, Switzerland
Robert Kenner, Marcia Phillips, Jan Beutel, Philippe Limpach, Jessica Papke, Andreas Hasler and Hugo Raetzo:
Mechanical Transducer for the Detection of Acoustic and/or Seismic Signals
Mechanical Transducer for the Detection of Acoustic and/or Seismic Signals
Monitoring unstable parts in the ice-covered Weissmies northwest face
L. E. Preiswerk, F. Walter, S. Anandakrishnan, G. Barfucci, J. Beutel, P. G. Burkett, P. Dalban Canassy, M. Funk, P. Limpach, E. Marchetti and L. Meier and F. Neyer
Monitoring unstable parts in the ice-covered Weissmies northwest face
L. E. Preiswerk, F. Walter, S. Anandakrishnan, G. Barfucci, J. Beutel, P. G. Burkett, P. Dalban Canassy, M. Funk, P. Limpach, E. Marchetti and L. Meier and F. Neyer
Quantifying irreversible movement in steep fractured bedrock permafrost at Matterhorn (CH)
Quantifying irreversible movement in steep fractured bedrock permafrost at Matterhorn (CH)
Reversible and irreversible movements in steep fractured bedrock permafrost
Weber Samuel, Beutel Jan, Faillettaz Jerome, Hasler Andreas, Vieli Andreas
Reversible and irreversible movements in steep fractured bedrock permafrost
Weber Samuel, Beutel Jan, Faillettaz Jerome, Hasler Andreas, Vieli Andreas
Short-term variability of rock glacier surface velocities in the Swiss Alps revealed by continuous GPS
Short-term variability of rock glacier surface velocities in the Swiss Alps revealed by continuous GPS
Short-term velocity variations of three rock glaciers and their relationship with meteorological conditions
Short-term velocity variations of three rock glaciers and their relationship with meteorological conditions
The PermaSense Mountain Lab – Technology and Infrastructure for an Open Permafrost Data Repository
Jan Beutel, Samuel Weber and Tonio Gsell:
The PermaSense Mountain Lab – Technology and Infrastructure for an Open Permafrost Data Repository
Jan Beutel, Samuel Weber and Tonio Gsell:
Time-of-Flight Aware Time Synchronization for Wireless Embedded Systems
Roman Lim, Balz Maag and Lothar Thiele:
Time-of-Flight Aware Time Synchronization for Wireless Embedded Systems
Roman Lim, Balz Maag and Lothar Thiele:
Towards Real-time Wireless Cyber-physical Systems
Romain Jacob, Marco Zimmerling, Pengcheng Huang, Jan Beutel and Lothar Thiele
Towards Real-time Wireless Cyber-physical Systems
Romain Jacob, Marco Zimmerling, Pengcheng Huang, Jan Beutel and Lothar Thiele
Zippy: On-Demand Network Flooding
Felix Sutton, Bernhard Buchli and Jan Beutel and Lothar Thiele:
Zippy: On-Demand Network Flooding
Felix Sutton, Bernhard Buchli and Jan Beutel and Lothar Thiele:
A passive micromechanical broadband amplifier for acoustic emission sensing (Conference Proceedings)
Deriving High-Resolution Urban Air Pollution Maps Using Mobile Sensor Nodes
David Hasenfratz, Olga Saukh, Christoph Walser, Christoph Hueglin, Martin Fierz, Tabita Arn, Jan Beutel and Lothar Thiele
Dynamic Power Management for Long-Term Energy Neutral Operation of Solar Energy Harvesting Systems
B. Buchli, F. Sutton, J. Beutel, L. Thiele
Effects of signal attenuation in natural media on interpretation of acoustic emissions in the context early warning systems
Estimating velocity from noisy GPS data for investigating the temporal variability of slope movements
Failure criterion for materials with spatially correlated mechanical properties
Measurements of ice dynamical properties of Bowdoin Glacier, Norwest Greenland
Julien Seguinot, Andreas Bauder, Martin Funk, Guillaume Jouvet, Philippe Limpach, Fabian Neyer, Claudia Ryser, Shin Sugiyama, and Yvo Weidmann
Optimal Power Management With Guaranteed Minimum Energy Utilization For Solar Energy Harvesting Systems
B. Buchli, P. Kumar, L. Thiele
Passive, Privacy-preserving Real-time Counting of Unmodified Smartphones via ZigBee Interference
R. Lim, Marco Zimmerling and Lothar Thiele
Poster Abstract: Predictable Wireless Embedded Platforms
Felix Sutton, Reto Da Forno, Marco Zimmerling, R. Lim, Tonio Gsell, F. Ferrari, Jan Beutel and and Lothar Thiele
Poster Abstract: Wake-up Flooding: An Asynchronous Network Flooding Primitive
Felix Sutton and Lothar Thiele
Temporal variability of diverse mountain permafrost slope movements derived from multi-year daily GPS data.
Wirz V, Geertsema M, Gruber S, Purves
Demonstration Abstract: Automatic Speech Recognition for Resource-Constrained Embedded Systems
Felix Sutton, Reto Da Forno, R. Lim, Marco Zimmerling and Lothar Thiele:
Dynamic Power Management for Long-Term Energy Neutral Operation of Solar Energy Harvesting Systems
B. Buchli, F. Sutton, J. Beutel, L. Thiele
Poster Abstract: Automatic Configuration of Controlled Interference Experiments in Sensornet Testbeds
Felix Jonathan Oppermann, Carlo Alberto Boano, Marco Zimmerling and and Kay Ro?mer
Temporally Consistent Snow Cover Estimation from Noisy, Irregularly Sampled Measurements
Dominic Ruefenacht, Matthew Brown, Jan Beutel and Sabine Suesstrunk
Towards Enabling Long-Term Performance Guarantees For Solar Energy Harvesting Embedded System.
B. Buchli, F. Sutton, J. Beutel, L. Thiele
Chaos: Versatile and Efficient All-to-All Data Sharing and In-Network Processing at Scale
Olaf Landsiedel, F. Ferrari and Marco Zimmerling
Poster Abstract: A Reliable Wireless Nurse Call System: Overview and Pilot Results from a Summer Camp for Teenagers with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
Poster Abstract: Synchronous Transmissions Enable Simple Yet Accurate Protocol Modeling
Marco Zimmerling, F. Ferrari, Luca Mottola and Lothar Thiele
Poster Abstract: Tracking Smartphones using Low-Power Sensor Nodes
Virtual Synchrony Guarantees for Cyber-Physical Systems
F. Ferrari, Marco Zimmerling, Luca Mottola and Lothar Thiele
| | | | | YINS |
GPU Acceleration for simulating massively parallel many-core platforms
Shivani Raghav, Christian Pinto, Martino Ruggiero, Andrea Marongiu, David Atienza, Luca Benini,
GPU Acceleration for simulating massively parallel many-core platforms
Shivani Raghav, Christian Pinto, Martino Ruggiero, Andrea Marongiu, David Atienza, Luca Benini,
3D CV Descriptor on Parallel Heterogeneous Platforms
Daniele Palossi, Martino Ruggiero, Luca Benini
3D CV Descriptor on Parallel Heterogeneous Platforms
Daniele Palossi, Martino Ruggiero, Luca Benini
A 60 GOPS/W, -1.8 V to 0.9 V body bias ULP cluster in 28 nm UTBB FD-SOI technology
A 60 GOPS/W, -1.8 V to 0.9 V body bias ULP cluster in 28 nm UTBB FD-SOI technology
A Constraint Programming Scheduler for Heterogeneous High-Performance Computing Machines
Thomas Bridi, Andrea Bartolini, Michele Lombardi, Michela Milano, Luca Benini
A Constraint Programming Scheduler for Heterogeneous High-Performance Computing Machines
Thomas Bridi, Andrea Bartolini, Michele Lombardi, Michela Milano, Luca Benini
Exploiting CPU-Load and Data Correlations in Multi-Objective VM Placement for Geo-Distributed Data Centers
Ali Pahlevan, Pablo Garcia Del Valle, David Atienza
Exploiting CPU-Load and Data Correlations in Multi-Objective VM Placement for Geo-Distributed Data Centers
Ali Pahlevan, Pablo Garcia Del Valle, David Atienza
MS3: a Mediterranean-Stile Job Scheduler for Supercomputers - do less when it’s too hot!
Andrea Borghesi, Christian Conficoni, Michele Lombardi, Andrea Bartolini
MS3: a Mediterranean-Stile Job Scheduler for Supercomputers - do less when it’s too hot!
Andrea Borghesi, Christian Conficoni, Michele Lombardi, Andrea Bartolini
Near-Optimal Thermal Monitoring Framework for Many-Core Systems-on-Chip
Juri Ranieri, Alessandro Vincenzi, Amina Chebira, David Atienza, Martin Vetterli
Near-Optimal Thermal Monitoring Framework for Many-Core Systems-on-Chip
Juri Ranieri, Alessandro Vincenzi, Amina Chebira, David Atienza, Martin Vetterli
Passive Thermosyphon Cooling System for High Heat Flux Servers
N. Lamaison, J.B. Marcinichen, S. Szczukiewicz, J.R. Thome and P. J, Beucher
Passive Two-Phase Thermosyphon Loop Cooling System for High Heat Flux Servers
N. Lamaison, J.B. Marcinichen, S. Szczukiewicz, J.R. Thome and P. J, Beucher
Thermal Analysis and Interpolation Techniques for a Logic + WideIO Stacked DRAM Test Chip
Francesco Beneventi, Andrea Bartolini, Pascal Vivet, Luca Benini
Thermal Analysis and Interpolation Techniques for a Logic + WideIO Stacked DRAM Test Chip
Francesco Beneventi, Andrea Bartolini, Pascal Vivet, Luca Benini
Towards Near-Threshold Server Processors
Ali Pahlevan , Javier Picorel , Arash Pourhabibi Zarandi , Davide Rossi , Marina Zapater , Andrea Bartolini, Pablo G. Del Valle , David Atienza , Luca Benini, Babak Falsafi
Towards Near-Threshold Server Processors
Ali Pahlevan , Javier Picorel , Arash Pourhabibi Zarandi , Davide Rossi , Marina Zapater , Andrea Bartolini, Pablo G. Del Valle , David Atienza , Luca Benini, Babak Falsafi
Two-Phase Mini-Thermosyphon Electronics Cooling, Part 1: Experimental Investigation
Chin Lee Ong, Nicolas Lamaison, Jackson B. Marcinichen and John R.Thome
Two-Phase Mini-Thermosyphon Electronics Cooling, Part 1: Experimental Investigation
Chin Lee Ong, Nicolas Lamaison, Jackson B. Marcinichen and John R.Thome
Two-Phase Mini-Thermosyphon Electronics Cooling, Part 2: Model and Steady-State Validations
Jackson B. Marcinichen, Nicolas Lamaison, Chin Lee Ong and John R.Thome
Two-Phase Mini-Thermosyphon Electronics Cooling, Part 2: Model and Steady-State Validations
Jackson B. Marcinichen, Nicolas Lamaison, Chin Lee Ong and John R.Thome
Two-Phase Mini-Thermosyphon Electronics Cooling, Part 3: Transient Modeling and Experimental Validation
Nicolas Lamaison, Jackson B. Marcinichen, Chin Lee Ong and John R.Thome
Two-Phase Mini-Thermosyphon Electronics Cooling, Part 3: Transient Modeling and Experimental Validation
Nicolas Lamaison, Jackson B. Marcinichen, Chin Lee Ong and John R.Thome
Two-Phase Mini-Thermosyphon Electronics Cooling, Part 4: Application to 2U servers
Nicolas Lamaison, Jackson B. Marcinichen, Chin Lee Ong and John R.Thome
Two-Phase Mini-Thermosyphon Electronics Cooling, Part 4: Application to 2U servers
Nicolas Lamaison, Jackson B. Marcinichen, Chin Lee Ong and John R.Thome
VNToR: Network Virtualization at the Top-of-Rack Switch
Fietz, Jonas; Whitlock, Sam; Ioannidis, George; Argyraki, Katerina; Bugnion, Edouard
A Calibration Based Thermal Modeling Technique for Complex Multicore Systems
A Ultra-Low-Energy Convolution Engine for Fast Brain-Inspired Vision in Multicore Clusters
Francesco Conti and Luca Benini
DRAM or no-DRAM? Exploring Linear Solver Architectures for Image Domain Warping in 28nm CMOS
Michael Schaffner, Frank K. Gurkaynak, Aljoscha Smolic and Luca Benini
Energy-Aware Cooling for Hot-water Cooled Supercomputers
Christian Conficoni, Andrea Bartolini, Andrea Tilli, Giampietro Tecchiolli and Luca Benini
High Performance AXI-4.0 Based Interconnect for Extensible Smart Memory Cubes
Erfan Azarkhish, Igor Loi, Davide Rossi and Luca Benini
ICCAD 2015 Contest in 3D Interlayer Cooling Optimized Network
Sridhar, Arvind; Sabry, Mohamed M.; Atienza Alonso, David
Manycore Network Interfaces for In-Memory Rack-Scale Computing
A. Daglis, S. Novakovic, E. Bugnion, B. Falsafi and B. Grot
Passive Thermosyphon Cooling System for High Heat Flux Servers
S. Szczukiewicz, N. Lamaison, J.B. Marcinichen, P. J, Beucher, J.R. Thome
A Case for Specialized Processors for Scale-Out Workloads
A Modular Shared L2 Memory Design for 3D Integration
Erfan Azarkhish, Igor Loi, Davide Rossi and Luca Benini
A semi-analytical approach for optimized design of microchannel liquid-cooled Ics
A. Sridhar, M.M. Sabry, D. Atienza
A semi-analytical approach for optimized design of microchannel liquid-cooled ICs
A. Sridhar, M. M. Sabry and D. Atienza Alonso
A Semi-Analytical Thermal Modeling Framework for Liquid-Cooled Ics
A. Sridhar, M.M. Sabry, D. Atienza
Bias-Compensated Least Squares Identification of Distributed Thermal Models for Many-Core Systems-on-Chip
Roberto Diversi, Andrea Tilli, Andrea Bartolini, Francesco Beneventi, Luca Benini
BuMP: Bulk Memory Access Prediction and Streaming
Stavros Volos, Javier Picorel, Babak Falsafi, Boris Grot
COOLIP: Simple yet Effective Job Allocation for Distributed Thermally-Throttled Processors
P. Kumar, H. Yang, I. Bacivarov, L. Thiele
Dynamic Variability Management in Mobile Multicore Processors under Lifetime Constraints
Pietro Mercati, Francesco Paterna, Andrea Bartolini, Luca Benini and Tajana Simunic Rosing
Global Fan Speed Control Considering Non-Ideal Temperature Measurements in Enterprise Servers
J. Kim, M.M. Sabry, D. Atienza, K. Vaidyanathan, K. Gross
Integrated Microfluidic Power Generation and Cooling for Bright Silicon MPSoCs
M.M. Sabry, A. Sridhar, D. Atienza, P. Ruch, B. Michel
PowerCool: Simulation of Integrated Microfluidic Power Generation in Bright Silicon MPSoCs
M.M. Sabry, A. Sridhar, D. Atienza, P. Ruch, B. Michel
Quantifying the Impact of Variability on the Energy Efficiency for a Next-Generation Ultra-Green Supercomputer
Francesco Fraternali, Andrea Bartolini, Carlo Cavazzoni, Giampietro Tecchioli, Luca Benini
Recent advances in on-chip cooling systems: experimental and dynamic modeling
N. Lamaison, J.B. Marcinichen, J.R. Thome
Thermal analysis and model identification techniques for a logic+ WIDEIO stacked DRAM test chip
Francesco Beneventi, Andrea Bartolini, Pascal Vivet, Denis Dutoit, Luca Benini
Towards Development of a Passive Datacenter Cooling Technology: On-Server Thermosyphon Cooling Loop under Dynamic Workload
J.B. Marcinichen, S. Szczukiewicz, N. Lamaison, J.R. Thome
Unison Cache: A Scalable and Effective Die-Stacked DRAM Cache
Djordje Jevdjic, G. H. LoH, Cansu Kaynak, Babak Falsafi
Unveiling eurora - thermal and power characterization of the most energy-efficient supercomputer in the world
Andrea Bartolini, Matteo Cacciari, Carlo Cavazzoni, Giampietro Tecchioli, Luca Benini
DeepDive: Transparently Identifying and Managing Performance Interference in Virtualized Environments
