Past Events
 Wednesday, 10th October to Thursday, 11th October 2018 Jerusalem | NANO.IL.2018
The NANO.IL.2018 is a central meeting point for local and international companies, investors, universities, corporate research scientists and government representatives from around the world and is a unique platform bringing together elite speakers and top individuals from academia, business and government. We anticipate very high number of attendees from Israel and abroad with diversifies expertise and interest that will be able to get first hand access to cutting-edge technologies and solutions, scientific innovation presentation by top scientists and speakers, startup companies and new technologies on a verge of reaching commercialization, multinationals organization seeking collaborations, top defense related companies, hundreds of scientific posters seeking collaborations and commercialization and a rich display of latest innovations and product prototypes. NANO.IL.2018 is jointly organized by Israel National Nanotechnology Initiative (INNI) and the Nanotechnology centers at Israeli universities. It is endorsed by the Innovation Authority under the Ministry of Trade & Industry and the Foreign Ministry of Israel. |
 Thursday, 30th August 2018 Hong Kong | iCAN 2018 student contest The Swiss National contest to select students who will qualify for iCAN'18 is underway.
Prof. Jürgen Brugger of SelfSys is running the competition. |
 Tuesday, 8th May 2018 EPFL, Rolex Learning Center | MicroNanoFabrication Annual Review Meeting
The scope of the forum is Micro & Nano Fabrication Techniques used in the following fields: - Micro and Nanoelectronics (Soft Bioelectronic, 3D Integration, Nanowires, High-Q Resonators, New materials, ...) - Biomedical Applications (Microfluidics, Microelectrodes, Lab on a Chip, Probes, Neuroprosthetics, ...) - MEMS, NEMS (Sensors and Actuators, Motors, Tweezers, Artificial Muscles, Micro and Nanomechanics, ...) - Optics (Nanophotonics, Optomechanics, Photonic Crystals, MOEMS, Optofluidics, Fibers, ...) - Nanostructure Physics (VCSELs, Quantum Opto-Electronics, III/V Devices, Nanotubes, Nanowires, Nanomechanics, ...) - Material Sciences (Photovoltaic Materials, Piezoelectric materials, Nanoparticles, Energy Harvesting, Micro Fuel Cells, ...) - Fabrication Technologies (Lithography, Etching, Thin Films, ALD, EBEAM, CMP, Self assembly, Inkjet Printing, PDMS, ...) - Metrology and Defect Analysis (SEM, FIB, Ellipsometry, Reflectometry, AFM, EDX, Stress, Conductivity, ...) - Packaging and Assembly (Grinding, Wire Bonding, Encapsulation, ...)
The following members of the Nano-Tera community are presenting: Philippe Renaud of LiveSense, SImOS, BioAnt, Envirobot, NanoBioTech and ISyPeM2 Jürgen Brugger of SelfSys, SiC-nanomembranes, iCAN2012, PATLiSci, iCAN, E-Print and EUJO Tobias Kippenberg of MicroComb Demetri Psaltis of SHINE and 3DOptoChemiImage |
 Monday, 18th December 2017 EPFL | Iron Oxide Nanoparticles for medical application: still a challenging task for materials research Iron oxide nanoparticles have been in development for medical applications for more than 20 years. In the mean time, several products were on the market and used in clinics as a contrast agent for MRI or as a drug for the successful treatment of anemia. For economic reasons, iron oxide as a contrast agent disappeared from the market, because it was only accredited for the imaging of liver. Today the most useful development of superparamagnetic iron oxide is, besides imaging, in the field of magnetic fluid hyperthermia. Particles injected locally into the tumor are efficient heat sources if an external alternate magnetic field is applied. To bring iron oxide nanoparticles to the clinics, properties like saturation magnetization, magnetic anisotropy, colloidal stability, biocompatibility and especially targeting has to be strongly improved. In addition to these parameters, biological properties like biodistribution and residence time have to be adapted to the clinical needs. All these properties can only be improved if the behavior of the particles is well understood, both from the physical as well as the biological side.
In this talk, a short introduction of the state of the art will be given, followed by an analysis of the gaps still existing, including some propositions for how to overcome them. The focus of the talk will be the physico-chemical properties and, in addition to typically materials developments, the impact of translational research on materials development will be highlighted.
The speaker is Heinrich Hofmann, Principle Investigator of Magnetotheranostics. |
 Thursday, 28th September to Friday, 29th September 2017 EPFL | Logic Synthesis and Emerging Technologies We are pleased to invite you to the EPFL Workshop on Logic Synthesis and Emerging Technologies organized by Prof. Giovanni De Micheli, which will take place at EPFL in room BC 420 on 28-29 September 2017.
The workshop is a discussion forum on recent advancements and future evolution of synthesis techniques in EDA. Top experts in the field both from academia and industry will take part in the workshop to give presentations on cutting edge themes and to participate in panel discussions. Please see the workshop web pages with link given below for the complete two day schedule and more information:
Registration is required to attend the workshop, but is free of charge. To access the on-line registration form please click here.
The EPFL Workshop on Logic Synthesis and Emerging Technologies is funded by nano-tera.ch to promote international scientific exchanges. |
 Thursday, 24th August 2017 EPFL | Self Powered Smart Sensing System In this talk, Prof. Zhang will report her latest research work in TENGs with Hybrid mechanism. Frist, a r-shape hybrid piezoelectric and triboelectric NG is designed and integrated into a PC keyboard to harvest energy in the typing process, additionally, this device utilize in piano for self-recorder of composing.
Second, another hybrid magnetic and triboelectric nanogenerators is introduced which can be used as self-powered visualized omnidirectional tilt sensing system.
Third, an ultrathin flexible Piezoelectric and triboelectric Harvester for implantable applications will be discussed. The hybrid mechanism of Triboelectrical generator provides high performance and stability, which is important for powering implantable devices, touch panels, cell phone, artificial skins, sensor network.
