welcomes you to share this web based communication platform.
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The objective is to offer an open web-based sharing platform with complementary "inside-out” and “outside-in” knowledge management perspectives as well as “top-down” and “bottom-up” exchanges. This dynamic will steer general interest from various level of sources, from internal and external players to the overall core research carried out within the Nano-Tera program, to its cutting edge expertise and to promising potential applications.
-> Inside-out Perspective: Each project has its own “WikiPage” (Click on the name of the project on the picture below). We strongly encourage the researchers to participate and share any information such as abstracts, news, didactic videos, and interesting results published. This is a great opportunity to gain larger exposure and trigger interest from peers and other parties that may want to join.
-> Outside-in Perspective: has defined several themes to expand the vision of the application potentials for each research field. For each topic presents a non-exhaustive summary of PUBLIC news. Through this approach, a different image of the conducted research can be created and outlined.
Therefore as insider or outsider of, please do not hesitate to add reflections, ideas and visionary thoughts within the subject of your choice (click on the picture below to get to the topic of interest).
Indeed, keep in mind that most great new application ideas emerge from the melting pot of dynamic exchanges, very often resulting from a final bottom-up path, that is when the triggering success emerges not vertically through the leaders of a research program or project, but in contrary through the actors at any level of the hierarchy.
This portal is a new concept for leveraging the value of a large national research program to all interested parties. It’s made for you and by you.
Registration is free, so do not hesitate and Join in the Nano-tera Community!
NanoTera Wiki
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