D. Novakovic, Vasic, N., Novakovic, S., Kostic, D., & Bianchini, R.
GreenCool: An Energy-Efficient Liquid Cooling Design Technique for 3-D MPSoCs Via Channel Width Modulation
M. M. Sabry, A. Sridhar, J. Meng, A. K. Coskun and D. Atienza
| | | | | | RTD Phase 1 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | CabTuRes | | |
Hybrid Helical Magnetic Microrobots Obtained by 3D Template-Assisted Electrodeposition
MiniMag: A Hemispherical Electromagnetic System for 5-DOF Wireless Micromanipulation
A Self-Regulating Oscillator for Sensor Operation of Nanoelectromechanical Systems
C. Kauth, M. Pastre, M. Kayal
Atomic Oxygen Chemisorption on Carbon Nanotubes Revisited with Theory and Experiment
J.M.H. Kroes, F. Pietrucci, A. Curioni, R. Jaafar, Oliver Groening, W. Andreoni
Carbon nanotube resonators with capacitive and piezoresistive current modulation readout
S.-W. Lee, S. Truax, Y. Liu, C. Roman, C. Hierold
Closed-Loop Oscillator Circuit for Piezoresistive Carbon Nanotube NEMS Resonators
C. Kauth, M. Pastre, M. Kayal
Comparison, optimization, and limitations of magnetic manipulation systems
Fabrication and formation of Ta/Pt-Si ohmic contacts applied to high temperature through silicon vias (TSVs)
R. Gueye, T. Akiyama, D. Briand, N.F. de Rooij
Fabrication of CNFETs with low-resistance electrical contacts
W. Liu, K. Chikkadi, S.-W. Lee, C. Hierold, and M. Haluska,
Ferromagnetic Inks Facilitate Large Scale Paper Recycling and Reduce Bleach Chemical Consumption
Graphite coating of iron nanowires for nanorobotic applications: Synthesis, characterization and magnetic wireless manipulation
High temperature compatible 3D-integration processes for a vacuum-sealed CNT based NEMS
R. Gueye, S.-W. Lee, T. Akiyama, D. Briand, M. Muoth, C. Roman, C. Hierold, N.F. de Rooij
Large-Scale Assembly of Tunable Resonant-Body Carbon Nanotube Transistors without Hysteresis
J. Cao, S. T. Bartsch, A. M. Ionescu,
On-chip Mass Sensing at the Physical Limits of Nanoelectromechanical Systems
C. Kauth, M. Pastre, M. Kayal
Ordered arrays of ferromagnetic, compositionally graded Cu1-x Nix alloy nanopillars prepared by template-assisted electrodeposition
RF-TSVs compatible with harsh-environment post-processing for via-first 3D integration
R. Gueye, S.-W. Lee, W.A. Vitale, S. Truax, T. Akiyama, C. Roman, A. Ionescu, C. Hierold, D. Briand, N.F. de Rooij
Robust Control of Oscillating NEMS Sensors
C. Kauth, M. Pastre, M. Kayal
Suppression of resist contamination during photolithography on carbon nanomaterials by a sacrificial layer
S.-W. Lee, M. Muoth, T. Helbling, M. Mattmann, C. Hierold
System-Level Design Considerations for Carbon Nanotube Electromechanical Resonators
C. Kauth, M. Pastre, J.M. Sallese, M. Kayal
Carbon Modifications and Surfaces for Catalytic Organic Transformations
Alexander Schaetz, Martin Zeltner, and Wendelin J. Stark
Electroplated porous polypyrrole nanostructures patterned by colloidal lithography for drug-delivery applications
Exohedral Hydrogen Chemisorption on a Carbon Nanotube: The Clustering Effect
W. Andreoni, A. Curioni, J. Kroes, F. Pietrucci, and Oliver Groening
Holonomic 5-DOF magnetic control of 1D nanostructures
Low-noise Wideband Circuit for Closed-loop RF CNT-NEMS Sensors
C. Kauth, M. Pastre, M. Kayal
Martin Zeltner, Robert N. Grass, Alexander Schaetz, Stephanie B. Bubenhofer, Norman A. Luechinger, and Wendelin J. Stark
Stable dispersions of ferromagnetic carbon-coated metal nanoparticles. Preparation via surface initiated atom transfer radical polymerization
Platinum TSVs for high temperature processing and operation of Microsystems
R. Gueye, T. Akiyama, D. Briand, N.F. de Rooij
Precise Alignment of Individual Carbon Nanotubes for Nanoelectronics
Resist-Assisted Assembly of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Devices with Nanoscale Precision
J. Cao, C. Nyffeler, K. Lister, A.M. Ionescu
Scaling up magnetic filtration and extraction to the ton per hour scale using carbon coated metal nanoparticles
Self-Aligned Lateral Dual-Gate Suspended-Body Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Field-Effect Transistors
Self-Assembled Nano-Electro-Mechanical Tri-state Carbon Nanotube Switches for Reconfigurable Integrated Circuits
J. Cao, W. Vitale, A. M. Ionescu
Study on Dual-Lateral-Gate pended-Body Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Field-Effect Transistors
Thermoresponsive Polymer Induced Sweating Surfaces as an Efficient Way to Passively Cool Buildings
A.C.C. Rotzetter, C.M.Schumacher, S.B. Bubenhofer, R.N. Grass, L.C. Gerber, M. Zeltner, and Wendelin J. Stark
Transfer of carbon nanotubes onto microactuators for hysteresis-free transistors at low thermal budget
Ultra Low Power: Emerging Devices and Their Benefits for Integrated Circuits
A. M. Ionescu, L. De Michielis, N. Dagtekin, G. Salvatore, J. Cao, S. Bartsch
An Improved Precise Positioning Method for Self-Assembly of Lateral-Gate Carbon Nanotube Field-Effect-Transistors
Defect-induced multicomponent electron scattering in single-walled carbon nanotubes
D. Bercioux, G. Buchs, H. Grabert, and Oliver Groening
Development of high temperature platinum TSVs
R. Gueye, T. Akiyama, D. Briand, N.F. de Rooij,
Electrical Properties and Applications of Carbon Based Nanocomposite Materials: An Overview
Fabricating devices with dielectrophoretically assembled, suspended single walled carbon nanotubes for improved nanoelectronic device characterization
Floating-Potential Self-Assembly of Singe-Walled Carbon Nanotube Transistors by AC-Dielectrophoresis
J. Cao, A. Arun, A. M. Ionescu
Integration of clamped-clamped suspended single-walled carbon nanotubes in SOI MEMS
S.-W. Lee, M. Muoth, L. Durrer, C. Roman, C. Hierold,
Lateral Gate Suspended-Body Carbon Nanotube Field-Effect-Transistors with Sub-100nm Air Gap by Precise Positioning Method
Magnetic Silyl Scaffold Enables Efficient Recycling of Protecting Groups
Magnetothermally responsive C/Co@PNIPAM-nanoparticles enable preparation of self-separating phase-switching palladium catalysts
Martin Zeltner, Alexander Schaetz, Max L. Hefti, and Wendelin J. Stark
Nanorobotic drug delivery: If I only had a heart...
Platform for strainable, TEM-compatible, MEMS-embedded carbon nanotube transistors
M. Muoth, S.-W. Lee, and C. Hierold
Self-Aligned Back-Gated Suspended Body Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Field-Effect-Transistors Fabricated by High-Precision Positioning Method
Self-Aligned Double-Gate Suspended-Body Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Field-Effect-Transistors
Striking Influence of Catalyst Support on the Hydrocarbon Chemistry: New Insight into the Carbon Nanotube Growth Mechanism
Structural and magnetic characterization of batch-fabricated nickel encapsulated multi-walled carbon nanotubes
Wideband low-noise RF front-end for CNT-NEMS sensors
C. Kauth, M. Pastre, M. Kayal
Analytic modeling and piezoresistive detection theory of acoustic resonances in carbon nanotubes
H. Chandrahalim, C. Roman, and C. Hierold
Catalytic CVD Synthesis of Carbon Nanotubes: Towards High Yield and Low Temperature Growth
Controlled Positioning of Carbon Nanotubes by Dielectrophoresis: Insights into the Solvent and Substrate Role
Ferromagnetic Nanowires as Potential Drug-Delivery Wireless Nanorobots
Hysteresis-free operation of suspended carbon nanotube transistors
M. Muoth, T. Helbling, L. Durrer, S.-W. Lee, C. Roman, C. Hierold
Low Temperature, Highly Efficient Growth of CNTs on Functional Materials
Reinforcing Multi-Wall Carbon Nanotubes by Electron Beam Irradiation
Wafer Level Assembly of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Arrays with Precise Positioning
J. Cao, A. Arun, K. Lister, D. Acquaviva, J. Bhandari, A. M. Ionescu
| | CMOSAIC | |
ALE/finite element modeling of an unconfined bubble plume in periodic domain - bubble shape and oscillation analysis
G. P. Oliveira; G. Anjos; J. Pontes; N. Mangiavacchi; J. R. Thome
Comparative CFD Simulations of Gas Transport in Slug Flow from Periodic Arrays with Single or Multiple Bubbles
Oliveira, G.P.; Mangiavacchi, N.; Anjos, G.R.; Pontes, J.; Thome, J.R.
Particles with an identity: Tracking and tracing in commodity products
Daniela Paunescu, Wendelin J. Stark, Robert N. Grass
Development and characterization of custom-engineered and compacted nanoparticles as calibration materials for quantification using LA-ICP-MS
3D ALE Finite Element Method for Two-Phase Flows with Phase Change
G. Anjos, N. Mangiavacchi, N. Borhani, J.R. Thome
3D-ICE: a Compact Thermal Model for Early-Stage Design of Liquid-Cooled ICs
A. Sridhar, A. Vincenzi, D. Atienza, T. Brunschwiler
Computational modeling of hot-spot identification and control in 3D stacked chips with integrated cooling
F. Aleri, S. Gianini, M. K. Tiwari, T. Brunschwiler, B. Michel, D. Poulikakos
Computational modeling of vortex shedding in water cooling of 3D integrated electronics
F. Aleri, M. K. Tiwari, A. Renfer, T. Brunschwiler, B. Michel, D. Poulikakos
DNA-Based Sensor Particles Enable Measuring Light Intensity in Single Cells
Mikutis Gediminas, Mora Carlos A., Puddu Michela, Paunescu Daniela, Grass Robert N., Stark Wendelin J.
Fine-resolution two-phase flow heat transfer coefficient measurements of refrigerants in multi-microchannel evaporators
S. Szczukiewicz, N. Borhani, J.R. Thome
GreenCool: An Energy-Efficient Liquid Cooling Design Technique for 3D MPSoCs Via Channel Width Modulation
M.M. Sabry, A. Sridhar, J. Meng, A.K. Coskun, D. Atienza
Integration of Intra Chip Stack Fluidic Cooling using Thin-Layer Solder Bonding
Y. Madhour, M. Zervas, G. Schlottig, T. Brunschwiler, Y. Leblebici, J.R. Thome, B. Michel
Investigation of Novel Solder Patterns for Power Delivery and Heat Removal Support
T. Brunschwiler, Y. Madhour, T. Tick, G. Schlottig, S. Oggioni
Microvortex-enhanced heat transfer in 3D-integrated liquid cooling of electronic chip stacks
A. Renfer, M. K. Tiwari, R. Tiwari, F. Aleri, T. Brunschwiler, B. Michel, D. Poulikakos
Soft iron/silicon composite tubes for magnetic peristaltic pumping: Frequency-dependent pressure and volume flow
R. Fuhrer, C.M.Schumacher, M. Zeltner, and Wendelin J. Stark
STEAM: a fast compact thermal model for two-phase cooling of integrated circuits
A. Sridhar, Y. Mahour, D. Atienza, T. Brunschwiler, J.R. Thome
Synthesis of Trisubstituted Ureas by a Multistep Sequence Utilizing Recyclable Magnetic Reagents and Scavengers
Quirin M. Kainz, Martin Zeltner, Michael Rossier, Wendelin J. Stark, and Oliver Reiser
Topological Remeshing and Locally Supported Smoothing for Bubble Coalescence in Two-Phase Flows
Gustavo Peixoto de Oliveira, Norberto Mangiavacchi, Gustavo Anjos, John R. Thome
Two-phase flow operational maps for multi-microchannel evaporators
S. Szczukiewicz, N. Borhani, J.R. Thome
Two-phase heat transfer and high-speed visualization of refrigerant flows in 100 × 100 m2 silicon multi-microchannels
S. Szczukiewicz, N. Borhani, J.R. Thome
Vortex shedding from confined micropin arrays.
A. Renfer, M. K. Tiwari, F. Meyer, T. Brunschwiler, B. Michel, D. Poulikakos
Accelerating Thermal Simulations of 3D ICs with Liquid Cooling using Neural Networks
A. Vincenzi, A. Sridhar, M. Ruggiero, D. Atienza
Accelerating Thermal Simulations of 3D ICs with Liquid Cooling using Neural Networks
A. Vincenzi, A. Sridhar, M. Ruggiero and D. Atienza Alonso
Closed-Loop Control for Power and Thermal Management in Multi-Core Processors: Formal Methods and Industrial Practice
I.M. Elfadel, R. Marculescu, D. Atienza
Extended tensor description to design non-uniform heat removal in interlayer cooled chip stacks
T. Brunschwiler, S. Paredes, U. Drechsler, B. Michel, B. Wunderle, H. Reichl
Neural Network-Based Thermal Simulation of Integrated Circuits on GPUs
A Sridhar, A Vincenzi, M Ruggiero, D Atienza
On the significance of developing boundary layers in integrated water cooled 3D chip stacks
F. Alfieri, M. K. Tiwari, I. Zinovik, T. Brunschwiler, B. Michel, D. Poulikakos
Patterned die-to-die thin film bonding for 3D chip stacks with integrated microfluidic cooling
Y. Madhour, T. Brunschwiler, M. El-Kazzi, B. Michel, J.R. Thome
Thermal Balancing of Liquid-Cooled 3D-MPSoCs Using Channel Modulation
M.M. Sabry, A. Sridhar, D. Atienza
Two-phase Flow Boiling in a Single Layer of Future High-Performance 3D Stacked Computer Chips
S. Szczukiewicz, N. Borhani, J.R. Thome
Two-Phase Heat Transfer and High-Speed Visualization of Refrigerant Flows in 100 x 100 micron Silicon Multi-Microchannels
S. Szczukiewicz, N. Borhani, J.R. Thome,
3D Thermal-Aware Floorplanner for Many-Core Single-Chip Systems
D. Cuesta, J.L. Risco, J.L. Ayala, D. Atienza
3D-ICE: Fast compact transient thermal modeling for 3D-ICs with inter-tier liquid cooling
A. Sridhar, A. Vincenzi, M. Ruggiero, D. Atienza, T. Brunschwiler
Angle-Of-Attack Investigation of Pin Fin Arrays in Non-Uniform Heat-Removal Cavities for Interlayer Cooled Chip Stacks
T. Brunschwiler, S. Paredes, U. Drechsler, B. Michel, B. Wunderle, H. Reichl
Attaining Single-Chip, High-Performance Computing Through 3D Systems with Active Cooling
A.K. Coskun, D. Atienza, M. Sabry, J. Meng
Cooling of next generation computer chips: parametric study for single- and two-phase cooling
Y. Madhour, S. Zimmermann, J. Olivier, J.R. Thome, B. Michel, D. Poulikakos
Design Methods and Tools for 3D Integration
G. De Micheli, V. Pavlidis, D. Atienza, Y. Leblebici
Die-level TSV fabrication platform for CMOS-MEMS integration
Y. Temiz, M. Zervas, C. Guiducci, Y. Leblebici
Energy-Efficient Multi-Objective Thermal Control for Liquid-Cooled 3D Stacked Architectures
M. M. Sabry, A. K. Coskun, D. Atienza, T. Simunic, T. Brunschwiler
Experimental investigation into vortex structure and pressure drop across microcavities in 3D integrated electronics
A. Renfer, M.K. Tiwari, T. Brunschwiler, B. Michel, D. Poulikakos
Fast Thermal Simulation of 2D/3D Integrated Circuits Exploiting Neural Networks and GPUs
A. Vincenzi, A. Sridhar, M. Ruggiero, D. Atienza
Flow boiling of R134a in a multi-microchannel heat sink with hotspot heaters for energy-efficient microelectronic CPU cooling applications
Y. Madhour, J. Olivier, E. Costa Patry, S. Paredes, B. Michel, J.R. Thome
Fuzzy Control for Enforcing Energy Efficiency in High-Performance 3D Systems
M. Sabry, A. K. Coskun, D. Atienza
Microchannel-based liquid interlayer cooling in high-performance 3D stacks
Y. Temiz, Y. Leblebici, S. Szczukiewicz, N. Borhani, J.R. Thome, T. Brunschwiler, B. Michel
Run-Time Adaptable On-Chip Predictive Thermal Triggers
Surface Functionalization Mechanisms of Enhancing Heat Transfer at Solid-Liquid Interfaces
J.V. Goicochea, M. Hu, B. Michel, D, Poulikakos
Surface-Tension-Driven Multi-Chip Self-Alignment Techniques for Heterogeneous 3D Integration
F. Sun, Y. Leblebici, T. Brunschwiler
Thermal Analysis and Active Cooling Management for 3D MPSoCs
M. Sabry, D. Atienza, A.K. Coskun
Thermal-Aware Compilation for Register Window-Based Embedded Processors
M. Sabry, J.L. Ayala, D. Atienza
Towards Thermally-Aware Design of 3D MPSoCs with Inter-Tier Cooling
M. Sabry, A. Sridhar, D. Atienza, Y. Temiz, Y. Leblebici, S. Szczukiewicz, N. Borhani, J. R. Thome, T. Brunschwiler, B. Michel
3D integrated water cooling of a composite multilayer stack of chips
F. Alfieri, M.K. Tiwari, I. Zinovik, D. Poulikakos, T. Brunschwiler, B. Michel
A novel time strip flow visualisation technique for investigation of intermittent dewetting and dryout in elongated bubble flow in a microchannel evaporator
N. Borhani, B. Agostini, J.R. Thome
Compact transient thermal model for 3D ICs with liquid cooling via enhanced heat transfer cavity geometries