The speaker is Haixia (Alice) Zhang, a member of the SiC-nanomembranes project. |
 Wednesday, 28th June 2017 EPFL | EPFL-IBM Research Day Workshop EPFL and IBM are about to conclude a framework agreement, which will facilitate the development of joint research projects. To identify new common research opportunities, the Research Affairs (DAR) will has organized an EPFL-IBM Research Day. This event will reunite approx. 50 researchers from both institutions.
Olivier Verscheure of Carbosense, Stephanie Lacour of SpineRepair and WiseSkin, and Martin Vetterli (President of EPFL) of OpenSense will be speaking. |
 Friday, 16th June 2017 EPFL | Research Day on Translational Musculoskeletal Biomechanics For the 15th consecutive year, the LBO (EPFL), the LMAM (EPFL), the Department of Musculoskeletal Medicine (CHUV), and the Regenerative Therapy Unit (CHUV) are organizing a day of translational research in musculoskeletal biomechanics.
This day aims to encourage synergies between the Service of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology at CHUV and the basic sciences at EPFL. In addition to presentations of collaborative projects between these two institutions in the morning, Professors Raphael Dumas (University of Lyon) and Jorg Spoerri (Balgrist) will present their experience after the lunch break.
The event will take place from 9:30 to 15:00, at EPFL (room BC 410). This event is open to anyone interested.
Adrian Ionescu of CabTuRes and NanowireSensor and Kamiar Aminan of SImOS are organising and presenting at this event. |
 Thursday, 11th May 2017 EPFL | Auto-adaptive digital circuits - Application to low-power Multicores and ultra-low-power Wireless Sensor Nodes Today’s sources of variations are affecting a lot circuits’ energy efficiency: this talk will bring innovative technological, circuit and architectural techniques for efficient automatic performance regulation. Given the numerous sources of variations encountered by today’s integrated systems, it becomes very challenging to implement highly energy efficient circuits. Whether the variations are in the process, in the application needs or in the environmental characteristics, the common solution is adaptation.
This talk is exploring automatic adaptation techniques at architectural, circuit and technological levels applied to MPSoCs as well as autonomous Wireless Sensor Nodes.
This event has been organised by the Center of Integrated Systems, EPFL. |
 Tuesday, 2nd May 2017 EPFL, SV1717, 11:00 | Quantum cascade lasers and frequency combs: towards chip-based optical chemical sensors
The mid-infrared and terahertz spectral range is key to many applications for sensing and imaging, as many molecules have their fundamental vibration modes in that frequency region. Using traditional multipass cells and single frequency quantum cascade lasers, detection of light molecules with sup-ppb sensitivity and isotopic selectivity has been achieved. There is a strong interest in extending these results to multiple gases and to miniaturized, portable systems.
Towards this goal, the recent demonstration of comb operation in quantum cascade lasers opens up new avenues for broadband spectroscopy. We recently demonstrated a comb device delivering 1 watt of optical power over a bandwidth of more than 100cm-1 at 8um wavelength. These devices were achieved by engineering the waveguide dispersion using plasmonic resonances. The speaker is Prof. Jérôme Faist, Principle Investigator of IrSens2 and IrSens, as a guest of EPFL's Institute of Microengineering. |
 Friday, 31st March 2017 EPFL | Nano-Tera Final Event Within the context of the DATE conference, at the SwissTech building, we will hold the final Nano-Tera Annual Meeting. |
 Monday, 12th December 2016 Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) | First BRIDGE Call - Proof of Concept The Commission for Technology and Innovation (CTI) and the SNSF are launching the first call for proposals for the funding opportunity BRIDGE Proof of Concept. This also marks the start of the joint funding programme BRIDGE. |
 Monday, 14th November to Wednesday, 16th November 2016 Lausanne | Symposium Latsis EPFL 2016 Multicellular organisms in microfluidic systems
Studies of living organisms like nematodes and invertebrate embryos in controlled spatio-temporal chemical environments on microfluidic chips are gaining momentum, as these animals offer genetic amenability, low-cost, and culture conditions that are compatible with large-scale screens, while not raising ethical issues. The 2.5-day Latsis Symposium wants to bridge the gap between microfluidic systems and biological model organism research, by providing an interdisciplinary forum on the technology and applications of microfluidic systems for studies of multicellular organisms in medicine and biology. Invited and Contributed Presentations cover the topics of microfluidic technologies, organism (neuro-)biology, on-chip manipulation and imaging, development studies, screening, and in vivo diagnostic applications. Prof. Martin Gijs of Nutrichip is on the Scientific Committee. |
 Saturday, 15th October to Saturday, 31st December 2016 EPFL | CTI Business Concept
CTI Entrepreneurship is the Swiss federal training program targeting all members of Swiss universities: faculty members, researchers and students who have ambitions to create or to work for a start-up company. This free, hands-on inter-university training, designed and taught by experienced entrepreneurs, will take place in different cities of Switzerland, to help you to transform an innovative idea into a viable business Period: September - December, 2016 Locations: Lausanne, Fribourg, Yverdon & Valais, other cities in other parts of Switzerland Program: 1 day boot camp 12 evening sessions Language: English Cost: Free of charge What participants say about the program: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QxDnPk71AY8 Details and application: http://www.cti-entrepreneurship.ch/en/modules/2-business-concept/#courses Deadline for Fall semester: July 20 Why should you start the training now: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V60oscKBt2A Written testimonials: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B2vuDCfcxmstWkZSSXViemQ5Q2M/view?usp=sharing |
 Sunday, 9th October to Tuesday, 11th October 2016 Montreux | Symposium on Emerging Trends in Computing The objective of this symposium is to gather about 100 experts from the computing domain, to hear presentations on cutting edge themes and to participate in panel discussions. Participation is by invitation only. Videos of the technical presentations and panels will be made available to students for educational purposes. |
 Monday, 12th September 2016 EPFL | European Solid-State Circuits Conference / European Solid-State Device Conference The purpose of ESSCIRC-ESSDERC 2016 is to monitor and understand the concept of solid state circuits and devices. These meetings pull in professionals from technology and computer science fields, seeking for reports on what has been achieved and initiating a push for more aggression in the field. While the two forums deal with slightly different concepts, their seminars are actually held in parallel basis.