A. Sridhar, A. Vincenzi, M. Ruggiero, D. Atienza, T. Brunschwiler
Emulation-based transient thermal modeling of 2D/3D systems-on-chip with active cooling
P.G. Del Valle, D. Atienza
Energy-Efficient Variable-Flow Liquid Cooling in 3D Stacked Architectures
A.K. Coskun, D. Atienza, T. Simunic, T. Brunschwiler, B. Michel
Experimental investigation of diabatic flow in microchannels using infra-red thermography
S. Szczukiewicz, N. Borhani, J.R. Thome
Heat-Removal Performance Scaling of Interlayer Cooled Chip Stacks
T. Brunschwiler, S. Paredes, U. Drechsler, B. Michel, W. Cesar, Y. Leblebici, B. Wunderle, H. Reichl
Multicore thermal management using approximate explicit Model Predictive Control
F. Zanini, C.N. Jones, D. Atienza, G. De Micheli
Neural Network based On-Chip Thermal Simulator
Online Convex Optimization-Based Algorithm for Thermal Management of MPSoCs
F. Zanini, D. Atienza, G. De Micheli, S.P. Boyd
Pin-Shape Assessment for Interlayer Cooled Chip-Stacks with Periodic Boundary Condition Modeling
Surface Tension Assisted Multi-Chip Self-Assembly Technique for Heterogeneous 3D Integration
F. Sun, M. Zervas, Y. Leblebici, T. Brunschwiler
Temperature Sensor Placement in Thermal Management Systems for MPSoCs
F. Zanini, D. Atienza, C. N. Jones, G. De Micheli
Thermal Modeling and Management of Liquid-Cooled 3D Stacked Architectures
A.K. Coskun, J.L. Ayala, D. Atienza, T. Simunic
Thermal-Aware Design of 3D ICs with Inter-Tier Liquid Cooling
Two-phase flow boiling of R134a in a multi-microchannel heat sink for microprocessor cooling
Y. Madhour, J. Olivier, E.C. Patry, S. Paredes, B. Michel, J.R. Thome
Water Nanoconfinement Induced Thermal Enhancement at Hydrophilic Quartz Interfaces
M. Hu, J. V. Goicochea, B. Michel, D. Poulikakos
Dynamic Thermal Management in 3D Multicore Architectures
A. K. Coskun, J.L. Ayala, D. Atienza, T. Simunic, Y. Leblebici
Emulation-Based Transient Thermal Modeling of 2D/3D Systems-on-Chip with Active Cooling
Modeling and Dynamic Management of 3D Multicore Systems with Liquid Cooling
A. K. Coskun, J.L. Ayala, D. Atienza, T. Simunic
Thermal Rectification at Water Functionalized Silica Interfaces
M. Hu, J. V. Goicochea, B. Michel, D. Poulikakos
Through Silicon Via-Based Grid for Thermal Control in 3D Chips
J.L. Ayala, A. Sridhar, V. Pangracious, D. Atienza, Y. Leblebici
Validation of the Porous-Medium Approach to Model Interlayer-Cooled 3D-Chip Stacks
| GreenPower | | | |
Effect of silane coupling agent on the thermomechanical, dielectric and electromechanical properties of PVDF-TrFE/BaTiO3 composites
Process influences on the structure, piezoelectric and gas-barrier properties of P(VDF-TrFE) (81-19) copolymer
Radiation Grafted Membranes for Fuel Cells: Strategies to Compete with PFSA Membranes
Radiation Grafted Membranes providing Low Cost, High Performance and Durability
L. Bonorand, P. Reichel, J. Thut, L. Gubler
The Greenpower house : from simulation to reality
Y. Stauffer, E. Onillon, L. Lisowski, C. Meier, P. Theurillat
Viscoelastic Phase Diagram of Fluorinated and Grafted Polymer Films and Proton Exchange Membranes for Fuel Cell Applications
Characterization of radiation grafted polymer films using CP/MAS NMR spectroscopy and confocal raman microscopy
Structure of the ion-rich phase in DVB cross-linked graft-copolymer proton-exchange membranes
S. Balog, U. Gasser, K. Mortenssen, H. Ben youcef, L. Gubler, G. G. Scherer
The effect of processing conditions on the morphology, thermomechanical, dielectric and piezoelectric properties of P(VDF-TrFE)/BaTiO3 composites
Development of high performance and durable fuel cell membranes based on radiation grafting
Energy flux optimization in future buildings
Y. Stauffer, E. Onillon, L. Lisowski, C. Meier, P. Theurillat
Improvement of homogeneity and interfacial properties of radiation grafted membranes for fuel cells using diisopropenylbenzene crosslinker
H. Ben youcef, L. Gubler, A. Foelske-Schmitz, G.G. Scherer
Nano-scale morphology in graft copolymer proton-exchange membranes cross-linked with DIPB
S. Balog, U. Gasser, K. Mortenssen, H. Ben youcef, L. Gubler, G. G. Scherer
Influence of Radiation-Induced Grafting Process on Mechanical Properties of ETFE-Based Membranes for Fuel Cells
Trends for fuel cell membrane development
L. Gubler , G. G. Scherer
| | i-IronIC |
Ectonucleotidase activity and immunosuppression in astrocyte-CD4 T cell bidirectional signaling
Fabia Filipello, Davide Pozzi, Michele Proietti, Andrea Romagnani, Sonia Mazzitelli, Michela Matteoli, Claudia Verderio, Fabio Grassi
SiNW-FET in-Air Biosensors for High Sensitive and Specific Detection in Breast Tumor Extract
Surface trap mediated electronic transport in biofunctionalized silicon nanowires
Puppo, Francesca; Traversa, Fabio Lorenzo; Di Ventra, Massimiliano; De Micheli, Giovanni; Carrara, Sandro
A System for Wireless Power Transfer and Data Communication of Long-Term Bio-Monitoring
Modeling Memristive Biosensors
Tzouvadaki, Ioulia; Puppo, Francesca; Doucey, Marie-Agnes; De Micheli, Giovanni; Carrara, Sandro
Tzouvadaki, Ioulia; Puppo, Francesca; De Micheli, Giovanni; Carrara, Sandro
Computational Study on the Electrical Behavior of Silicon Nanowire Memristive Biosensors
An Integrated Control and Readout Circuit for Implantable Multi-Target Electrochemical Biosensing
S. S. Ghoreishizadeh, C. Baj-Rossi, A. Cavallini, S. Carrara and G. De Micheli
Design, development, and validation of an in-situ biosensor array for metabolite monitoring of cell cultures
Boero, Cristina; Casulli, Maria Antonietta; Olivo, Jacopo; Foglia, Lorenzo; Orso, Eric; Mazza, Marco; Carrara, Sandro; De Micheli, Giovanni
Do Carbon Nanotubes Contribute to Electrochemical Biosensing?
S. Carrara, C. Baj-Rossi, C. Boero and G. De Micheli
Full Fabrication and Packaging of an Implantable Multi-panel Device for Monitoring of Metabolites in Small Animals
Memristive Biosensors Under Varying Humidity Conditions
Memristive sensors for pH measure in dry conditions
Puppo, Francesca; Carrara, Sandro; Di Ventra, Massimiliano; De Micheli, Giovanni
Micro-fabrication of high-thickness spiral inductors for the remote powering of implantable biosensors,
Jacopo Olivo, Sandro Carrara, and Giovanni De Micheli,
A study of Multi-Layer Spiral Inductors for Remote Powering of Implantable Sensors,
Jacopo Olivo, Sandro Carrara, and Giovanni De Micheli,
Comparative Performance of Different Nanostructured Electrochemical Sensors on Insulin Detection,
Fabrizio Mastrantonio, Francesco Valgimigli, Lucia Grassi, Paolo Cappa, Giovanni De Micheli, Sandro Carrara,
Comparative study of three lactate oxidases from Aerococcus viridans for biosensing applications
Direct growth of nanotubes and graphene nanoflowers on electrochemical platinum electrodes
Far-Field UHF Remotely Powered Front-End for Patient Monitoring with Wearable Antenna
O. Kazanc, J.A. Rodriguez-Rodriguez, M. Delgado-Restituto, F. Maloberti, C. Dehollain
High-Q Adaptive Matching Network for Remote Powering of UHF RFIDs and Wireless Sensor Systems
O. Kazanc, F. Maloberti, C. Dehollain
Implantable devices: the future of blood monitoring?
G. De Micheli, C. Boero and S. Carrara
Superior sensing performance of MWCNT-based electrodes to detect unconjugated bilirubin
Irene Taurino, Viviane Van Hoof, Giovanni De Micheli, Sandro Carrara,
A Current-Mode Potentiostat for Multi-plexed Chronoamperometry for Protein Engineered Lactate detection
S. Sara Ghoreishizadeh, Irene Taurino, Sandro Carrara, and Giovanni De Micheli
A self-contained system with CNTs-based biosensors for cell culture monitoring
Cristina Boero, Jacopo Olivo, Sandro Carrara, and Giovanni De Micheli
Carbon Nanotubes With Different Orientations for Electrochemical Biodevices
Irene Taurino, Sandro Carrara, Mauro Giorcelli, Alberto Tagliaferro, Giovanni De Micheli
Design, fabrication, functionalization and test of a sensor array for multi-panel biosensing in personalized therapy
Andrea Cavallini, Camilla Baj-Rossi, Sara Ghoreishizadeh, Giovanni De Micheli, Sandro Carrara
Developing Highly-Integrated Subcutaneous Biochips for Remote Monitoring of Human Metabolism
Sandro Carrara, Andrea Cavallini, Sara Ghoreishizadeh, Jacopo Olivo, Giovanni De Micheli
Electrochemical comparison of two different oriented multi-walled carbon nanotubes directly grown on Si-wafers toward potassium ferricyanide detection
Irene Taurino, Sandro Carrara, Mauro Giorcelli, Alberto Tagliaferro, Giovanni De Micheli
Fully Integrated Biochip Platforms for Advanced Healthcare
Sandro Carrara, Sara Seyedeh Ghoreishizadeh, Jacopo Olivo, Irene Taurino, Camilla Baj-Rossi, Andrea Cavallini, Maaike Op de Beeck, Catherine Dehollain, Wayne Burleson, Francis G. Moussy, Anthony Guiseppi-Elie, Giovanni De Micheli
Integrated Biosensors for Personalized Medicine
Giovanni De Micheli, Cristina Boero, Camilla Baj-Rossi, Irene Taurino, Sandro Carrara
IronIC Patch: A Wearable Device for the Remote Powering and Connectivity of Implantable Systems
Jacopo Olivo, Sandro Carrara, and Giovanni De Micheli
Miniaturized Antenna and Integrated Rectifier Design for Remote Powering of Wireless Sensor Systems
O. Kazanc, F. Mazzilli, N. Joehl, F. Maloberti, C. Dehollain
Simulation Oriented Rectenna Design Methodology for Remote Powering of Wireless Sensor Systems
O. Kazanc, F. Maloberti, C. Dehollain
An Integrated Platform for Advanced Diagnostics
Giovanni De Micheli, S. Sara Ghoreishizadeh, Cristina Boero, Francesco Valgimigli, and Sandro Carrara
Biofuel Cells and Inductive Powering as Harvesting Techniques for Implantable Sensors
Jacopo Olivo, Sandro Carrara, Giovanni De Micheli
Circuit Design for Human Metabolites Biochip
S. Sara Ghoreishizadeh, Sandro Carrara, and Giovanni De Micheli
Comparing sensitivities of multiple oriented multi-walled carbon nanotubes on silicon wafer for electrochemical biochips
Irene Taurino, Sandro Carrara, Mauro Giorcelli, Alberto Tagliaferro, Giovanni De Micheli
Energy Harvesting and Remote Powering for Implantable Biosensors
Jacopo Olivo, Sandro Carrara, Giovanni De Micheli
Impedance-Matched Sensor-Tag Antenna Design Using Genetic Algorithm Optimization
O. Kazanc, C. Dehollain, F. Maloberti
Modeling of Printed Spiral Inductors for Remote Powering of Implantable Biosensors
Jacopo Olivo, Sandro Carrara, and Giovanni De Micheli
Nano-Sensor and Circuit design for Anti-cancer Drug detection
Sara S. Ghoreishizadeh, Camilla Baj-Rossi, Sandro Carrara, Giovanni De Micheli
Single-Metabolite Bio-Nano-Sensors and System for Remote Monitoring in Animal Model
VHDL-AMS Model of an Electrochemical Cell to Design VLSI Bio-Chips
Marialaura Beltrandi, Alain Vachoux, Sandro Carrara,Yusuf Leblebici, Giovanni De Micheli
Optimal Frequencies for Inductive Powering of Fully Implantable Biosensors for Chronic and Elderly Patients
Jacopo Olivo, Sandro Carrara, Giovanni De Micheli
Electrical modeling of the cell-electrode interface for recording neural activity from high-density microelectrode arrays
N. Joye, A. Schmid and Y. Leblebici.
| IrSens |
Binary subwavelength structures that act simultaneously as antireflective and diffractive structure for the mid-infrared wavelength range
| |
Cocaine detection in liquid using a fibred platform and mid-infrared quantum cascade laser
Compact multipass optical cell for laser spectroscopy
Microfluidic Droplet-Based Liquid-Liquid Extraction and On-Chip IR Spectroscopy Detection of Cocaine in Human Saliva
Philip Waegli, Yu-Chi Chang, Alexandra Homsy, Lubos Hvozdara, Hans Peter Herzig, and Nico F. de Rooij
Microfluidic Droplet-Based Liquid-Liquid Extraction and On-Chip IR Spectroscopy Detection of Cocaine in Human Saliva
Microfluidic Droplet-Based Liquid–Liquid Extraction and On-Chip IR Spectroscopy Detection of Cocaine in Human Saliva
Waegli, Philip; Chang, Yu-Chi; Homsy, Alexandra; Hvozdara, Lubos; Herzig, Hans Peter; de Rooij, Nico
Mid-infrared spectroscopy for gases and liquids based on quantum cascade technologies
Pierre Jouy, M. Mangold, Bela Tuzson, Lukas Emmenegger, Yu-Chi Chang, Lubos Hvozdara, Hans Peter Herzig, Philip Waegli, Alexandra Homsy, Nico F. de Rooij, Alexander Wirthmueller, Daniel Hofstetter, Herbert Looser and Jerome Faist
Progress and challenges in industrial fabrication of wafer-fused VCSELs emitting in the 1310 nm band for high speed wavelength division multiplexing applications.
Iakovlev, Vladimir; Sirbu, Alexei; Mickovic, Zlatko; Ellafi, Dalila; Suruceanu, Grigore; Mereuta, Alexandru; Caliman, Andrei; Kapon, Elyahou
Sensing cocaine in saliva with infrared laser spectroscopy
Transverse mode discrimination in long-wavelength wafer-fused vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers by intra-cavity patterning
Volet, Nicolas; Czyszanowski, Tomasz; Walczak, Jaroslaw; Mutter, Lukas; Dwir, Benjamin; Mickovi?, Zlatko; Gallo, Pascal; Caliman, Andrei; Sirbu, Alexei; Mereuta, Alexandru
A CMOS Compatible Ge-on-Si APD Operating in Proportional and Geiger Modes at Infrared Wavelengths
A. Sammak, M. Aminian, L. Qi, W. B. de Boer, E. Charbon and L. K. Nanver
A Ge-on-Si Single Photon Avalanche Diode Operating in Geiger Mode at Infrared Wavelengths
M. Aminian, A. Sammak, L. K. Nanver, and E. Charbon
Cocaine detection by a mid-infrared waveguide integrated with a microfluidic chip
Y.-C. Chang, P. Waegli, V. Paeder, A. Homsy, L. Hvozdara, P. van der Wal, J. Di Francesco, N. F. de Rooij, and H. Peter Herzig
Heterogeneous material micro-transfer by ink-jet print assisted mould filling
Infrared Attenuated Total Reflection (IR-ATR) Spectroscopy for Detecting Drugs in Human Saliva
Infrared detection of cocaine and street cocaine in saliva with a one-step extraction
Low-loss germanium strip waveguides on silicon for the mid-infrared
Y.-C. Chang, V. Paeder, L. Hvozdara, J.-M. Hartmann, and H. P. Herzig
Sensing cocaine in saliva with attenuated total reflection infrared (ATR-IR) spectroscopy combined with a one-step extraction method
K.M.-C. Hans, M. Gianella and Markus W. Sigrist
UV-curable adhesive as the low-cost material of choice for microfluidic forensic applications
P. Waegli, A. Homsy and N.F. de Rooij
A CMOS Compatible Ge-on-Si APD Operating in Proportional and Geiger Modes at Infrared Wavelengths
A. Sammak, M. Aminian, L. Qi, W. D. de Boer, E. Charbon, L.K. Nanver
CO2 isotope sensor using a broadband infrared source, a spectrally narrow 4.4 µm quantum cascade detector, and a Fourier spectrometer
D. Hofstetter, J. Di Francesco, L. Hvozdara, H.-P. Herzig, M. Beck
Ink-jet printing assisted micro-transfer moulding
Intra-cavity patterning for mode control in 1.3µm coupled VCSEL arrays
L. Mutter, B Dwir, A. Caliman, V. Iakovlev, A. Mereuta, A. Sirbu, E. Kapon
Norland Optical Adhesive (NOA81) Microchannels with Adjustable Surface Properties and High Chemical Resistance Against IR-Transparent Organic Solvents
Norland optical adhesive (NOA81) microchannels with adjustable wetting behavior and high chemical resistance against a range of mid-infrared-transparent organic solvents
Wafer-fused heterostructures: application to vertical cavity surface emitting lasers emitting in the 1310 nm band
A. Sirbu, V.Iakovlev, A. Mereuta, A. Caliman, G. Suruceanu and E.Kapon
Mid-infrared quantum cascade detectors for applications in spectroscopy and pyrometry
Mid-infrared quantum cascade detectors for applications in spectroscopy and pyrometry
D. Hofstetter, F.R. Giorgetta, E. Baumann, Q. Yang, C. Manz, and K. Koehler
Quantum Cascade Detectors
| ISyPeM | | |
The Design of Ultralow-Power MEMS-Based Radio for WSN and WBAN
Aravind Heragu, David Ruffieux, Christian Enz
A 2.4-GHz MEMS-Based PLL-Free Multi-Channel Receiver With Channel Filtering at RF.
Aravind Heragu, David Ruffieux, Christian C. Enz:
Benchmarking therapeutic drug monitoring software: A review of available computer tools
A. Fuchs, C. Csajka, Y. Thoma, T. Buclin, N. Widmer
Comparison between front- and back-gating of Silicon Nanoribbons in real-time sensing experiments
Enrico Accastelli, Giulia Cappi, Julien Buckley Barbara De Salvo, Carlotta Guiducci
Digital approaches in electronic biochips
C.Guiducci, E.Accastelli and F. M. Spiga
Peak Shift Measurement of Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance by a Portable Electronic System
G. Cappi, E. Accastelli, V. Cantale, M. A. Rampi, L. Benini, C. Guiducci
The Swiss HIV Cohort Study and the Mother & Child HIV Cohort Study. Free and total plasma levels of lopinavir during pregnancy, at delivery and in postpartum: implication for dosage adjustments in pregnant women.
A. Fayet-Mello, T. Buclin, N. Guignard, S. Cruchon, M. Cavassini, C. Grawe, E. Gremlich, K. Aebi Popp, F. Schmid, C.B. Eap, A. Telenti, J. Biollaz, L.A. Decosterd, B. Martinez de Tejada
A 2.4 GHz MEMS based Sub-Sampling Receiver Front-end with Low Power Channel Selection Filtering at RF
A. Heragu, D. Ruffieux and C. Enz
A 2.4-GHz MEMS-based PLL-free Multi-channel Receiver with Channel Filtering at RF
A. Heragu, D. Ruffieux and C. Enz
A CMOS-Compatible Chip-to-Chip 3D Integration Platform
Yuksel Temiz, Michael Zervas, Carlotta Guiducci, Yusuf Leblebici
A Comparative Study on Fabrication Techniques for On-Chip Micro- electrodes
Y. Temiz, A. Ferretti, Y. Leblebici, C. Guiducci
A Drug Administration Decision Support System
Wenqi You, Alena Simalatsar, Nicolas Widmer and Giovanni De Micheli
A Low-Power 2.4-GHz Front-end with MEMS Lattice based Channel filtering at RF
A. Heragu, D. Ruffieux and C. Enz
A Portable Setup for Molecular Detection by Transmission LSPR
Giulia Cappi, Enrico Accastelli, Fabio M. Spiga, Vera Cantale, Maria A. Rampi, Luca Benini and Carlotta Guiducci
An agenda for UK clinical pharmacology: Monitoring drug therapy
T. Buclin, V. Gotta, A. Fuchs, N. Widmer, J. Aronson
Medical Guidelines Reconciling Medical Software and Electronic Devices: Imatinib Case-study
Alena Simalatsar and Giovanni De Micheli
Molecular transport through nanoporous silicon nitride membranes produced from self-assembling block copolymers
F. Montagne, N. Blondiaux, A. Bojko, R. Pugin
Noise Canceling Chopper Stabilized Front-end for Electrochemical Biosensors with Improved Dynamic Range
V. Balasubramanian, P.F. Francois, and C. Enz
Post-CMOS Processing and 3-D Integration Based on Dry-Film Lithography
Yuksel Temiz, Carlotta Guiducci and Yusuf Leblebici
RANSAC-based Enhancement in Drug Concentration Prediction Using Support Vector Machine
Wenqi You, Alena Simalatsar and Giovanni De Micheli
Safe and effective variability - A criterion for dose individualization
TAT-based Formal Representation of Medical Guidelines : Imatinib Case-study
Alena Simalatsar and Giovanni De Micheli
Therapeutic drug monitoring of imatinib: Bayesian and alternative methods to predict trough levels
V. Gotta, N. Widmer, M. Montemurro, S. Leyvraz, A. Haouala, L.A. Decosterd, C. Csajka, T. Buclin
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring of Targeted Anticancer Therapy. Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors and Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators: A Clinical Pharmacology Laboratory Perspective
L. Decosterd, E. Dahmane, M. Neeman, T. Buclin, C. Csajka, A. Haouala, N. Widmer
A MEMS-based 2.4 GHz Sub-sampling RF Front-end for Advanced Healthcare Applications
A. Heragu, D. Ruffieux, J. Chabloz, and C. Enz
Example-based Support Vector Machine for Drug Concentration Analysis
Wenqi You, Nicolas Widmer, Giovanni De Micheli
MEMS-based All-digital Frequency Synthesis for Ultralow-Power Radio for WBAN and WSN Applications
D. Ruffieux, M. Contaldo and C. Enz
Personalized Modeling for Drug Concentration Prediction Using Support Vector Machine
Wenqi You, Nicolas Widmer, Giovanni De Micheli
Successful efavirenz dose reduction guided by therapeutic drug monitoring
A. Fayet Mello, T. Buclin, L.A. Decosterd, C. Delhumeau, J. di Iulio, A. Fleurent, M.P. Schneider, M. Cavassini, A. Telenti, B, Hirschel, A. Calmy
Who is in charge of assessing therapeutic drug monitoring? The case of imatinib
T. Buclin, N. Widmer, J. Biollaz, L.A. Decosterd
A Multiband Concurrent Sampling based RF Front End for Biotelemetry Applications
A. Heragu, V. Balasubramanian and C. Enz
Analysis of Ultralow-Power Asynchronous ADCs
V. Balasubramanian, A. Heragu, and C. Enz
Integrating Bio-sensing Functions on CMOS Chips
C. Guiducci, Y. Temiz, Y. Leblebici, E. Accastelli, A. Ferretti, G. Cappi, E. Bianchi
Robust Microelectrodes Developed for Improved Stability in Electrochemical Characterization of Biomolecular Layers
Y. Temiz, E. Accastelli Y. Leblebici and C. Guiducci
Ultra Low Power and Miniaturized MEMS-based Radio for BAN and WSN Applications
D. Ruffieux, M. Contaldo, J. Chabloz, and C. Enz
| | LiveSense | | | |
Bioreporters and biosensors for arsenic detection. Biotechnological solutions for a world-wide pollution problem
Merulla, D., Buffi, N., Beggah, S., Truffer, F., Geiser, M., Renaud, P. and J. R. van der Meer
Electrochemical As(III) Whole-Cell Based Biochip Sensor
Examining Chemical Compound Biodegradation at Low Concentrations through Bacterial Cell Proliferation.
Czechowska K, Sentchilo V, Beggah S, Rey S, Seyfried M, van der Meer JR
Label-free recognition of drug resistance via impedimetric screening of breast cancer cells.
B. Eker, R. Meissner, A. Bertsch, K. Mehta, P. Renaud
Mesenchymal Stem Cells Exploit Extracellular Matrix as Mechanotransducer
B.Li, C. Moshfegh, Z. Lin, J. Albuschies & V. Vogel
Nogo-A is a negative regulator of CNS angiogenesis,
The role of filopodia in the recognition of Nanotopographies
A calcium ion-selective electrode array for monitoring the activity of HepG2/C3As in a microchannel
J. Park, R. Meissner, O. Ducloux, P. Renaud, H. Fujita
Field testing of arsenic in groundwater samples of bangladesh using a test kit based on lyophilized bioreporter bacteria
Siegfried, K., Endes, C., Bhuiyan, A.F., Kuppardt, A., Mattusch, J., van der Meer, J.R., et al.
Microfluidic-based frequency-multiplexing impedance sensor (FMIS)
R. Meissner, P. Joris, B. Eker, A. Bertsch, P. Renaud
Portable automated osmolality and pH adjustment of environmental water samples delivered into a cell-based biosensor
S. Talaei, Y. Fujii, F. Truffer, P. D. Van Der Wal, N. F. De Rooij
Co-pathological connected primary neurons in a microfluidic device for Alzheimer studies
Kunze*, R. Meissner*, S. Brando, and P. Renaud
Co-pathological states of tau proteins in a 3D micropatterned neural cell culture
A. Kunze, R. Meissner, S. Brando, and P. Renaud
Continuous and label-free toxicity screening of human hepatocytes on chip reveals frequency-dependent impedance profiles
R. Meissner, B. Eker, P. Renaud
Development of a microfluidics biosensor for agarose-bead immobilized Escherichia coli bioreporter cells for arsenite detection in aqueous samples
N. Buffi, D. Merulla, J. Beutier, F. Barbaud, S. Beggah, H. van Lintel, P. Renaud, J R. van der Meer
Development of bioreporter assays for the detection of bioavailability of long-chain alkanes based on the marine bacterium Alcanivorax borkumensis strain SK2
R. Kumari, R. Tecon, S. Beggah, R. Rutler, J. S. Arey, J R. van der Meer
Distinguishing drug-induced minor morphological changes from major cellular damage via label-free impedimetric toxicity screening
R. Meissner, B. Eker, H. Kasi, A. Bertsch, P. Renaud
Microfluidic approach for simultaneous measurement of choline and glutamate neurotransmitters in in-vitro monitoring of neural cells
S. Talaei, P. D. van der Wal and N. F. de Rooij
Miniaturized bacterial biosensor system for arsenic detection holds great promise for making integrated measurement device
N. Buffi, D. Merulla, J. Beutier, F. Barbaud, S. Beggah, H. van Lintel, P. Renaud, J R. van der Meer
A Ca2+ ion selective electrode biosensor in microfluidics to monitor hepatocytes activities
J. Park, R. Meissner, o. Ducoux, H. van Lintel, P. Renaud, and H. Fujita
Continuous-flow multi-analyte biosensor cartridge with controllable linear response range
O. Frey, S. Talaei, P. D. van der Wal, M. Koudelka-Hep and N. F. de Rooij
Development of a Multistrain Bacterial Bioreporter Platform for the Monitoring of Hydrocarbon Contaminants in Marine Envirionments
Tecon, R., Beggah, S., Czechowska, K., Sentchilo, V., Chronopoulou, P. M., McGenity, T. J., van der Meer, J. R.
Direct localised measurement of electrical resistivity profile in rat and embryonic chick retinas using a microprobe
H. Kasi, R. Meissner, A. Babalian, H. van Lintel, A. Bertsch, and P. Renaud
Neurite guidance through 3D hydrogel layers in a microfluidic environment
Kunze, R. Meissner, and P. Renaud
Smart SU-8 pillars implemented in a microfluidic bioreactor for continuous measurement of glucose
S. Talaei, O. Frey, S. Psoma, P. D. van der Wal and N. F. de Rooij
Where microbiology meets microengineering: design and applications of reporter bacteria
Van der Meer, J. R., Belkin, S.
Hybrid microfluidic cartridge formed by irreversible bonding of SU-8 and PDMS for multi-layer flow applications
S. Talaei, O. Frey, P. D. van der Wal, N. F. de Rooij and M. Koudelka-Hep
| MIXSEL | | |
Picosecond MIXSEL for clocking applications
M. Mangold, V. J. Wittwer, C. A. Zaugg, S. M. Link, M. Golling, B. W. Tilma, U. Keller
Recent progress in wafer-fused VECSELs emitting in the 1310 nm and 1550 nm bands (invited)
Record-low noise performance of high-power picosecond MIXSEL
Wafer-fused VECSELs emitting in the 1310 nm waveband (invited)
1.56 1 watt single frequency semiconductor disk laser
14XX nm-wavelength electrically-pumped VECSELs fabricated by wafer fusion
A. Caliman, A. Sirbu, A. Mereuta, K. Pierscinski, V. Iakovlev, and E. Kapon,
Characterization of nonlinear gain parameters in VECSELs to optimize femtosecond high average power operation
Experimentally verified pulse formation model for high-power femtosecond VECSELs
MIXSEL generates femtosecond pulses and tunable gigahertz pulse repetition rates from 5-100 GHz
M. Mangold, C. A. Zaugg, V. J. Wittwer, S. M. Link, M. Golling, B. W. Tilma, U. Keller
Near-infrared diode-pumped solid-state frequency comb for ultra-stable microwave generation
Record Low Timing Jitter of a Free-Running High-Power MIXSEL
M. Mangold, S. M. Link, V. J. Wittwer, A. Klenner, M. Golling, B. W. Tilma, U. Keller
Self-referencing of an optical frequency comb: importance of the laser dynamics
Sub-10-Picosecond Pulses from a Passively Modelocked Electrically Pumped VECSEL
B. W. Tilma, W. P. Pallmann, C. A. Zaugg, M. Golling, U. Keller
Sub-100 MHz Passively Modelocked VECSEL
C. A. Zaugg, A. Klenner, O. D. Sieber, M. Golling, B. W. Tilma, U. Keller
Sub-60-fs timing jitter of a SESAM modelocked VECSEL
Towards compact frequency combs from ultrafast VECSELs
O. D. Sieber, M. Mangold, V. J. Wittwer, M. Hoffmann, M. Golling, B. W. Tilman, U. Keller
Ultrafast Electrically Pumped VECSELs
W.P Pallmann, C.A. Zaugg, M. Mangold, I. Dahhan, M. Golling, B.W. Tilma, B. Witzigmann, U. Keller
1 W at 785 nm from a frequency-doubled wafer-fused semiconductor disk laser
257 MHz pulse repetition rate from a modelocked VECSEL
Characterization of gain parameters in quantum-dot and quantum-well based VECSEl structures
Cost-effective thermally-managed 1.55-µm VECSEL with hybrid mirror on copper substrate
Cross-influence between the two servo-loops of a fully-stabilized Er:fiber optical frequency comb
V. Dolgovskiy, N. Bucalovic, P. Thomann, C. Schori, G. Di Domenico, S. Schilt
Effect of the Carrier-Envelope-Offset Dynamics on the Stabilization of a Diode-Pumped Solid-State Frequency Comb
Experimental Validation of a Simple Approximate Relation Between Laser Frequency Noise and Linewidth
N. Bucalovic, V. Dolgovskiy, C. Schori, P. Thomann, G. Di Domenico, S. Schilt
Experimental Validation of a Simple Approximation to Determine the Linewidth of a Laser from its Frequency Noise Spectrum
N. Bucalovic, V. Dolgovskiy, C. Schori, P. Thomann, G. Di Domenico, S. Schilt
First MIXSEL with a quantum well saturable absorber: shorter pulse durations and higher repetition rates
Frequency Noise of a 4.6-mm DFB Quantum Cascade Laser measured from 130 K to 300 K
L. Tombez, J. Di Francesco, G. Di Domenico, D. Hofstetter, S. Schilt
Gain characterization and passive modelocking of electrically pumped VECSELs
Gain characterization of electrically-pumped VECSELs
High-average power femtosecond VECSELs with tunable repetition rates up to 10 GHz
High-average power modelocked VECSELs and MIXSELs
High-power integrated ultrafast semiconductor disk laser: multi-watt 10-GHz pulse generation
High-power optically pumped femtosecond VECSELs
Linewidth of a quantum cascade laser assessed from its frequency noise spectrum and impact of the current driver
Low repetition rate SESAM modelocked VECSEL using an extendable active multipass-cavity approach
Noise properties of an optical frequency comb from a SESAM-modelocked 1.5µm solid-state laser stabilized to the 10-13 level
Recent advances in ultrafast VECSELs
Sub-80-fs timing jitter of a stabilized SESAM modelocked VECSEL
Temperature dependence of the frequency noise and linewidth of a DFB quantum cascade laser
L. Tombez, S. Schilt, J. Di Francesco, P. Thomann, D. Hofstetter
Temperature dependence of the frequency noise in a mid-IR DFB quantum cascade laser from cryogenic to room temperature
L. Tombez, S. Schilt, J. Di Francesco, P. Thomann, D. Hofstetter
VECSEL gain characterization
1.5-µm Cavity-Stabilized Laser for Ultra-Stable Microwave Generation
V. Dolgovskiy, S. Schilt, G. Di Domenico, N. Bucalovic, C. Schori, P. Thomann
10-GHz MIXSEL: an integrated ultrafast semiconductor disk laser with 2.2-W average power
All quantum-dot based femtosecond VECSEL
Beam quality optimization of electrically pumped VECSELs for passive modelocking
Compact ultrafast semiconductor disk laser: targeting GFP based nonlinear applications in living organisms
Design and simulation of electrically pumped mode-locked VECSELs
Electrically pumped vertical external cavity surface emitting lasers suitable for passive modelocking
Femtosecond high-power quantum dot vertical external cavity surface emitting laser
Femtosecond VECSEL with tunable multi-Gigahertz repetition rate