The increasing level of integration for system-on-chip design made available by advances in silicon technology is, more than ever before, calling for a deeper interaction among technologists, device experts, IC designers, and system designers.
This conference, funded by Nano-Tera as an ED activity, will be chaired by Prof. Christian Enz of WiseSkin and PlaCiTUS and Prof. Adrian Ionescu of NanowerSensor and CabTuRes. |
 Thursday, 8th September to Saturday, 10th September 2016 Neuchatel | Micro16 Industrie 4.0 et Microtechnique, réindustrialisation de la Suisse, technologies innovantes intégrées en milieu industriel, rôle de la recherche et de l’innovation pour le maintien du savoir-faire industriel en Suisse, compétitivité de notre pays dans un monde changeant et interconnecté, méthodes de fabrication novatrices et usines de demain … telles seront les thématiques d’envergure abordées lors de cette partie officielle.
Vont participer : Christian Enz de WiseSkin et PlaCiTUS, Christophe Ballif de Synergy |
 Wednesday, 6th July 2016 Monte Verità, Ticino, Switzerland | Nano-tera workshop on Microresonator Frequency Combs: theory and applications Prof. Tobias Kippenberg of MicroComb will be running a workshop to continue the success of the first international workshop on microresonator frequency combs held in August 2014.
This Nano-Tera ED activity will bring together leading groups world-wide in the field of microresonator frequency combs. |
 Friday, 17th June 2016 EPFL | Research Day on Translational Musculoskeletal Biomechanics For the 14th consecutive year, the LBO (EPFL), the LMAM (EPFL), the Department of Musculoskeletal Medicine (CHUV), and the Regenerative Therapy Unit (CHUV) are organizing a day of translational research in musculoskeletal biomechanics. This day aims to encourage synergies between the Service of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology at CHUV and the basic sciences at EPFL.
Kamiar Aminian of SImOS is taking part. |
 Friday, 4th December 2015 Temis Innovation, Besancon | Photonic Seminar: SMYLE Experts in the domain from EPFL, FEMTO-ST and Industry will be covering areas such as Flatland Optics, Mems for Optics, Learning Approch to Optical Tomography and many other topics.
Hans-Peter Herzig of IrSens (event moderator), Demetri Psaltis of SHINE and Thomas Südmeyer of MIXSEL2 will all be presenting. |
 Wednesday, 25th November 2015 SwissTech, Lausanne | Shaping the Future Swiss Electrical Infrastructures The Swiss Competence Center for Energy Research FURIES, based at the EPFL, organises its 2015 Annual conference and cordially invites anyone interested in the future of the energy system in Switzerland. The conference will be held on November 25th, 2015 at the Swiss Tech Convention Center in Lausanne. During the conference, SCCER-FURIES partners from 37 key academic institutes and 14 major companies will illustrate the ongoing research in the area of Smart Grids in Switzerland.
Prof. Mario Paolone of SmartGrid is presiding. |
 Friday, 6th November 2015 EPFL | EPFL Photonics Day In this special year that has been voted “International year of light” by the UNESCO, join us to discover the colorful and multifaceted landscape of photonics research and education at EPFL during the EPFL Photonics Day organized by the Doctoral Program in Photonics, on Friday November 6, from 8:30 until 15:00 at the Forum Rolex. This year will highlight both very fundamental and applied facets of photonics, with talks on the optical properties of graphene, the utilization of light for metrology in applied mechanics or the use of the laser to tailor material properties down to the nanoscale. Further talks will illustrate the leadership of EPFL at the interface between microsystems and photonics. During the buffet lunch, each PhD student enrolled in the Doctoral Program in Photonics will present her/his research with a poster. The EPFL Photonics Chapter will also present the different activities it organizes all year round. The EPFL Photonics Day is for everyone: students, PhD students, researchers at every level and all those interested by photonics. Participation is free and includes lunch; registration is mandatory until Monday November 2, on photonics.epfl.ch, where the detailed program is available.
Prof. Olivier Martin of the Nano-Tera Plasmonics initiative is presiding. |
 Thursday, 22nd October to Saturday, 24th October 2015 Georgia | BioCAS 2015 The IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference (BioCAS) serves as a premier international forum for presenting the interdisciplinary research and development activities at the crossroads of medicine, life sciences, physical sciences and engineering that will shape tomorrow’s medical devices and healthcare systems. It brings together researchers, designers, clinicians, and engineers from industry, academia, and government to disseminate the latest cutting-edge research results and innovative solutions for today’s complex health problems at the frontiers of biomedical engineering, life sciences, and circuits and systems.
Sandro Carrara of i-IronIC and Nutrichip is the Technical Program Committee Chair |
 Thursday, 1st October to Friday, 2nd October 2015 Neuchâtel | Swiss e-Print 2015 E-Printing is a key enabling technology that goes well beyond the established paper printing. In recent years, novel areas have matured, where printing techniques find increasingly a pathway from R&D to industrial manufacturing. These areas not only include organic and printed opto-electronics, but also micro-optical, bio-medical, MEMS fabrication and packaging, 3D rapid prototyping, flexible substrate and roll-to-roll technologies.
Switzerland already has many activities in the E-print field, and the Swiss e-Print conference will allow active professionals to identify potential complementary partnership in this upcoming manufacturing discipline that spans across several disciplines from tools, ink materials, surfaces, chemistry & physics, electronics and optics, among others.
The conference will comprise invited lectures of international key people in the field with contributed papers from participants.
Jürgen Brugger of SelfSys and PATLiSci is co-chair, Danick Briand of BodyPoweredSense is general chair. |
 Thursday, 17th September to Friday, 18th September 2015 Arc et Senans | SMYLE 2015 Immersed inphotons:How our society is deeply affected by the science and technology of light.
Light for Creativity.