Femtosecond VECSELs with up to 1-W average output power
Frequency discriminators for the characterization of narrow-spectrum heterodyne beat signals: application to the measurement of a sub-hertz carrier-envelope-offset beat in an optical frequency comb
S. Schilt, N. Bucalovic, L. Tombez, C. Schori, V. Dolgovskiy, C. Schori, G. Di Domenico, M. Zaffalon, P. Thomann
Fully stabilized optical frequency comb with sub-radian CEO phase noise from a SESAM-modelocked 1.5-µm solid-state laser
High power optically pumped VECSELs emitting in 1310-nm and 1550-nm bands
A.Sirbu, A. Mereuta, A. Caliman, N. Volet, Q.Zhu, V. Iakovlev, J. Rautiainen, J. Lyytikainen, O.Okhotnicov, J. Walczak, M. Vasiak, T. Czyszanowski
High-Power 1.48-µm Wafer-Fused Optically Pumped Semiconductor Disk Laser
High-power femtosecond VECSELs with up to 1-W average output power
Optical frequency comb with sub-radian CEO phase noise from a SESAM-modelocked 1.5-µm solid-state laser
Power scaling of the MIXSEL: an integrated picosecond semiconductor laser with >6 W average power
Recent advances in electrically pumped VECSELs for modelocking
Scaling high-power ultrafast VECSELs into the femtosecond regime
Timing jitter characterization of a free-running SESAM mode-locked VECSEL
Timing jitter characterization of a quantum dot SESAM modelocked VECSEL
Towards compact frequency combs from ultrafast VECSELs and MIXSELs
Towards Frequency Domain Modeling of Mode-Locking in Semiconductor Lasers
P. Kreuter, B. Witzigmann, and W. Fichtner
Ultrafast VECSELs and MIXSELs: gigahertz semiconductor lasers with multiwatt average power
Wafer-Fused Optically Pumped VECSELs Emitting in the 1310-nm and 1550-nm Wavebands
1.3 µm Mode-Locked Disk Laser with Wafer Fused Gain Chip and SESAM
1.3-µm Mode-Locked Disk Laser With Wafer Fused Gain and SESAM Structures
1.38-µm mode-locked Raman fiber laser pumped by semiconductor disk laser
100-GHz, 1.1-ps pulse train at 1.5 µm from a passively modelocked Er:Yb:glass laser
A simple approach to the relation between laser frequency noise and laser lineshape
Design and Continuous-Wave Characterization of Electrically Pumped VECSELs Suitable for Passive Modelocking
Experimental verification of soliton-like pulse-shaping mechanisms in passively mode-locked VECSELs
First CEO Frequency Measurement of a SESAM-Modelocked 1.5-µm Solid-State Laser Oscillator
First fully stabilized frequency comb from a SESAM-modelocked 1.5 µm solid-state oscillator
First fully stabilized frequency comb from a SESAM-modelocked 1.5-µm solid-state oscillator
High-power MIXSEL: an integrated ultrafast semiconductor laser with 6.4 W average power
Modelocked Integrated External-Cavity Surface Emitting Laser (MIXSEL) generates 660 mW average power in 23-ps pulses at 3 GHz repetition rate
Modelocked integrated external-cavity surface emitting laser (MIXSEL) with output power up to 660 mW and repetition rate up to 10 GHz
Novel ultrafast vertically emitting semiconductor lasers
Picosecond diode-pumped 1.5-µm Er,Yb:glass lasers operating at 10-100 GHz repetition rate
Raman fiber laser pumped by a semiconductor disk laser and mode locked by a semiconductor saturable absorber mirror
Simulation, design, and characterization of electrically pumped VECSELs for future passive modelocking
Ultrafast solid-state laser oscillators: a success story for the last 20 years with no end in sight
Wafer-fused 1310 nm and 1550 nm Mode-Locked Semiconductor Disk Lasers
A. Sirbu, E. Saarinen, J. Routiainen, J. Puustinen, A. Mereuta, J. Lyytikainen, L. Toikkanen, J. Nikkinen, A. Caliman, V. Iakovlev, O.Okhotnicov and E. Kapon
1.3-µm optically-pumped semiconductor disk laser by wafer fusion
High Power Vertical External Cavity Surface-Emitting Lasers (VECSELs) emitting in 1310 nm and 1550 nm Bands
Low saturation fluence antiresonant quantum dot SESAMs for MIXSEL integration
Novel 1550 nm Vertical External Cavity Surface-Emitting Lasers with 2.28 W RT CW Output
Power-scalable 1.57 µm mode-locked semiconductor disk laser using wafer fusion
E. Saarinen, J. Puustinen, A. Sirbu, A. Mereuta, A. Caliman, E. Kapon, and O. Okhotnikov
Self-referencable frequency comb from a 170-fs, 1.5-µm solid-state laser oscillator
Wafer fused InP-GaAs optically pumped semiconductor disk laser operating at 1.57 µm
J. Lyytikainen, J.Routianen, A. Sirbu, A. Mereuta, A. Caliman, O. Okhotnikov and E. Kapon
| NanowireSensor |
Catch-bond mechanism of the bacterial adhesin FimH
Label-Free FimH Protein Interaction Analysis Using Silicon Nanoribbon BioFETs
Mathias Wipf, Ralph L. Stoop, Giulio Navarra, Said Rabbani, Beat Ernst, Kristine Bedner, Christian Schoenenberger, Michel Calame
Monolithic Integration of a Silicon Nanowire FET Array on a CMOS Chip for Bio-chemical Sensor Applications
P. Livi, Moria Kwiat, Amir Shadmani, Alexander Pevzner, Giulio Navarra, Jorg Rothe, Alexander Stettler, Yihui Chen, Fernando Patolsky, and Andreas Hierlemann
Electron mobility extraction in triangular gate-all-around Si nanowire junctionless nMOSFETs with cross-section down to 5 nm
Influence of atrial substrate on local capture induced by rapid pacing of atrial fibrillation
A. Rusu, V. Jacquemet, J.-M. Vesin and N. Virag
A 1024-Channel CMOS Microelectrode-Array System with 26"400 Electrodes for Recording and Stimulation of Electro-active Cells In-vitro
A robust platform for textile integrated gas sensors
Conferring Flexibility and Reconfigurability to a 26"400 Microelectrode CMOS Array for High Throughput Neural Recordings
FinFET Integrated Low-Power Circuits for Enhanced Sensing Applications
Sara Rigante, P. Livi, Alexandru Rusu, Yihui Chen, Antonios Bazigos, Andreas Hierlemann, Adrian M. Ionescu
Gate-all-around buckled dual Si nanowire nMOSFETs on bulk Si for transport enhancement and digital logic
Mohammad Najmzadeh, Yoshi Tsuchiya, Didier Bouvet, Adrian Mihai Ionescu
High Mobility Graphene Ion-Sensitive Field-Effect Transistors by Noncovalent Functionalization
High-k dielectric FinFETs towards Sensing Integrated Circuits
S. Rigante, P. Scarbolo, D. Bouvet, M. Wipf, A. Tarasov, K. Bedner and A.M. Ionescu
Integrated FinFET Based Sensing in a Liquid Environment
S. Rigante, M. Wipf, A. Tarasov, D. Bouvet, K. Bedner, R.L. Stoop and A.M. Ionescu
Investigation of the dominant 1/f Noise Source in Silicon Nanowire Sensors
Low Power FinFET pH-Sensor with High-Sensitivity Voltage Readout
S. Rigante, P. Livi, M. Wipf, K. Bedner, D. Bouvet, A. Bazigos, A. Rusu, A. Hierlemann and A.M. Ionescu
Nanomolar E-Selectin Antagonists with Prolonged Half-Lives by a Fragment-Based Approach
pH Response of Silicon Nanowire Sensors: Impact of Nanowire Width and Gate Oxide
Potassium Sensing with Membrane-Coated Silicon Nanowire Field-Effect Transistors
Selective Sodium Sensing with Gold-Coated Silicon Nanowire Field-Effect Transistors in a Differential Setup
Silicon Nanowire Ion-Sensitive Field-Effect Transistor Array Integrated with a CMOS-based Readout Chip
Simultaneous Electrical and Plasmonic Monitoring of Potential Induced Ion Adsorption on Metal Nanowire Arrays
Woven temperature and humidity sensors on flexible plastic substrates for e-textile applications
A Hybrid FinFET-based Biosensor with Integrated Readout Capability
P. Livi, S. Rigante, Y. Chen, A. Ionescu and A. Hierlemann
A Verilog-A Model for Silicon Nanowire Biosensors: From Theory to Verification
Experimental confirmation of temperature dependent negative capacitance in ferroelectric field effect transistor
Salvatore, Giovanni A.; Rusu, Alexandru; Ionescu, Adrian M.
Monolithic System Featuring a Gold Nanowire Array on a CMOS Chip for Biosensing Applications
P. Livi, V. Guzenko, J. Rothe, A. Stettler, Y. Chen and A. Hierlemann
Phase-locked loop based on nanoelectromechanical resonant-body field effect transistor
S. T. Bartsch, A. Rusu and M. A. Ionescu
Silicon-based ISFET shows negligible dependence on salt concentration at constant pH
True Reference Nanosensor Realized with Silicon Nanowires
Understanding the Electrolyte Background for Biochemical Sensing with Ion-Sensitive Field-Effect Transistors
A simulation study of N-shell silicon nanowires as biological sensors
S. Rigante, P. Livi, A. Hierlemann, A. M. Ionescu
CMOS-based Microelectrode Arrays for High-Resolution, Non-Invasive Electrophysiology
U. Frey, U. Egert, and A. Hierlemann
Controlled In Situ Nanoscale Enhancement of Gold Nanowire Arrays with Plasmonics
FinFET for High Sensitivity Ion and Biological Sensing Applications
S. Rigante, L. Lattanzio and A. M. Ionescu
Graphene Transistors Are Insensitive to pH Changes inSolution
Multi-site Monitoring of Choline and Glutamate Using Biosensor Microprobe Arrays in Combination with CMOS Circuitry
O. Frey, J. Rothe, M.K. Lewandowska, P.D. van der Wal, N.F. de Rooij, and A. Hierlemann
Signal-to-noise ratio in dual-gated silicon nanoribbon field-effect sensors
The potential of microelectrode arrays and microelectronics for biomedical research and diagnostics
I. L. Jones, P. Livi, M. K. Lewandowska, M. Fiscella, B. Roscic and A. Hierlemann
Adaptive Microsensor Systems
R. Gutierrez-Osuna and A. Hierlemann
Compact Voltage and Current Stimulation Buffer for High-Density Microelectrode Arrays
P. Livi, F. Heer, U. Frey, D. J. Bakkum, and A. Hierlemann
Growing Cells atop Microelectronic Chips: Interfacing Electrogenic Cells in Vitro with CMOS-based Microelectrode Arrays
A. Hierlemann, U. Frey, S. Hafizovic, F. Heer
Nernst Limit in Dual-Gated Si-Nanowire FET Sensors
Optical Sensing with Simultaneous Electrochemical Control in Metal Nanowire Arrays
Sensitivity considerations in dual-gated Si-nanowire FET sensors
Silicon Nanowires as Biochemical Sensors
Switch-matrix-based high-density microelectrode array in CMOS technology
U. Frey, J. Sedivy, F. Heer, R. Pedron, M. Ballini, J. Mueller, D. Bakkum, S. Hafizovic, F. D. Faraci, F. Greve, K.-U. Kirstein, and A. Hierlemann
Voltage and Current Stimulation Buffer for High-Density Microelectrode Arrays
P. Livi, F. Heer, U. Frey, D. Bakkum, A. Hierlemann
Dual Gated Silicon Nanowire Field Effect Transistors
Investigation of oxidation-induced strain in a top-down Si nanowire platform
M. Najmzadeh, L. De Michielis, D. Bouvet, P. Dobrosz, S. Olsen, A. M. Ionescu
Microelectronic System for High-Resolution Mapping of Extracellular Electric Fields Applied to Brain Slices
U. Frey, U. Egert, F. Heer, S. Hafizovic, and A. Hierlemann
| Nexray | | | |
3D Heteroepitaxy of Mismatched Semiconductors on Silicon
Au-Sn Transient Liquid Phase Bonding for Hermetic Sealing and Getter Activation
Individual heterojunctions of 3D germanium ctystals on silicon CMOS for monolithically integrated X-ray detector
Perfect crystals grown from imperfect interfaces
Self-aligned Ge and SiGe epitaxy on dense Si pillar arrays
X-ray nano-diffraction on epitaxial crystals
X-ray source downscaling enabled by combining microfabricated electrodes with carbon nanotube cold electron emitters
Merging Incompatible Materials
Scaling Hetero-Epitaxy from Layers to Three-Dimensional Crystals
Space filling arrays of epitaxial crystals: a new path for monolithic integration of dissimilar materials with silicon
Space-filling arrays of three-dimensional epitaxial Ge and Si1-xGex crystals
Near infrared image sensor with integrated germanium photodiodes
X-Ray Strain Measurements In Strained Silicon Devices
Advanced Stress, Strain and Geometrical Analysis in semiconductor devices
A. Neels, A. Dommann, P. Niedermann, C.V. Falub, H. von Kaenel
| | NutriChip | | | |
Characterization of 2 genetic variants of Na(v) 1.5-arginine 689 found in patients with cardiac arrhythmias
Characterization of standard CMOS compatible photodiodes and pixels for Lab-on-Chip devices
Empowering Low-Cost CMOS Cameras by Image Processing to Reach Comparable Results with Costly CCDs
Fabrication of a High Aspect Ratio (HAR) Micropillar Filter for Use in a Microfluidic Magnetic Bead-based Immunoassay
C. Ruffert, Q. Ramadan, M.A.M. Gijs
Image Thresholding Techniques for Localization of Sub-Resolution Fluorescent Biomarkers
NutriChip: nutrition analysis meets microfluidics Research Highlight in Lab on a Chip 13, on-line edition June 25th 2013.
Qasem Ramadan, Hamideh Jafarpoorchekab, Paolo Silacci, Sandro Carrara, Jeremy Ramsden, Guy Vergeres, Martin A. M. Gijs
Nutrigenomics - linking food to human metabolism
Gastrointestinal Tract on Chip
Ramadan, Qasem; Jafarpoorchekab, Hamideh; Bolanz, Katrin; Schwander, Flurina; Silacci, Paolo; Carrara, Sandro; Ramsden, Jeremy; Vergeres, Guy; Gijs, Martinus
Quantification of Sub-Resolution Sized Targets in Cell Fluorescent microscopy
J. Ghaye, G. De Micheli, S. Carrara
Quantitative Comparison of Commercial CCD and Custom-Designed CMOS Camera for Biological Applications
Simulated biological cells for receptor counting in fluorescence imaging
J. Ghaye, G. De Micheli, S. Carrara
The NutriChip project-Translating technology into nutritional knowledge
Validation of an in vitro digestive system for studying macronutrient decomposition in humans
A Switched Capacitor Fully Differential Correlated Double Sampling Circuit for CMOS Image Sensors
NUTRICHIP: an integrated microfluidic system for in vitro investigation of the immunemodulatory function of dairy products
Qasem Ramadan, Hamideh Jafarpoorchekab, Katrin Bolanz, Flurina Schwander, Charlotte Egger, Reto Portmann, Paolo Silacci, Sandro Carrara, Jeremy Ramsden, Guy Vergeres and Martin A. M. Gijs
| | | OpenSense | |
Virtually moving base stations for energy efficiency in wireless sensor networks
R. Zhang, P. Thiran, M. Vetterli
DASS: Distributed Adaptive Sparse Sensing
Z. Chen, J. Ranieri, R. Zhang and M. Vetterli
The beauty of the commons: optimal load sharing by base station hopping in wireless sensor networks
R. Zhang, F. Ingelrest, G. Barenetxea, P. Thiran, M. Vetterli
A FFINITY: Efficiently Querying Statistical Measures on Time-Series Data
A model-based back-end for air quality data management
Erol Can Un, Julien Eberle, Yongsung Kim, and Karl Aberer
A Robust Bayesian Truth Serum for Non-binary Signals
Radanovic, G. and Faltings, B
Energy-efficient Opportunistic Collaborative Sensing
Julien Eberle, Zhixian Yan, Karl Aberer
ExposureSense: Integrating Daily Activities with Air Quality using Mobile Participatory Sensing
Bratislav Predic, Zhixian Yan, Julien Eberle, Dragan Stojanovic, Karl Aberer
Incentive Mechanisms for Community Sensing
Faltings, B., Li, J. J. and Jurca, R.
Model-Driven Accuracy Bounds for Noisy Sensor Readings
David Hasenfratz, Olga Saukh, and Lothar Thiele
Model-view Sensor Data Management in the Cloud
Tian Guo, Thanasis G. Papaioannou and Karl Aberer
On Rendezvous in Mobile Sensing Networks
Olga Saukh, David Hasenfratz, Christoph Walser, and Lothar Thiele
Route Selection for Mobile Sensor Nodes on Public Transport Networks
Olga Saukh, David Hasenfratz, and Lothar Thiele
Utility-driven Data Acquisition in Participatory Sensing
M. Riahi, T. G. Papaioannou, I. Trummer and K. Aberer
A Survey of Techniques for Model-based Sensor Data Acquisition and Management
S. Sathe, T. G. Papaioannou, H. Y. Jeung and K. Aberer
Air Pollution in Everyday Life: Toward Design of Persuasive Urban Air Quality Services
An Adaptive Approach for Online Segmentation of Multi-Dimensional Mobile Data
Tian Guo, Zhixian Yan and Karl Aberer
ConDense: Managing data in community-driven mobile geosensor networks
Sebastian Cartier, Saket Sathe,Dipanjan Chakraborty and Karl Aberer
Effectively Modeling Data from Large-area Community Sensor Networks
Saket Sathe, Sebastian Cartier, Dipanjan Chakraborty and Karl Aberer
Eliciting Truthful Measurements from a Community of Sensors
Boi V Faltings, Radu Jurca and Jason Jingshi Li
Energy-Efficient Continuous Activity Recognition on Mobile Phones: An Activity-Adaptive Approach
Zhixian Yan, V. Subbaraju, Dipanjan Chakraborty, A. Misra and Karl Aberer
Every Breath You Take: Use of Sensitizing Methods in the Design of Air Quality Services
Incentive Schemes for Community Sensing
Jason J. Li and Boi V. Faltings
Mining Complex Activities in the Wild via a Single Smartphone Accelerometer
A. Rai, Z. Yan, D. Chakraborty, T. Wijaya, K. Aberer
On-the-fly Calibration of Low-cost Gas Sensors
David Hasenfratz, Olga Saukh and Lothar Thiele
OptiMoS: Optimal Sensing for Mobile Sensors
Zhixian Yan, Julien Eberle and Karl Aberer
Participatory Air Pollution Monitoring Using Smartphones
David Hasenfratz, Olga Saukh Silvan Sturzenegger, and Lothar Thiele
Qualitative Spatial and Temporal Reasoning with Answer Set Programming
Resource-based Planning with Timelines
Debdeep Banerjee and Jason J. Li
Route Selection for Mobile Sensors with Checkpointing Constraints
Olga Saukh, David Hasenfratz, Abouzar Noori, Tamara Ulrich, and Lothar Thiele
SAMMPLE: Detecting Semantic Indoor Activities in Practical Settings using Locomotive Signatures
Zhixian Yan, Dipanjan Chakraborty, A. Misra, H.Y. Jeung and Karl Aberer
Sampling and Reconstruction of Time-Varying Atmospheric Emissions
J. Ranieri, I. Dokmanic, A. Chebira and M. Vetterli
Semantic Trajectories: Mobility Data Computation and Annotation
Z. Yan, D. Chakraborty, C. Parent, S. Spaccapietra and K. Aberer
Sensing the Air We Breathe - the OpenSense Zurich Dataset
Jason Jingshi Li, Boi Faltings, Olga Saukh, David Hasenfratz, and Jan Beutel
Visualizing Large Sensor Network Data Sets in Space and Time with Vizzly
Matthias Keller, Jan Beutel, Olga Saukh, and Lothar Thiele
Advanced Search, Visualization and Tagging of Sensor Metadata
I. Paparrizos, H. Jeung and K. Aberer
Building a Front End for a Sensor Data Cloud
I. Rolewicz, M. Catasta, H. Jeung, Z. Miklos, K. Aberer
Creating Probabilistic Databases from Imprecise Time-Series Data
S. Sathe, H. Jeung and K. Aberer
Efficiently Maintaining Distributed Model-Based Views on Real-Time Data Streams
A. Arion, H. Jeung, K. Aberer
Sampling trajectories for mobile sensing
J. Unnikrishnan and M. Vetterli
SeMiTri: A Framework for Semantic Annotation of Heterogeneous Trajectories
Z. Yan, D. Chakraborty, C. Parent, S. Spaccapietra, K. Aberer
SeTraStream: Semantic-Aware Trajectory Construction over Streaming Movement Data
Z. Yan, N. Giatrakos, V. Katsikaros, N. Pelekis and Y. Theodoridis
Towards a Qualitative, Region-Based Model for Air Pollution Dispersion
Towards Online Multi-Model Approximation of Time Serie
T. G. Papaioannou, M. Riahi, and K. Aberer
A Hybrid Model and Computing Platform for Spatio-Semantic Trajectories
Zhixian Yan, Christine Parent, Stefano Spaccapietra, and Dipanjan Chakraborty
Automatic Construction and Multi-level Visualization of Semantic Trajectories
Zhixian Yan, Lazar Spremic, Dipanjan Chakraborty, Christine Parent, Stefano Spaccapietra, Karl Aberer
Decomposition and Tractability in Qualitative Spatial and Temporal Reasoning
J. Huang, J. J. Li, J. Renz
Distributed Successive Approximation Coding using Broadcast Advantage: the Two-Encoder Case
Z. Chen, G. Barrenetxea, and M. Vetterli
Effective Metadata Management in Federated Sensor Networks
H. Jeung, S. Sarni, I. Paparrizos, S. Sathe, K. Aberer, N. Dawes, T.G. Papaioannou and M. Lehning
OpenSense: Open Community Driven Sensing of Environment
Karl Aberer, Saket Sathe, Dipanjan Chakraborty, Alcherio Martinoli, Guillermo Barrenetxea, Boi Faltings, Lothar Thieley
Privacy-aware and highly-available OSN profiles
R. Narendula, T. G. Papaioannou, and K. Aberer
Traj-ARIMA: A Spatial-Time Series Model for Network-Constrained Trajectory
Tunable Privacy for Access Controlled Data in Peer-to-Peer Systems
| | PATLiSci | | | |
2D Cantilever Arrays with Spherical Tips for Parallel Force Spectroscopy on Cancerous Cells
F. Loizeau, M. Favre, T. Akiyama, S. Gautsch, A. Meister, R. Smajda, P. Vettiger, G. Weder, N. F. de Rooij
Development of Robust and Standardized Cantilever Sensors Based on Biotin/Neutravidin Coupling for Antibody Detection
J Zhang, HP Lang, F Battiston, N Backmann, F Huber, C Gerber
Direct detection of a BRAF mutation in total RNA from melanoma cells using cantilever arrays
F Huber, HP Lang, N Backmann, D Rimoldi, C Gerber
Increased plasticity of the stiffness of melanoma cells correlates with their acquisition of metastatic properties
G. Weder, M. C. Hendriks-Balk, R. Smajda, D. Rimoldi, M. Liley, H. Heinzelmann, A. Meister, A. Mariotti
Integrated long-range thermal bimorph actuators for parallelizable bio-AFM applications
J. Henriksson, M. Gullo and J. Brugger
Piezoresistive Membrane-Type Surface Stress Sensor Arranged In Arrays For Cancer Diagnosis Through Breath Analysis
F. Loizeau, H.P. Lang, T. Akiyama, S. Gautsch, P. Vettiger, A. Tonin, G. Yoshikawa, Ch. Gerber, N. de Rooij
Real-Time Viscosity and Mass Density Sensors Requiring Microliter Sample Volume Based on Nanomechanical Resonators
BA Bircher, L Duempelmann, K Renggli, HP Lang, C Gerber, N Bruns, T Braun
Membrane-Type Surface Stress Sensor with Piezoresistive Readout
F. Loizeau, T. Akiyama, S. Gautsch, P. Vettiger, G. Yoshikawa, N. de Rooij
Optimization of DNA hybridization efficiency by pH-driven nanomechanical bending
J. Zhang, H.P. Lang, G. Yoshikawa, Ch. Gerber
Two-dimensional cantilever array with varying spring constants and tip radii for life-science applications
F. Loizeau, T. Akiyama, S. Gautsch, A. Meister, P. Vettiger, N. F. de Rooij
2D Cantilever Arrays with Fixed Geometries and Varying Spring Constants for Life Science Applications
F. Loizeau, T. Akiyama, S. Gautsch, A. Meister, P. Vettiger, N. F. de Rooij
Capacitive micromachined ultrasonic transducer (CMUT) as a chemical sensor for DMMP detection
K.K. Park, H. Lee, M. Kupnik, O. Oralkan, J.P. Ramseyer, H.P. Lang, M. Hegner, Ch. Gerber, B.T. Khuri-Yakub
Parallel AFM imaging and force spectroscopy using two-dimensional probe arrays for applications in cell biology
M. Favre, J. Polesel-Maris, T. Overstolz, P. Niedermann, S. Dasen, G. Gruener, R. Ischer, P. Vettiger, M. Liley, H. Heinzelmann, and A. Meister
| | | PlaCiTUS |
A 51.4 Mb/s FSK Transmitter Employing a Phase Domain Digital Synthesizer with 1.5 mu s Start-up for Energy Efficient Duty Cycling
R. Thirunarayanan, D. Ruffieux, N. Scolari and C. Enz
3.6 GHz CMOS Ring Oscillator with Low Tune Voltage Sensitivity and Temperature Compensation
Full Swing 20 GHz Frequency Divider with 1 V Supply Voltage in FD-SOI 28 nm Technology
Reducing Energy Dissipation in ULP Systems: PLL-Free FBAR-Based Fast Startup Transmitters
R. Thirunarayanan, D. Ruffieux and C. Enz
| |
A Compensation Technique for SAR ADC Comparator Noise
A DC-connectable multi-channel biomedical data acqusisition ASIC with mains frequency cancellation
A Low Power Miniaturized 1.95mm2 Fully Integrated Transceiver with fast PLL Mode for IEEE 802.15.4 / Bluetooth Smart and Proprietary 2.4GHz Applications
F. Pengg, D. Barras, M. Kucera, N. Scolari, A. Vouilloz
A Low-Power Sensor Interface Circuit for Remotely Powered Implants
A Remotely Powered Implantable IC for Recording Mouse Local Temperature with ±0.09 °C Accuracy
M. A. Ghanad, M. M. Green, and C. Dehollain
An Injection-Locking based Programmable Fractional Frequency Divider with 0.2 Division Step for Quantization Noise Reduction
R. Thirunarayanan, D. Ruffieux, Ch. Enz
Complementary BAW Oscillator for Ultra-low Power Consumption and Low Phase Noise
R. Thirunarayanan, A. Heragu, D. Ruffieux, and C. Enz
A circuit technology platform for medical data acquisition and communication: Outline of a collaboration project within the Swiss Initiative
Q.Huang, C. Dehollain, Ch. Enz, T. Burger
Complementary BAW Oscillator for Ultra-Low Power Consumption and Low Phase Noise
R. Thirunarayanan, A. Heragu, D. Ruffieux, and C. Enz
A 0.13um CMOS 0.1-20MHz Bandwidth 86-70dB DR Multi-Mode DT Delta-Sigma ADC for IMT-Advanced
A 11.1- Bit ENOB 50MS/s Pipelined A/D Converter in 130nm CMOS Without S/H Front End
J. Treichler and Q. Huang
A 2.4 GHz BAW-based Transceiver for Wireless Body Area Networks
M. Contaldo, B. Banerjee, D. Ruffieux, J. Chabloz, E. Le Roux, and C. Enz
A 290µA, 3.2MHz 4-bit Phase ADC for Constant Envelope, Ultra-low Power Radio
B. Banerjee, C. C. Enz, and E. L. Roux
A 5.4dBm 42mW 2.4GHz CMOS BAW-based Quasi-Direct Conversion Transmitter
M. Contaldo, D. Ruffieux, and C. Enz
A non-linear model for micropower rectifiers in UHF-bands RFIDs
Detailed Analysis of a Phase ADC
B. Banerjee, C. Enz, and E. L. Roux
MEMS-based Circuits and Systems for Wireless Communication
C. Enz and A. Kaiser, editors
Multi-Mode Delta-Sigma A/D-Converters for Multi-Standard Wireless Receivers
| | QCrypt | | |
A fast and versatile QKD system with hardware key distillation and wavelength multiplexing
FPGA-Based High-Speed Authenticated Encryption System (to be published)
True Random Number Generation and Unique Identifier Extraction using Dynamic Memoy-Based Physically Unclonable Functions (to be published)
A parallelized layered QC-LDPC decoder for IEEE 802.11 ad
Alexios Balatsoukas-Stimming, Nicholas Preyss, Alessandro Cevrero, Andreas Burg, Ch. Roth
Continuous QKD and high speed data encryption
100 Gbit/s Authenticated Encryption Based on Quantum Key Distribution
M. Muehlberghuber, C. Keller, C. Pendl and N. Felber
Free Running Single Photon Detection based on a negative feedback InGaAs APD
T. Lunghi, C. Barreiro, O. Guinnard, R. Houlmann, X. Jiang, M. A. Itzler and H. Zbinden
Layered detection and decoding in MIMO wireless systems
Nicholas Preyss, Andreas Burg, Christoph Studer
Lessons Learned from Designing a 65nm ASIC for Evaluating Third Round SHA-3 Candidates
Sine gating detector with simple filtering for low-noise infra-red single photon detection at room temperature
N. Walenta, T. Lunghi, O. Guinnard, R. Houlmann, H. Zbinden, and N. Gisin
Suggestions for Hardware Evaluation of Cryptographic Algorithms
Tight finite-key analysis for quantum cryptography
M. Tomamichel, C. C. Wen Lim, N. Gisin, R. Renner
Experimental amplification of an entangled photon: what if the detection loophole is ignored?
E. Pomarico, B. Sanguinetti, P. Sekatski, H. Zbinden, and N. Gisin
Long-term performance of the SwissQuantum quantum key distribution network in a field environment
Performance of the SwissQuantum network over 21 months
Quand la lumičre sécurise davantage les réseaux
E. Messerli, O. Auberson, Y. Graf
Révolution dans la cryptographie quantique
Révolution pour le trčs haut débit
VLSI Characterization of the Cryptographic Hash Function BLAKE
L. Henzen, J. Aumasson, W. Meier, R. Phan
VLSI Circuits for Cryptographic Authentication
32 bin near-infrared time-multiplexing detector with attojoule single-shot energy resolution
Eraerds, Patrick; Pomarico, Enrico; Zhang, Jun; Sanguinetti, Bruno; Thew, Robert Thomas; Zbinden, Hugo
Developing a Hardware Evaluation Method for SHA-3 Candidates
FPGA Parallel-Pipelined AES-GCM Core for 100G Ethernet Applications
Quantum Cloning for Absolute Radiometry
B. Sanguinetti, E. Pomarico, P. Sekatski, H. Zbinden and Nicolas Gisin
Quark: A Lightweight Hash
J.P. Aumasson, L. Henzen, W. Meier, M. Naya-Plasencia
Room temperature photon number resolving detector for infared wavelengths
E. Pomarico, B. Sanguinetti, R. Thew and H. Zbinden
Approaches to Single Photon Detection
R. T. Thew, N. Curtz, P. Eraerds, N. Walenta, J-D. Gautier, E. Koller, J. Zhang, N. Gisin, H. Zbinden
Photon Counting OTDR: Advantages and Limitations
Patrick Eraerds ; Matthieu Legre ; Jun Zhang ; Hugo Zbinden ; Nicolas Gisin
Quantum key distribution and 1?Gbps data encryption over a single fibre
Patrick Eraerds, Nino Walenta, Matthieu Legre, Nicolas Gisin, Hugo Zbinden
| SelfSys | | | |
Acousto-fluidic system for the assistance of self-assembly of microcomponents in a bulk liquid
J. Goldowsky, M. Mastrangeli, L. Jacot-Descombes, M. R. Gullo, G. Mermoud, J. Brugger, A. Martinoli, B. J. Nelson and H.F. Knapp
Gas penetration through pneumatically driven PDMS micro valves
Jonas Goldowsky, Helmut F. Knapp
In-liquid MEMS assembly by optical trapping,
M. R. Gullo, L. Jacot-Descombes, J. Brugger,
Inkjet-printed SU-8 Hemispherical Microcapsules and Silicon chip Embedding,
J. Goldowsky, M. Mastrangeli, L. Jacot-Descombes, M. R. Gullo, G. Mermoud, J. Brugger, A. Martinoli, B. J. Nelson and H.F. Knapp
Polymeric hemispherical pL micro cups fabricated by Inkjet printing,
L. Jacot-Descombes, M.R. Gullo, V. J. Cadarso, M. Mastrangeli, J. Brugger,
Pushing the limits of photo-curable SU-8-based superparamagnetic polymer composites
C. Peters, O. Ergeneman, G. A. Sotiriou, S. E. Pratsinis, B. J. Nelson, and C. Hierold,
Self-assembly of two-component liquid-filled MEMS based micro-capsules,
L. Jacot-Descombes, C. Martin-Olmes, M. R. Gullo, V. J. Cadarso, G. Mermoud, L. Guillermo, M. Mastrangeli, A. Martinoli and J. Brugger
Superparamagnetic swimming microrobots with adjusted magnetic anisotropy
C. Peters, O. Ergeneman, B. J. Nelson, and C. Hierold
Dielectrophoretic Nanoassembly of Nanotubes onto Nanoelectrodes
D. Xu, A. Subramanian, L. Dong, and B. Nelson
Fabrication of epoxy micro structures by controlled drop on demand inkjet printing
L. Jacot-Descombes, M. Gullo, V. Cadarso, J. Brugger
Lagrangian Modeling of the Magnetization and the Magnetic Torque on Assembled Soft-Magnetic MEMS Devices for Fast Computation and Analysis
Modeling the Motion of Microrobots on Surfaces Using Nonsmooth Multibody Dynamics
Z. Nagy, R.I. Leine, D.R. Frutiger, C. Glocker, and B.J. Nelson
Nanorobotics for NEMS Using Helical Nanostructures
D. Xu, L. Zhang, B. Nelson, L. Dong
Real-time automated modeling and control of self-assembling systems
G. Mermoud, M. Mastrangeli, U. Upadyay, A. Martinoli
A photopatternable superparamagnetic nanocomposite: Material characterization and fabrication of microstructures
A trajectory-based calibration method for stochastic motion models
Di Mario E., Mermoud G., Mastrangeli M., Martinoli A.