Prof. Hans-Peter Herzig of IrSens is presenting. |
 Friday, 24th July 2015 Rome | Ultra-Low Power Environmental monitoring, Security, and Health This workshop is aimed at senior researchers, PhD students, and industry professionals. For the program, we have organized three invited keynote presentations aligned with the objectives of the Nano-Tera program to discuss different areas and applications of low-power design. These keynote presentations are then followed by an in-depth tutorial addressing various aspects and design guidelines for near-threshold VLSI circuits and systems. |
 Wednesday, 27th May to Thursday, 28th May 2015 Neuchatel | Swiss NanoConvention 2015 The Swiss NanoConvention brings together Swiss and international leaders from science and industry in the field of «nano», key figures in innovation and technology, entrepreneurs, investors, administrators and politicians. The Swiss NanoConvention is a platform for connecting people, networking, debating and exchanging ideas – or even generating new ones. Key players are able to gather the best available information on the potential, but also on the risks of one of the key emerging technologies of the 21st century, and its opportunities for innovative technologies, products and services. |
 Monday, 4th May to Tuesday, 5th May 2015 Bern | Annual Plenary Meeting
Please click for details. Registration is now closed, but a limited service of on-site registration will be available. |
 Tuesday, 21st April to Thursday, 23rd April 2015 Neuchâtel | AACD 2015 The 24th Workshop on Advances in Analog Circuit Design
The aim of the AACD workshop is to bring together a large group of people working at the frontiers of analog circuit design to study and discuss possibilities and future developments. |
 Monday, 2nd March 2015 | Venture Leaders 2015 Application Deadline Be part of the venture leaders 2015 team
If you have the entrepreneurial drive and ambition to build a world class startup, this is for you.
Venture leaders offers a 10 days intensive entrepreneurship and business development program free of charge to 20 selected entrepreneurs, to be part of the “swiss startup national team”.
This highly paced acceleration program is conducted in Boston and New York (USA). It has always been considered a major contribution to their entrepreneurial network and development by previous winners thanks to the experience sharing with other entrepreneurs as well a deep dive in the US startup ecosystem and spirit. It's the opportunity to participate in an entrepreneurship course at Babson College, present at multiple pitch events as well as an exclusive access to a network of established businesses, successful start-up companies and venture capitalists.
Detailed information can be found in the attached flyer and on our website. Don't hesitate to contact me for questions.
Registration can be done at http://www.venturelab.ch/vleaders_registration
The Deadline for submitting your application is March 2nd, 2015.
 Thursday, 5th February 2015 EPFL | Medical Technology Regulations Info Day Several Nano-Tera projects are tackling medical issues and may need to address medical regulations. As a researcher, it is difficult to know which regulations apply, at what time in the project and how to address them.
As a consequence, Nano-Tera is organizing an information day about these important issues. It will present an overview of the medical regulations (laws, CE Marking, FDA approval, GMP.s, GLP.s, Pre-Clinical Testing, Clinical Evaluation.), notifying bodies and competent authorities (Swissmedic, ethical committees, FDA, TÜV, etc.). It will also help in classifying the research activity according to applicable regulations (well-being, diagnostics, treatment, implants, etc.), and explaining at what time in the project the regulations apply, and how to address them.
more info |
 Monday, 15th December 2014 EPFL | SCCER-FURIES Annual Conference
The 1st SCCER-FURIES Annual Conference will be held on December 15th, 2014 at the Swiss Tech Convention Center, in Lausanne. This event will bring together 32 scientists from around Switzerland and representatives from 16 leading companies working on smart grids working under the umbrella of the SCCER-FURIES. Prof. Mario Paolone of SmartGrid is Head of SCCER-FURIES. |
 Tuesday, 9th December 2014 EPFL | Synchrophasor estimation processes for Phasor Measurement Units: algorithms and metrological characterisation
The Phasor Measurement Unit (PMU) technology is constantly evolving and already composes the backbone of the most advanced metering systems in power networks. Within the context of the Euramet European research project "Measurement tools for Smart Grid stability and quality ENG52 SmartGrid II", the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology of Lausanne (EPFL) and the Swiss Federal Institute of Metrology (METAS) are organizing a workshop focused on methods for synchrophasors estimation, their deployment in Phasor Measurement Units (PMUs) and the associated metrological characterization. Prof. Mario Paolone of SmartGrid is presiding. |
 Saturday, 22nd November 2014 EPFL | IC School Open House This year, the EPFL School of Computer and Communication Sciences is celebrating a major anniversary: the Institute of Computer Science will be 30 years old and the Institute of Communication Systems 20.
X-Sense 2 and SmartGrid will be presented at this event. |
 Friday, 21st November 2014 EPFL | Electron optics in suspended graphene We have developed a versatile technology that allows to suspend graphene and complement it with arbitrary bottom and top-gate structures. Using current annealing we demonstrate exceptional high mobilities in monolayer graphene approaching 10^2 m2/Vs. These suspended devices are ballistic over micrometer length scales and display intriguing interference patterns in the electrical conductance when different gate potentials are applied.
The speaker is Christian Schoenenberger, Principle Investigator of Nanowiresensor. |
 Friday, 14th November 2014 EPFL | Photonics Day 2014 Do not miss this opportunity to connect with the EPFL photonics community and to discover the most recent developments in this field of research, from fundamental research to applications.
Participation is free and includes lunch; registration is mandatory before Monday November 10; please register here.
Prof. Olivier Martin of the Nano-Tera Plasmonics initiative is presiding. |
 Wednesday, 22nd October to Friday, 24th October 2014 EPFL | BioCAS 2014 The theme of this edition is a "Breakthrough for Distributed Diagnostics and Therapy", highlighting the enormous potential that Circuits and Systems have in developing distributed diagnostics and therapy, the next generation of medical care!
This Conference will have special focus on Health Themes developed by the Nano-Tera.ch program too and, in fact, the conference will include a special event (with funding from Nano-Tera.ch) related to Nano-Tera.ch projects. The conference will be a high-standard event providing a scientific forum for scientists and students to interact and exchange ideas in the very rapidly growing area of development of innovative devices for biomedical applications.