Dielectrophoretic assembly of carbon nanotube-based NEMS devices using floating electrodes
D. Xu, K. Shou, B. J. Nelson
Fabrication of polymeric micro structures by controlled drop on demand inkjet printing
L. Jacot-Descombes, M.R. Gullo, V.J. Cadarso, J. Brugger
Modeling self-assembly across scales: The unifying perspective of Smart Minimal Particles
M. Mastrangeli, G. Mermoud, A. Martinoli
Self-Organized Robotic Systems: Large-Scale Experiments in Aggregation and Self-Assembly using Miniature Robots
G. Mermoud, A. Prorok, L. Matthey-de-l"Endroit, C. Cianci, A. Martinoli
Superparamagnetic photocurable nanocomposite for the fabrication of microcantilevers
Aggregation-mediated Collective Perception and Action in a Group of Miniature Robots
G. Mermoud, L. Matthey, W. C. Evans, and A. Martinoli
Characterization of Hydrophobic Forces for in Liquid Self-Assembly of Micron-Sized Functional Building Blocks
M. R. Gullo, L. Jacot-Descombes, L. Aeschimann and J. Brugger
Comparing and Modeling Distributed Control Strate- gies for Miniature Self-Assembling Robots
W. C. Evans, G. Mermoud, and A. Martinoli
Top-Down vs Bottom-Up Model-Based Methodologies for Distributed Control: A Comparative Experimental Study
Mermoud G., Upadhyay U., Evans W. C., and Martinoli A.
A Microfabricated and Microassembled Wireless Resonator
M. Flueckiger, Z. Nagy, M. Probst, O. Ergeneman, S. Pane, and B.J. Nelson
Assembling Reconfigurable Endoluminal Surgical Systems: Opportunities and Challenges
Z. Nagy, K. Harada, M. Fluckiger, E. Susilo, I. K. Kaliakatsos, A. Menciassi, E. Hawkes, J. J. Abbott, P. Dario, and B. J. Nelson
Manufacturing of a Hybrid Acoustic Transmitter Using an Advanced Microassembly System
M. Probst, M. Flueckiger, S. Pane, O. Ergeneman, Z. Nagy and B.J. Nelson
The Influence of Shape on Parallel Self-Assembly
S. Miyashita, Z. Nagy, B. J. Nelson, and R. Pfeifer
| SImOS | | | |
Accurate angle estimation in smart knee prostheses via magnetic implantable and skin-mounted sensors
Accurate Measurement of Concurrent Flexion-Extension and Internal-External Rotations in Smart Knee Prostheses
A. Arami, A. Vallet and K. Aminian
An Analog Front-End and ADC Integrated Circuit for Implantable Force and Orientation Measurements in Joint Prosthesis
S. Tanner, S. Ali, M. Banjevic, A. Arami, K. Aminian, W. Hasenkamp, A. Bertsch, P. Renaud, P.-A. Farine
Design and test of a MEMS strain-sensing device for monitoring artificial knee implants
W Hasenkamp, N Thevenaz, J Villard, A Bertsch, A Arami, K Aminian, A Terrier, P Renaud
Estimation of prosthetic knee angles via data fusion of implantable and wearable sensors
Full Duplex Communication and Remote Powering Implementation of an Electronic Knee Implant
O Atasoy and C. Dehollain
Instrumented Knee Prosthesis for Force and Kinematics Measurements
Arami, Arash; Simoncini, Matteo; Atasoy, Oguz; Ali, Shafqat; Hasenkamp Carreira, Willyan; Bertsch, Arnaud; Meurville, Eric; Tanner, Steve; Renaud, Ph; Dehollain, Catherine
Soft Tissue Artifact Assessment During Treadmill Walking in Subjects With Total Knee Arthroplasty
Barre A, Thiran JP, Jolles-Haeberli BM, Theumann N, K. Aminian
Wireless Energy and Data Transfer for in-vivo Epileptic Focus Localisation
G.Yilmaz, O. Atasoy and C. Dehollain
A Background Calibration Method for DAC Mismatch Correction in Multibit Sigma-Delta Modulators
S.Ali, S. Tanner, P.Farine
A DAC Mismatch Calibration Technique for Multi-bit Modulators
S. Ali, S. Tanner, P-A. Farine
A new method for internal-external rotation measurement in a prosthetic knee
A Practical Method for Modeling Amplifier Nonlinearities
S. Ali, S. Tanner, P-A. Farine
A Study on the Effect of Phase Margin of Integrator-Amplifier on Feed Forward-Modulators
S. Ali, S. Tanner, P-A. Farine
Accurate Internal-External Rotation Measurement in Total Knee Prostheses: a magnetic solution
A. Arami, J. Miehlbradt and K. Aminian
Design and Analysis of a Power-Efficient Cascode-Compensated Amplifier
S.Ali, S. Tanner, P.Farine
Polyimide/SU-8 catheter tip MEMS gauge pressure sensor
W. Hasenkamp, D. Forchelet, K. Pataky, J. Villard, H. van Lintel, A. Bertsch, Q. Wang, P. Renaud
Polyimide/SU-8 catheter-tip MEMS gauge pressure sensor
Willyan Carreira Hasenkamp, David Forchelet, Kristopher Pataky, Jimmy Villard, Harald Van Lintel, Arnaud Bertsch, Qing Wang, Philippe Renaud
Remote Powering Realization for Smart Orthopedic Implants
O. Atasoy and C. Dehollain
Smart Instrumentation for Determination of Ligament Stiffness and Ligament Balance in Total Knee Arthroplasty
W. Hasenkamp, J. Villard, J. R. Delaloye, A. Arami, A. Bertsch, K. Aminian, P. Renaud
Ultra-low power hydrogen sensing based on a palladium-coated nanomechanical beam resonator
Jonas Henriksson, Luis Guillermo Villanueva, Juergen Brugger
Instrumented prosthesis for knee implants monitoring
Arash Arami, Matteo Simoncini, Oguz Atasoy, Willyan Carreira Hasenkamp, Shafqat Ali, Arnaud Bertsch, Eric Meurville, Steve Tanner, Hooman Dejnabadi, Vincent Leclercq
Segmentation of foot and ankle complex based on kinematic criteria
Rouhani H, Favre J, Crevoisier X, Jolles-Haeberli BM, K. Aminian
Simulation of epiretinal prostheses - Evaluation of geometrical factors affecting stimulation thresholds
Harsha Kasi, Willyan Carreira Hasenkamp, Gregoire Cosendai, Arnaud Bertsch and Philippe Renaud
Ultra-low power palladium-coated MEMS resonators for hydrogen detection under ambient conditions
Prediction of polyethylene wear after total knee replacement
Terrier, A; Ramondetti, S; Jolles-Haeberli, BM; Pioletti, DP
Detection of the movement of the humerus during daily activity
Coley, B; Jolles-Haeberli, BM; Farron, A; K. Aminian
Effect of tibial tray inclination on the femoro-tibial contact pattern of a mobile total knee arthroplasty
Jolles-Haeberli, BM; Boulos, K; Leclercq, V; Leyvraz, PF; Pioletti, D; Terrier, A
Functional calibration procedure for 3D knee joint angle description using inertial sensors
Favre, J; Aissaoui, R; Jolles-Haeberli; de Guise, JA; K. Aminian
| TecInTex | |
ATRP-based synthesis and characterization of light-responsive coatings for transdermal delivery systems
From Membrane to Skin: Aqueous Permeation Control Through Light-Responsive Amphiphilic Polymer Co-Networks
pH sensor based on polymer optical fibers
Preparation of Light-responsive Membranes by a Combined Surface Grafting and Postmodification Process
Schoeller, Katrin; Baumann, Lukas; Hegemann, Dirk; Decourten, Damien; M. Wolf; R. M. Rossi; Scherer, Lukas J.
Wafer-scale design of lightweight and transparent electronics that wraps around hair
2-D thin film temperature sensors fabricated on a 3-D nylon yarn surface for smart textile applications
Ag/C:H:O Nanocomposites on Textile Fibers for Sensor Applications
M. Drabik, H. Biederman, D. Hegemann
Characterization of Flexible Copolymer Optical Fibers for Force Sensing Applications
M. Krehel, R. M. Rossi, G.-L. Bona, Lukas J. Scherer
Combining electronics on flexible plastic strips with textiles
Deposition and Properties of Ag/a-C:H:O
Development of light-responsive porous polycarbonate membranes for controlled caffeine delivery
Effect of aqueous environment on properties of Ag/a-C:H:O nanocomposite Films
M. Drabik, D. Hegemann, J. Pesicka, H. Biederman
Fabrication and Transfer of Flexible Few-Layers MoS2 Thin Film Transistors to Any Arbitrary Substrate
Flexible double gate a-IGZO TFT fabricated on free standing polyimide foil
Flexible Self-Aligned Amorphous InGaZnO Thin-Film Transistors With Submicrometer Channel Length and a Transit Frequency of 135 MHz
Flexible self-aligned double-gate IGZO TFT
IGZO TFT-Based All-Enhancement Operational Amplifier Bent to a Radius of 5 mm
InGaZnO TFTs on a Flexible Membrane Transferred to a Curved Surface with a Radius of 2 mm
Investigation of gate material ductility enables flexible a-IGZO TFTs bendable to a radius of 1.7 mm
Mechanically flexible vertically integrated a-IGZO thin-film transistors with 500 nm channel length fabricated on free standing plastic foil
Overjacketing Extrusion Technology for Novel Bicomponent Fibers
F. A. Reifler, F. Sellami, P. Barbadoro, R. Hufenus
Room temperature fabricated flexible NiO/IGZO pn diode under mechanical strain
Sensors on Textile Fibres Based on Ag/a-C:H:O
Smart Textile with Biosensing Capabilities
S. Pasche, B. Schyrr, B. Wenger, E. Scolan, R. Ischer, G. Voirin
Textile integrated sensors and actuators for near-infrared spectroscopy
Textile Sensors Based on Nanocomposite Coatings
M. Drabik, M. Amberg, D. Hegemann
The influence of bending on the performance of flexible carbon black/polymer composite gas sensors
Tuning the resistance of polycarbonate membranes by plasma-induced graft surface modification
Baumann, Lukas; Hegemann, Dirk; Decourten, Damien; M. Wolf; R. M. Rossi; Meier, Wolfgang P.; Scherer, Lukas J.
An electronic nose on flexible substrates integrated into a Smart textile
Base fiber technologies for smart textiles
Design Rules for IGZO Logic Gates on Plastic Foil Enabling Operation at Bending Radii of 3.5 mm
Feasibility of printing woven humidity and temperature sensors for the integration into electronic textiles
Flexible a-IGZO TFT amplifier fabricated on a free standing polyimide foil operating at 1.2 MHz while bent to a radius of 5 mm
In Tube Integrated Electronic Nose System on a Flexible Polymer Substrate
Influence of Flexible Substrate Materials on the Performance of Polymer Composite Gas Sensors
Integration Method for Electronics in Woven Textiles
Mechanically flexible double gate a-IGZO TFTs
Stable conductive PEDOT:PSS coatings on single polymer fibers for use as smart textiles
Tailor-Made Silver Release Properties of Silver-Containing Functional Plasma Polymer Coatings Adjusted Through a Macroscopic Kinetics Approach
Ultrathin, Flexible, and Transparent Polymer Multilayer Composites for the Protection of Silver Surfaces
J. Langecker, H. Ritter, A. Fichini, P. Rupper, M. Faller, B. Hanselmann
Woven Active-Matrix Display
A Flexible Gas Sensor for the Integration into Smart Textiles
A flexible InGaZnO based 1-bit SRAM under mechanical strain
A textile integrated sensor system for monitoring humidity and temperature
Encapsulation for Flexible Electronic Devices
Indium-gallium-zinc-oxide based mechanically flexible transimpedance amplifier
Potential of Plasma Technologies for the Textile Industry
The Effects of Mechanical Bending and Illumination on the Performance of Flexible IGZO TFTs
Thin flexible insulating coatings for conductive textile fibers
R. Hufenus, S. Ganu, F.A. Reifler, S. Gaan
Designing micro-patterned Ti films that survive up to 10% applied tensile strain
Impact of Mechanical Bending on ZnO and IGZO Thin film Transistors
Influence of residual oils on the adhesion of metal coatings to textiles
Amberg, M.; Kasdallah, C.; Ritter, A.; Hegemann, D.
Nanoscale silver coatings on polymeric fibers
Amberg, M.; Korner, E.; Hegemann, D.; Heuberger, M.
Nanostructured plasma coatings for medical applications
Optical Fiber Fabrics for Illumination and Sensorial Applications in Textiles
Polymeric Optical Fibre Fabrics for Illumination and Sensorical Applications in Textiles
Polymeric Optical Fibre Fabrics for Illumination and Sensorical Applications in Textiles
The Path Towards Woven Thin-film Transistors
Woven electronic fibres with sensing and display functions for smart textiles
Woven thin-film metal interconnects
Development and evaluation of temperature sensors for textile integration
| X-Sense | | | |
Battery State-of-Charge Approximation for Energy Harvesting Embedded Systems.
B. Buchli, D. Aschwanden, J. Beutel
Environmental controls of frost cracking revealed through in situ acoustic emission measurements in steep bedrock
L. Girard, S. Gruber, Stefan Weber & J. Beutel
Estimating velocity from noisy GPS data for investigating the temporal variability of slope movements
Wirz, V., Gubler, S., Gruber, S. and Purves, R.
FlockLab: A Testbed for Distributed, Synchronized Tracing and Profiling of Wireless Embedded Systems
Lim R., F. Ferrari, Zimmerling M., Walser C., Sommer P., Beutel J.
Instability of a High Alpine Rock Ridge: the Lower Aręte Des Cosmiques, Mont Blanc Massif, France
Ludovic Ravanel, Philip Deline, Christophe Lambiel and Christian Vincent
On Modeling Low-Power Wireless Protocols Based on Synchronous Packet Transmissions
Zimmerling M., F. Ferrari, Mottola L., Thiele L.
Permanent monitoring of alpine slope instabilities with L1-GPS
Limpach, Philippe; Geiger, Alain; Su, Zhenzhong; Beutel, Jan; Gruber, Stephan
Poster Abstract: A Reliable Wireless Nurse Call System: Overview and Pilot Results from a Summer Camp for Teenagers with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
Zimmerling M., F. Ferrari, R. Lim, Saukh O., Sutton F., Da Forno R., Schmidt R. S., Wyss M. A.
Poster Abstract: Synchronous Transmissions Enable Simple Yet Accurate Protocol Modeling
Zimmerling M., F. Ferrari, Mottola L., Thiele L.
Poster Abstract: Tracking Smartphones using Low-Power Sensor Nodes
Sensitivity and uncertainty of modeled ground temperatures and related variables in mountain environments
Gubler, S., Endrizzi, S., Gruber, S. & Purves, R.S.
Switzerland’s strain field based on the swiss terrestial reference frame 2010
Villiger Arturo, Geiger Alain, Marti Urs, Brockmann Elmar
The Problem Bit
Matthias Keller, Jan Beutel and Lothar Thiele
Towards Enabling Long-Term Performance Guarantees For Solar Energy Harvesting Embedded System.
B. Buchli, F. Sutton, J. Beutel, L. Thiele
Velocity and deformation fields in the North Aegean domain, Greece, and implications for fault kinematics, derived from GPS data 1993-2009
A custom acoustic emission monitoring system for harsh environments: application to freezing-induced damage in alpine rock-walls
L. Girard, J. Beutel, S. Gruber, J. Hunziker, R. Lim & Stefan Weber
A global view on permafrost in steep bedrock
A statistical permafrost distribution model for the European Alps
L. Boeckli, A. Brenning, S. Gruber, J. Noetzli
An open source geovisual analytics toolbox for multivariate spatio-temporal data in environmental change modeling
M. Bernasocchi, A. Coltekin, and S. Gruber, S.
Constructing Reliable Architectures for Networked Embedded Systems
Demo Abstract: Distributed and Synchronized Measurements with FlockLab
R. Lim, C. Walser, F. Ferrari, M. Zimmerling and J. Beutel
Derivation and analysis of a high-resolution estimate of global permafrost zonation
Design of a measurement assembly to study in-situ rock damage driven by freezing
Stefan Weber, S. Gruber, L. Girard, J. Beutel
Evidence of frost-cracking inferred from acoustic emissions in an high-alpine rock-wall
D. Amitrano, S. Gruber, L. Girard
GPS-equipped Wireless Sensor Network Node for High-accuracy Positioning Applications
B. Buchli, F. Sutton and J. Beutel
How Was Your Journey? Uncovering Routing Dynamics in Deployed Sensor Networks with Multi-hop Network Tomography
M. Keller, J. Beutel and L. Thiele
Inferring snowpack ripening and melt-out from distributed measurements of near-surface ground temperatures
M.O. Schmid, S. Gubler, J. Fiddes, S. Gruber
Investigating the effects of lateral water flow on spatial patterns of ground temperature, depth of thaw and ice content
Kinematics of steep bedrock permafrost
A. Hasler, S. Gruber, J. Beutel
Light-weight Network Health Monitoring
Y. Chiang, M. Keller, R. Lim, P. Huang and J. Beutel
Low-Power Wireless Bus
F. Ferrari, M. Zimmerling, L. Mottola and L. Thiele
Multi-hop Network Tomography: Path Reconstruction and Per-hop Arrival Time Estimation from Partial Information
M. Keller, J. Beutel and L. Thiele
Permafrost distribution in the European Alps: calculation and evaluation of an index map and summary statistics
L. Boeckli, A. Brenning, S. Gruber, J. Noetzli
Poster Abstract: Capture Effect Based Communication Primitives
O. Landsiedel, F. Ferrari and M. Zimmerling
pTunes: Runtime Parameter Adaptation for Low-power MAC Protocols
M. Zimmerling, F. Ferrari, L. Mottola, T. Voigt and L. Thiele
The Bus goes Wireless: Routing-Free Data Collection with QoS Guarantees in Sensor Networks
F. Ferrari, M. Zimmerling, L. Thiele and L. Mottola
The Low-Power Wireless Bus: Simplicity is (Again) the Soul of Efficiency
F. Ferrari, M. Zimmerling, L. Thiele and L. Mottola
TopoSUB: a tool for efficient large area numerical modeling in complex topography at sub-grid scales
Uncertainties of parameterized near-surface downwelling longwave and clear-sky direct radiation
S. Gubler, S. Gruber, R.S. Purves
4D GPS water vapor tomography: new parameterized approaches
D. Perler, A. Geiger, F. Hurter
A robust and energy-conserving model of freezing variably-saturated soil
M. Dall'Amico, S. Endrizzi, S. Gruber, R. Rigon
Advective heat transport in frozen rock clefts - conceptual model, laboratory experiments and numerical simulation
A. Hasler, S. Gruber, M. Font, A. Dubois
Brief Communication: An inventory of permafrost evidence for the European Alps
E. Cremonese, S. Gruber, M. Phillips, P. Pogliotti, L. Boeckli, J. Noetzli, C. Suter, X. Bodin, A. Crepaz, A. Kellerer-Pirklbauer, K. Lang, S. Letey, V. Mair, U. Morra di Cella, L. Ravanel, C. Scapozza, R. Seppi, & A. Zischg
Comparative Performance Analysis of the PermaDozer Protocol in Diverse Deployments
M. Keller, M. Woehrle, R. Lim, J. Beutel and L. Thiele
Efficient Data Retrieval for Interactive Browsing of Large Sensor Network Data Sets
Efficient Network Flooding and Time Synchronization with Glossy
F. Ferrari, M. Zimmerling, L. Thiele, O. Saukh
Feature-Rich Platform for WSN Design Space Exploration
B. Buchli, M. Yuecel, R. Lim, T. Gsell and J. Beutel
Landslides in cold regions: making a science that can be put into practice
Modeling the spatial pattern of ground thaw in a small basin in the arctic tundra
S. Endrizzi, W.L. Quinton, P. Marsh
Reconstruction of the Correct Temporal Order of Sensor Network Data
M. Keller, L. Thiele and J. Beutel
Scale-dependent measurement and analysis of ground surface temperature variability in alpine terrain
S. Gubler, J. Fiddes, S. Gruber, M. Keller
Segmented State Space Traversal for Conformance Testing of Cyber-Physical Systems
M. Woehrle, K. Lampka and L. Thiele
Spatio-temporal measurements and analysis of snow depth in a rock face
V. Wirz, M. Schirmer, S. Gruber, M. Lehning
Temperature variability and thermal offset in steep alpine rock and ice faces
A. Hasler, S. Gruber, W. Haeberli
Temporal characteristics of different cryosphere-related slope movements in high mountains
V. Wirz, P. Limpach, J. Beutel, B. Buchli and S. Gruber
X-Sense: Sensing in Extreme Environments
J. Beutel, B. Buchli, F. Ferrari, M. Keller, L. Thiele and M. Zimmerling
Bestimmung der Fließgeschwindigkeiten von Blockgletschern
R. Mautz, D. Grimm, P. Limpach, S. Tilch, A. Geiger
GNSS Instrumentation State and First Results from Project SWISS 4D II
Villiger Arturo and Geiger Alain
iAssist - Rapid Deployment and Maintenance of Tiny Sensing Systems
G-MoDe Detection of Small and Rapid Movement by Single GPS Carrier Phase Receiver
Guillaume, S., Geiger, A., Forrer, F.
| | NTF | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 3D-SensTex | | | | | | | | | 3D-Systems | | | | | | | | | BioAnt | |
Diminishing SAR for Wearable UHF Antennas
Trajkovikj, Jovanche; Skrivervik, Anja
Compact High-Performance Continuous-Wave Double-Resonance Rubidium Standard With 1.4 x 10(-13) tau(-1/2) Stability
Bandi, Thejesh; Affolderbach, Christoph; Stefanucci, Camillo; Merli, Francesco; Skrivervik, Anja K.; Mileti, Gaetano
The Microloop-Gap Resonator: A Novel Miniaturized Microwave Cavity for Double-Resonance Rubidium Atomic Clocks
Violetti, Maddalena; Pellaton, Matthieu; Affolderbach, Christoph; Merli, Francesco; Zuercher, Jean-Francois; Mileti, Gaetano; Skrivervik, Anja K.
PDMS, A Robust Casing for Flexible W-BAN Antennas
Soft and Flexible Antennas on Permittivity Adjustable PDMS Substrates
In vitro and in vivo operation of a wireless body sensor node
F. Merli, L. Bolomey, F. Gorostidi, Y. Barrandon E. Meurville, and A.K. Skrivervik
Versatility and tunability of an implantable antenna for telemedicine
| | | BioCS-Node | |
Ultra-low-power ECG front-end design based on compressed sensing
Hossein Mamaghanian, Pierre Vandergheynst
| | | |
A Real-Time Compressed Sensing-Based Personal Electrocardiogram Monitoring System
K. Kanoun, H. Mamaghanian, N. Khaled, D. Atienza
Compressed Sensing for Real-Time Energy-Aware ECG Compression on Wireless Body Sensor Nodes
A. Dogan, D. Atienza, Andreas Burg, I. Loi, L. Benini
Compressed Sensing for Real-Time Energy-Efficient ECG Compression on Wireless Body Sensor Nodes
H. Mamaghanian, N. Khaled, D. Atienza, and P. Vandergheynst
Real-Time Compressed Sensing-Based Electrocardiogram Compression on Energy Constrained Wireless Body Sensors
H. Mamaghanian, N. Khaled, D. Atienza, P. Vandergheynst
| | | Breathe | | | | | | | | | D1NAMO | | |
B-hist: Entity-centric search over personal web browsing history
Catasta, Michele; Tonon, Alberto; Demartini, Gianluca; Ranvier, Jean-Eudes; Aberer, Karl; Cudre-Mauroux, Philippe
| | | | | | EMoA | | | | | | | | | Enabler | | | | |
A High Polynomial-Order Wavelet Method for Semiconductor Transport Equations
Silicon Nanowire Esaki Diodes
Simulation Study of Nanowire Tunnel FETs (Invited)
A. Schenk, Reto Rhyner, Mathieu Luisier, and Cedric Bessire
A Wavelet Method to Solve High-dimensional Transport Equations in Semiconductor Devices
Analysis of Si, InAs, and Si-InAs Tunnel Diodes and Tunnel FETs Using Different Transport Models
A. Schenk, R. Rhyner, M. Luisier, C. Bessire
Effect of the Choice of the Tunneling Path on Semi-classical Numerical Simulations of TFET devices
L. De Michielis, M. Iellina, P. Palestri, A. M. Ionescu, and L. Selmi
Trap-Assisted Tunneling in Si-InAs Nanowire Heterojunction Tunnel Diodes
Tunneling Path Impact on Semi-Classical Numerical Simulation of TFET devices
L. De Michielis, M. Iellina, P. Palestri, A. M. Ionescu, and L. Selmi
| | | G-DEMANDE | | | |
A Self-Healing Distributed Pervasive Health System (2013)
Stefano Bromuri, Michael Schumacher and Kostas Stathis
Agent Based Monitoring of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (Demonstration)
R. Schumann, S. Bromuri, J. Krampf and M. Schumacher
Enforcing Security in Pervasive Healthcare Monitoring Gestational Diabetes Mellitus
S. Bromuri, J. Krampf, R. Schumann and M. Schumacher
An Agent Based Pervasive Healthcare System: a First Scalability Study
Johannes Krampf, Stefano Bromuri, Michael Schumacher and Juan Ruiz
Monitoring Gestational Diabetes Mellitus with Cognitive Agents and Agent Environments
Stefano Bromuri, Michael Schumacher, Kostas Stathis and Juan Ruiz
Pervasive Healthcare using Self-Healing Agent Environments
Stefano Bromuri, Michael Schumacher and Kostas Stathis
Creating Resilient Self-Healing Agent Environments
S. Bromuri and M. Schumacher
Towards Distributed Agent Environments for Pervasive Healthcare
S. Bromuri, M. Schumacher and K. Stathis
| | IronIC++ | | | | | | | | | MicroComb |
Cyan titania nanowires: Spectroscopic study of the origin of the self-doping enhanced photocatalytic activity
Optically switched magnetism in photovoltaic perovskite CH3NH3(Mn:Pb)I3
| | |
Terabit/s data transmission using optical frequency combs
Koos, C., Leuthold, J., Freude, W., Kippenberg, T.J., Pfeifle, J., Weimann, C., Hartinger, K., Brasch, V., Herr, T., Holzwarth, R., Hillerkuss, D., Schmogrow, R.
Dispersion engineering of thick high-Q silicon nitride ring-resonators via atomic layer deposition
J. Riemensberger, K. Hartinger, T. Herr, V. Brasch, R. Holzwarth & T.J. Kippenberg
Universal formation dynamics and noise of Kerr-frequency combs in microresonators
T. Herr, K. Hartinger, J. Riemensberger, C. Wang, E. Gavartin, R. Holzwarth, M.L. Gorodetsky, T.J. Kippenberg
| | | | MiniHolter | | | | | | | | | NAMBP | | | | | | | | | NanoUp | | | | | | | | | NaWiBo | | | |
FluidFM as lithography tool in liquid: Spatially controlled deposition of nanoparticles
R. Gruter, J. Voros, T. Zambelli
| | | | | NeoSense |
Characterizing Fluctuations of Arterial and Cerebral Tissue Oxygenation in Preterm Neonates by Means of Data Analysis Techniques for Nonlinear Dynamical Systems
| | | | | | | | ParaTex | | | | | | | | | PMD-Program | | | | | | | | | SecWear | | | | |
MOTEL—A Mobile Robotic-Assisted Wireless Sensor Networks Testbed. Wireless Integration of Sensor networks
Forster, A., Garg, K., Puccinelli, D., S. Giordano Cremonese & Gambardella, L.
A First Step Towards Automatic Application of Power Analysis Countermeasures
A Framework for Security and Workload Gradual Adaptation
Exploring the Feasibility of Low Cost Fault Injection Attacks on Sub-Threshold Devices through an Example of a 65nm AES Implementation
Interaction between Fault Attack Countermeasures and the Resistance against Power Analysis Attacks
Francesco Regazzoni, Luca Breveglieri, Paolo Ienne, and Israel Koren
Power-Gated MOS Current Mode Logic (PG-MCML): A Power-Aware DPA-Resistant Standard Cell Library
System Policies for Gradual Tuning of Security and Workload in Wireless Sensor Networks
| | | SMTS | | | |
A wireless sensor system for structural health monitoring with guided ultrasonic waves and piezoelectric transducers
Ch. Durager, A. Heinzelmann, D. Riederer
| | | | | TANDEM | | | | | | | | | TWIGS | | |
Properties and printability of inkjet and screen-printed silver patterns for RFID antennas
Large-area compatible fabrication and encapsulation of inkjet-printed humidity sensors on flexible foils with integrated thermal compensation
All additive inkjet printed humidity sensors on plastic substrate
F Molina-Lopez, D Briand, NF De Rooij
Humidity and Temperature Sensors on Plastic Foil for Textile Integration
Why going towards plastic and flexible sensors ?
| | | ULP-Logic | | | | |
Subthreshold Source-Coupled Logic
A. Tajalli and Y. Leblebici
| |
A 9 pW/Hz Adjustable Clock Generator with 3-Decade Tuning Range for Dynamic Power Management in Subthreshold SCL Systems
A. Tajalli and Y. Leblebici
Subthreshold Current-Mode Delta-Sigma Quantizer with 3-Decade Scalable Sampling Rate and pico-Ampere Range Resolution
A. Tajalli and Y. Leblebici
A Widely-Tunable and Ultra-Low-Power MOSFET-C Filter Operating in Subthreshold
Improving Power-delay performance improvement of subthreshold SCL circuits
A. Tajalli, M. Alioto, and Y. Leblebici
Leakage current reduction using subthreshold source-coupled logic
A. Tajalli and Y. Leblebici
Subthreshold leakage reduction: A comparative study of SCL and CMOS design
A. Tajalli and Y. Leblebici
Ultra low power 32-bit pipelined adder using subthreshold source-coupled logic with 5fJ/stage PDP
A. Tajalli, E. J. Brauer, and Y. Leblebici
| ULP-Systems | | | | | |
Design trade-offs in ultra-low-power CMOS and STSCL digital systems
A. Tajalli and Y. Leblebici
Design Tradeoffs in Ultra-Low-Power Digital Nano-Scale CMOS
A. Tajalli and Y. Leblebici
Low-Power and Widely-Tunable Linearized Biquadratic Low-Pass Transconductor-C Filter
A. Tajalli and Y. Leblebici
Power and Area Efficient MOSFET-C Filter for Very Low Frequency Applications
A. Tajalli and Y. Leblebici
Nanowatt Range Folding-Interpolating ADC Using Subthreshold Source-Coupled Circuits
A. Tajalli and Y. Leblebici
Ultra-Low Power Mixed-Signal Design Platform Using Subthreshold Source-Coupled Circuits
A. Tajalli and Y. Leblebici
Subthreshold SCL for ultra-low-power SRAM and low-activity-rate digital systems
A. Tajalli and Y. Leblebici
| | SSTC | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 3DOptoChemiImage | | | | |
Coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering holography: theory and experiment
P. S. Edwards, N. Mehta, et al
Holographic coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering bio-imaging
K. Shi, P. S. Edwards, et al
| | | | i-Needle | | |
i-Needle: Detecting the Biological Mechanisms of Acupuncture
C. Nardini, S. Carrara, Y. Liu, V. Devescovi and Y. Lu et al.
| |
New Approaches for Carbon Nanotubes-Based Biosensors and Their Application to Cell Culture Monitoring
C. Boero, J. Olivo, G. De Micheli and S. Carrara
Biochips for Regenerative Medicine: Real-time Stem Cell Continuous Monitoring as Inferred by High-Throughput Gene Analysis
| | | M3WSN | | | | |
A Hierarchical Multi-hop Multimedia Routing Protocol for Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks
A Smart Multi-hop Hierarchical Routing Protocol for Efficient Video Communication over Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks
D. Rosario, R. Costa, H. Paraense, K. Machado, E. Cerqueira and T. Braun
Bandwidth-Power Aware Cooperative Multipath Routing for Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks
H. Xu, L. Huang, C. Qiao, Y. Zhang and Q. Sun
Capacity of Distributed Content Delivery in Large-Scale Wireless Ad Hoc Networks
W. Liu, K. Lu, J. Wang, Y. Qian, T. Zhang, and L. Huang
Performance Evaluation of Opportunistic Routing Protocols: A Framework-based Approach using OMNeT++
Z. Zhao, B. Mosler and T. Braun
QoE-aware FEC Mechanism for Intrusion Detection in Multi-tier Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks
Topology Control and Mobility Strategy for UAV Ad-hoc Networks: A Survey
Traffic Clustering and Online Traffic Prediction in Vehicle Networks: A Social Influence Perspective
B. Zhang, K. Xing, X. Cheng, L. Huang and R. Bie
UAVNet: A Mobile Wireless Mesh Network Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
S. Morgenthaler, T. Braun, Z. Zhao, T. Staub and Markus Anwander
Utility Optimization Scheduling for Multi-point Video Surveillance in Ubiquitous Network
C. Zhang, L. Huang and H. Xu
| | | | NaNiBo | | | | |
Dehydrogenation Mechanism of Monoammoniated Lithium Amidoborane [Li(NH3)NH2BH3]
S. Bhattacharya, Z. Xiong, G. Wu, P. Chen, Y. P. Feng, C. Majumder, and G. P. Das
| | | | NetCam | | | | |
A Framework for Multi-Robot Motion Planning from Temporal Logic Specifications
T.J. Koo, R.Q. Li, M.M. Quottrup, C.A. Clifton, R. Izadi-Zamanabadi, T. Bak
Design of importance-map based randomized patrolling strategies
S.M. Huck, N. Kariotoglou, S. Summers, D.M. Raimondo, J. Lygeros
| | | | SiC-nanomembranes | | | |
Field effect modulated nanofluidic diode membrane based on Al2O3/W heterogeneous nanopore arrays
S. Wu, F. Wildhaber, A. Bertsch, J. Brugger, P. Renaud
High aspect ratio etching of nanopores in PECVD SiC through AAO mask
S. Wu, M.-O. Bammatter, W. Tang, V. Auzelyte, H. Zhang, J. Brugger
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