Sandro Carrara of i-IronIC and Nutrichip is the General Chair |
 Thursday, 11th September to Friday, 12th September 2014 Neuchatel | SMYLE Microengineering Workshop There will be one day of technical lectures on Bioinspired Systems and one day of lectures in Ethics and Technology, as well as poster sessions where you may present the status of your own research. This is an excellent opportunity to exchange and network among doctoral students and young researchers at EPFL and at FEMTO-ST. To register, please fill out and send the registration form.
Prof. Ijspeert of Envirobot is speaking at this event. |
 Tuesday, 26th August to Friday, 29th August 2014 EPFL | Biomedical Microelectronic Translational Systems Research Research in bio-electronics has recently moved its focus from the pure interface towards full systems, potentially operating in closed-loop with some specific parts of the human nervous system. This research has become a transdisciplinary domain gathering competences in bio-electric interfacing, analog and system microelectronics and radio-frequency electronics, bio-medical signal processing, packaging, neuroscience and neurocomputing towards the goals of gaining a better understanding of the sane and malfunctional brain activity as well as providing the foundation of therapeutic tools and neuroprosthetic systems.
This workshop aims at gathering experts from the National Chiao Tung and National Cheng Kung Universities, TW, with experts from Switzerland and more specifically participant of the nano-tera.ch program and from EPFL to present their recent research results, foster collaborative discussions, and provide a tutorial venue for researchers and PhD students. |
 Sunday, 24th August to Friday, 29th August 2014 Neuchatel | Europhoton 2014 The Europhoton 2014 conference will bring together a multi-disciplinary group of scientists, industrials, and students to discuss the latest breakthroughs in the field of photonics, especially in the areas of solid-state, fibre and waveguided light sources. Previous conference locations include Paris, Hamburg and Stockholm
The event will be accompanied by Summer School sessions at the PhD student and postdoctoral level, and by informal breakout sessions for discussions.
This conference will also feature a special interdisciplinary symposium "Lasers for Biomedical Imaging and Sensing" where the prominent keynote and invited speakers will discuss state of the art and future visions of this fascinating field. |
 Monday, 14th July to Thursday, 17th July 2014 Lausanne | XIII International Symposium on 3D Analysis of Human Movement 3D-AHM This year Sport and Rehabilitation is proposed as the theme of the Symposium. Under the guidance of our international scientific committee, lectures and presentations will include various aspects of movement analysis from laboratory based instrumentation to wearable technologies, from ISB Logodisease assessment to rehabilitation and from basic biomechanics to clinimetry and therapeutic intervention.
Kamiar Aminian of SImOS is Symposium President |
 Wednesday, 25th June 2014 Lugano | Future Embedded Systems Education (NT-FESTE) The goal of this Nano-Tera Workshop on Future Embedded SysTems Education (NT-FESTE) is to design an effective, flexible and successful educational program for the "Embedded Systems Designers" of the next ten years, based on experience gained - in particular, although not exclusively – within the Swiss Technology Research Program Nano-Tera.ch. Prof. Giovanni De Micheli, Director of Nano-Tera program and Chair of its Executive Committee, will moderate a Panel on Embedded Systems Curriculum for the Future in which academic and industry leaders will share their views on the topic. |
 Friday, 13th June 2014 EPFL | Research Day on Translational Musculoskeletal Biomechanics For the 12th consecutive year, the LBO (EPFL), the LMAM (EPFL), the Department of Musculoskeletal Medicine (CHUV), and the Regenerative Therapy Unit (CHUV) are organizing a day of translational research in musculoskeletal biomechanics. This day aims to encourage synergies between the Service of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology at CHUV and the basic sciences at EPFL. In addition to presentations of collaborative projects between these two institutions, Professors Nolte (UNIBE-ISTB) and Guyen (CHU Lyon) will present their experience on navigation surgery. The event will take place Friday, June 13, 2014, from 9:30 to 15:00, at EPFL (room BC410). This event is open to anyone interested.
Prof. Kamiar Aminian of SImOS will be presiding |
 Thursday, 12th June 2014 EPFL | IC Research Day 2014 on Big Data Our world is in the midst of a revolution in information technology, at the centre of which is Big Data. We generate, collect, processe, and store data at phenomenally high rates. Communication, entertainment, financial and health services, social networking and mobile services are just a few examples of how our day-to-day interactions have transformed into data exchanges. Science has entered a data-centric “fourth paradigm” which complements theory, experimentation and simulation with analytics on massive scientific data, enabling discoveries from Big Data based on empirical principles; the fourth paradigm constitutes a fundamental change in the scientific methods as we know them. Big Data is a resource that can be turned into economic, cultural and scientific value. At the 2014 Research Day international top experts in managing Big Data will explore in a series of talks both opportunities and risks that the Big Data revolution brings along, and EPFL researchers will provide an opportunity to have a glimpse of EPFL research highlights on Big Data.
Prof. Karl Aberer of OpenSense is chairman. |
 Tuesday, 20th May 2014 Lausanne | Nano-Tera Annual Plenary Meeting 2014
Taking technology from the labs into our daily lives
The purpose of the meeting is not only to present scientific issues investigated in the projects, but also to provide some perspectives regarding their potential applications. In order words, the WHY will be just as important as the WHAT and the HOW.
The meeting features two keynote speeches by prominent speakers as well as thematic panel discussions with Nano-Tera.ch principal investigators, each focusing on a general area of interest in Nano-Tera.ch.
 Tuesday, 6th May 2014 EPFL | 15th MicroNanoFabrication Annual Review Meeting
The scope of the forum is Micro & Nano Fabrication Techniques used in the following fields:
- Micro and Nanoelectronics (Heterogenous Integration, Soft Bioelectronic, Nanowires, High-Q Resonators, 3D Integration) - Biomedical Applications (Microfluidics, Cells-Manipulation, Microelectrode Arrays, Molecules Detection, BioMicroNanoSystems) - MEMS, NEMS (Sensors and Actuators, Motors, Tweezers, Micro and Nanomechanics) - Optics (Optofluidics, Nanophotonics, Optomechanics, MOEMS) - Nanostructure Physics (III/V Devices, Quantum Opto-Electronics, Nanotubes, Nanowires, Nanomechanics) - Material Sciences (New Materials, Photovoltaic Materials, Energy Harvesting, Micro Fuel Cells) - Fabrication Processes (EBEAM Lithography, Dry Etching, Thin Films, Photolithography, CMP, FIB, ALD, Self-Assembly) - Metrology (Spectroscopic Ellipsometry, FIB, SEM, AFM, Electrical Measurements) - Packaging and Assembly (Grinding, TSV, PDMS Micromolding)
Prof. Demetri Psaltis of SHINE, Prof. Philippe Renaud of LiveSense, Prof. Christophe Ballif of Synergy and Prof. Martin Gijs of Nutrichip are invited speakers |
 Tuesday, 25th March 2014 Zurich | Nano-Tera.ch Info Day 2014 - Die Sensoren von morgen In Hinsicht auf einen Technologietransfer in Richtung Industrie besteht das Hauptziel der halbtägigen Informationsveranstaltung darin, das Industriepotential der sechs von 2008 bis 2012 geförderten Projekte vorzustellen.
Den Vorträgen (auf deutsch) folgt ein Zusammentreffen mit den Teilnehmern wobei das Ziel ist, die Möglichkeiten einer Miteinbeziehung der industriellen Partner in zukünftige Projekte zu diskutieren. |
 Wednesday, 12th March 2014 Yverdon | Nano-Tera.ch Info Day 2014 - Les capteurs de demain Dans une perspective de transfert de technologie vers l'industrie, l'objectif principal de la demi-journée d'information est de présenter le potentiel industriel des résultats de 6 des projets financés durant la période 2008-2012.
Les présentations (en français) seront suivies d'une interaction avec les participants dont le but est de discuter les possibilités d'implication industrielle dans la suite du programme. |
 Friday, 17th January 2014 Lausanne | Safe Handling of Nanomaterials Short Course This short course gives you the opportunity to learn good workplace practices when handling nanomaterials in a research laboratory. After an introduction to the current status of nanomaterial hazard and exposure assessment, you will receive hands-on training from experts in the Particles and Health Group at the Institute for Work and Health (l’Institut universitaire romande de Santé au Travail, IST) in Lausanne who are contributors of scientific expertise at the national and international level on nanomaterial occupational health. Trainers: Dr. Michael Riediker, Head of Particles and Health Group at IST and Director of SAFENANO of IOM Singapore Dr. Nastassja Lewinski, Researcher in Particles and Health Group at IST Dr. Kaspar Schmid, Head of section Chemicals and Occupational Health at SECO |
 Thursday, 9th January to Friday, 10th January 2014 Lausanne | Nano-Tera Workshop on Energy Efficient Electronics and Applications In an effort to both strengthen the link between industry and academia and to further fuel research in this important area, we plan the organization of a workshop focusing on energy efficient electronics and its various applications. This event targets a mixed audience of researchers, PhD students, and engineers with a program comprising invited talks by international experts from industry leaders and academia as well as a plenary session and a PhD forum. We believe that this activity is an excellent opportunity for to exchange ideas, compare findings, initiate new collaborations, and align academic research with mid- and long-term objectives of the Swiss industry in that field. |
 Thursday, 9th January to Saturday, 11th January 2014 EPFL | Energy Efficient Electronics and Applications
The objective of this workshop is to bring together experts, from both industry and academia, in system architecture, circuit design, and technology to discuss the challenges and the latest trends in the development of low-power and ultra-low-power embedded systems. The workshop covers:
- Low-power embedded systems and computing architectures
- Ultra-low power and sub-threshold circuit design
- Variability and reliability issues in modern process technologies and corresponding new design paradigms
Advanced CMOS and More-than-Moore Technologies for mobile, wearable, and embedded applications. |
 Thursday, 21st November to Friday, 22nd November 2013 Basel | Swiss e-Print E-Printing is a key enabling technology that goes well beyond the established paper printing. In recent years, novel areas have matured, where printing techniques find increasingly a pathway from R&D to industrial manufacturing. These areas not only include organic and printed opto-electronics, but also micro-optical, bio-medical, MEMS fabrication and packaging, 3D rapid prototyping, flexible substrate and roll-to-roll technologies.
Switzerland already has many activities in the E-print field, and the Swiss e-Print conference will allow active professionals to identify potential complementary partnership in this upcoming manufacturing discipline that spans across several disciplines from tools, ink materials, surfaces, chemistry & physics, electronics and optics, among others.
The conference will comprise invited lectures of international key people in the field with contributed papers from participants. |
 Monday, 18th November to Wednesday, 20th November 2013 Montreux | NanoBioTech 2013 A unique conference at the frontiers of both Micro- and Nanotechnology developments, with a special emphasis on Biological, Chemical and Medical applications.
More information on the official page |
 Sunday, 13th October to Friday, 18th October 2013 Sardinia | ECASIA'13 The ECASIA biennial conferences since 1985 are aimed at, and intended for, those using surface analytical, surface specific or surface sensitive techniques for applied purposes. In general, the applications will arise from industrial and technological problems, but the overriding consideration in the material to be presented is that of adding to the body knowledge about materials and techniques. Whatever the subject of a paper, scientific knowledge must be advanced.
Marcus Textor of NanoBio 2010 is on the International Advisory Board |
 Monday, 9th September to Friday, 13th September 2013 Aix-les-Bains, France | ARTIST International Summer School 2013 The Nano-Tera/Artist International Summer School on Embedded System Design brings together some of the best lecturers from all over the world in a one week programme. Over the years it has proven to be a fantastic opportunity for interaction. We seek a balance between foundational aspects and applications embedded software. Speakers include recognized leading researchers and engineers. The school is open to PhD students, researchers and engineers.
 Friday, 21st June to Saturday, 22nd June 2013 EPFL | Frontiers in Nanomedicine and Imaging Frontiers2013 - joint EPFL-University of Tokyo Symposium on Frontiers in Nanomedicine and Imaging.
Prof. Demetri Psaltis of SHINE, Prof. Olivier Martin of Plasmonics and Prof. Sebastian Maerkl of PMDProgram are all taking part. |
 Thursday, 13th June 2013 EPFL | IC Research Day 2013 Computational models of networks are the central tools in our effort to understand the behavior of large, distributed systems: Social networks capture how information and influence flow through society; infection networks describe how a disease becomes an epidemic; and neural networks replicate the cognitive patterns of their biological counterparts. These models enable us to explain, predict, and control such processes. We can reason about strategies for winning a word-of-mouth campaign on the social web, for identifying the likely source of an epidemic after the fact, and for modeling how the brain evolves with learning.
Through a series of talks by international experts on social networking, neuroscience, and network tomography, the 2013 Research Day will provide a fascinating glimpse of the potential and of the methods of this emerging science of networks.
During the morning, we will welcome three distinguished speakers who will explore this fascinating field:
Jure Leskovec, Stanford University: Exploring the Structure of Massive On-Line Networks
Jeff W. Lichtman, Harvard University: Imaging The Connectome
Patrick Thiran, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne: Inference for Networks and Networks for Inference
More information, and registration details, are available here. |
 Friday, 31st May to Saturday, 1st June 2013 EPFL | European VCSEL Day 2013
The European VCSEL Day 2013 will be hosted by the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL) in Lausanne on May 31 and June 01, 2013. As in previous years, the workshop will provide an informal forum for discussing the most recent results and achievements in the field of VCSELs. This event should be a very enjoyable time for us to share new and exciting ideas, build, renew, and start new collaborations, and to learn about current and future state-of-the art VCSEL research in Europe.
Eli Kapon of MIXSEL is on the Organization Committee. |
 Tuesday, 7th May to Wednesday, 8th May 2013 EPFL | Joint Swiss-Korean Symposium on Novel trends at the frontier of computing and electronics A yearly joint Swiss-Korean Symposium alternately held in Switzerland and Korea has been organized since 2010. The 2013 edition is hosted by EPFL and will bring together major scientists from Korea and Switzerland to present their research, addressing the following key topics: Bio-sensing and Health management Energy-aware electronics Architectures and networks for the Internet of Things Emerging devices |
 Tuesday, 7th May 2013 EPFL | 14th MicroNanoFabrication Annual Review Meeting The scope of the forum is Micro & Nano Fabrication Techniques used in the following fields:
Micro and Nanoelectronics (Heterogenous Integration, Soft Bioelectronic, Nanowires, High-Q Resonators, 3D Integration); Biomedical Applications (Microfluidics, Cells-Manipulation, Microelectrode Arrays, Molecules Detection, BioMicroNanoSystems); MEMS, NEMS (Sensors and Actuators, Motors, Tweezers, Micro and Nanomechanics); Optics (Optofluidics, Nanophotonics, Optomechanics, MOEMS); Nanostructure Physics (III/V Devices, Quantum Opto-Electronics, Nanotubes, Nanowires, Nanomechanics); Material Sciences (New Materials, Photovoltaic Materials, Energy Harvesting, Micro Fuel Cells); Fabrication Processes (EBEAM Lithography, Dry Etching, Thin Films, Photolithography, CMP, FIB, ALD, Self-Assembly); Metrology (Spectroscopic Ellipsometry, FIB, SEM, AFM, Electrical Measurements); Packaging and Assembly (Grinding, TSV, PDMS Micromolding)
Prof. Philippe Renaud of LiveSense is among the speakers |
 Thursday, 25th April 2013 EPFL | Nano-Bio Technologies for Lab-on-Chip This workshop will cover such diverse topics as direct growth of nanotubes on microlectrodes, memristive silicon nanowires for biomolecule detection and many other subjects related to biosensing.
Sandro Carrara of i-IronIC will give the opening address |
 Sunday, 7th April to Wednesday, 10th April 2013 Suzhou, China | IEEE-NEMS 2013
8th Annual IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems IEEE-NEMS is a series of successful conferences that began in Zhuhai, China in 2006, and that has been a premier IEEE annual conference series held in Asia which focuses on MEMS, nanotechnology, and molecular technology. In order to further evolution, and bring together scientists and engineers from a variety of background, the IEEE-NEMS Conference provides an excellent opportunity to bring together scientists and engineers from academia, research centers, national research institutes and companies to present and discuss the latest results in these fields.
The 8th Annual IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems (IEEE-NEMS 2013) will be held in Suzhou, China, during April 7-10, 2013. We invite worldwide researchers in micro-nano-bio fields to submit their contributions. Haixia (Alice) Zhang of SICnanomembranes is the General Chair. |
 Friday, 22nd March 2013 EPFL | More Moore: Designing Ultra-Complex System-on-Chips The continuing pursuit of "Moore's Law" in semiconductor industry for more than 40 years is presenting increasingly more significant challenges for high-complexity systems and products. “More Moore” activities aim to improve CMOS performance for the 22nm node technology and beyond. The outcomes should be applicable both in pushing forward highly scaled devices and as technology boosters that allow longer life to existing geometries.
To address these challenges, we are pleased to invite you to the half-day workshop on "More Moore: Designing Ultra-Complex System-on-Chips" that will take place at EPFL on Friday, 22 March 2013 in room MXF1. This workshop views the design of ultra-complex system-on-chip from different angles. Three distinguished speakers from industry will present their views; talks will be followed by a panel discussion.
Prof. Giovanni di Micheli and Dr. Heinrich Meyr will be taking part. |
 Wednesday, 20th March 2013 EPFL | Quantum physics for dummies The world of the infinitely small is made of weird and apparently contradictory facts. In collaboration with the popular university of Lausanne (UPL), for an evening, the EPFL orgnanizes an introductory course, open to all, to better understand the surprising life of particles (in French only).
Prof. Hugo Zbinden and Prof. Tobias Kippenberg will be taking part. |
 Monday, 11th February to Sunday, 13th January 2013 EPFL | TeraHertz: New opportunities for industry
TeraHertz (THz), the frequencies between electronics and optics, was until recently the last unexploited part of the electromagnetic spectrum. The harnessing of THz-based technologies has the potential of impacting globally a vast number of industries, like both electronics in the 70’s and optics in the 80’s did. THz applications span over a wide array of fields, including: - Quality Control and Non-destructive testing
- Surface analysis
- Security
- Chemical and Bio-Medical analysis
- Telecommunications
Filling the Terahertz “gap” has led to unprecedented creativity in the development and commercialization of TeraHertz sources, transmission components and detectors.
Jérôme Faist, Principle Investigator of IrSens will be taking part. |
 Sunday, 13th January to Tuesday, 15th January 2013 Villars | Next Generation Microfabrication and MEMS Following in the success of the first three editions, The Micronarc Alpine Meeting 2013 will continue its focus on equipment for manufacturing microproducts.
This 2 day conference intends to stimulate networking and discussions in the casual atmosphere of Villars, a charming village and ski resort located at 1250 meters of altitude. A selection of invited speakers and presentations will comprise the program. A small, table-top exhibition will be conducted in parallel for those wishing to promote their company and products.
Danick Briand of TWIGS and Philippe Fischer of iCAN2012 are on the organizing committee. |
 Monday, 7th January to Wednesday, 9th January 2013 Leysin | FETCH - A winter school for heterogeneous embedded system design This winter school series about the design of heterogeneous embedded systems, called Nano-Tera FETCH, was created to specifically educate engineers and PhD students on how to deal with the emerging issues on latest generations of embedded systems, especially targeting those engineers from French speaking region, so as to help them to develop themselves to cope with the fast moving environments and English technical terms.
See the project web page and the official website |
 Monday, 12th November to Wednesday, 14th November 2012 Montreux | Nano Bio Tech NanoBioTech-Montreux 2012 is a unique Conference at the frontiers of both Micro- and Nano- technology developments, with a special emphasis on Biological, Chemical and Medical applications. The conference is hosted in picturesque Montreux, with inspiring views of the Alps towering above Lake Geneva.
The conference involves a single session to allow the participants to enjoy all presentations and for the speakers to capture the entire audience. Speakers of international renown are invited for plenary talks, giving lectures on topics of major importance, together with a variety of short oral presentations describing new and high quality research.
Philippe Renaud of LiveSense is chairing the conference. |
 Monday, 17th September to Friday, 21st September 2012 Aix-les-Bains | Artist Summer School The Artist Summer School on Embedded System Design brings together some of the best researchers and lecturers from Europe, USA and Asia in a one week program and has been proven to be an exceptional opportunity for interaction. It is based on a successful series of events organized in 2003, 2005, 2007 and 2011 by the ArtistDesign European Network of Excellence on Embedded Systems Design. The summer school seeks a balance between foundational aspects and applications. Speakers included recognized leading researchers and engineers.
Prof. Giovanni De Micheli will be presenting a paper. |
 Thursday, 6th September to Friday, 7th September 2012 Arc-et-Senans | Atelier à Arc-et-Senans Le but de cet atelier “Arc et Senans” est de former les futurs acteurs de la communauté microtechnique franco-suisse. Une ouverture plus large est faite cette anneé aux étudiants de master, et aux doctorants et post doctorants. Priorité sera donné aux étudiants présentant leurs travaux de recherche avec un poster.
Pierre-André Farine de SImOS, vice-président du Lea-microtechnique, fera le discours de bienvenue. |
 Wednesday, 29th August to Friday, 31st August 2012 EPFL | 2nd Swiss Single Molecule Localization Microscopy Symposium This meeting aims to bring together mostly young scientists that work on single molecule microscopy in biology, in particular using the point localization-based superresolution microscopy methods.
Sebastian Maerkl of PMDProgram will be presenting. |
 Monday, 25th June to Wednesday, 27th June 2012 Lausanne | D43D As with the event of two years ago, this is a unique and timely opportunity to disseminate the research results and share the experience gained within the CMOSAIC project. We target a wide and diverse audience within the ETH-domain as well as from commercial enterprises which are interested in this fascinating and highly promising field. |
 Tuesday, 8th May 2012 EPFL | 13th CMi Annual Review Meeting The EPFL's Center of MicroNanoTechnology will present research achievements of the past year and will actively encourage interaction among professors, researchers, students, and industry partners.
Among the speakers will be Prof. Renaud of LiveSense, Prof. Guiducci of ISyPeM and Prof. Martin of Plasmonics. |
 Monday, 16th January to Friday, 20th January 2012 EPFL | Beyond the Brick Wall of Complexity: Design Technologies for a New Era
This workshop intends to bring together leading academic researchers with IC and CAD industry leaders in order to pinpoint the shortcomings of the current design methodologies and CAD tools, identify new problems that may lie ahead, provide a vision of the new CAD tool capabilities that are going to be required, and crystallize everything into a new paradigm for design methodologies that fully exploits the potential of new process technologies. This workshop also aspires to become the springboard for a renewed innovation surge in EDA, which is necessary for maintaining the competitive edge and the continued growth of the entire semiconductor sector. The unique opportunity of having industrial and academic partners address this essential issue concurrently will result in new directions not only for academic research but also for design teams that are eager to maximize the benefits of their next tapeout.
See more on the project page |
 Thursday, 15th December to Friday, 16th December 2011 EPFL | Next Generation MOSFET Compact Models
The BSIM EKV public workshop will convene all the BSIM and EKV researchers as well as the experts from the industry to contribute to the workshop to give an update on the latest status of BSIM6 and EKV (and eventually other models as well) to the modeling and designer community. The event will be followed by an internal workshop reserved to the BSIM and EKV teams for discussion and preparation of a workplan for the next year. See more details on project page. |
 Monday, 5th December to Wednesday, 7th December 2011 Washington | IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting With a history stretching back nearly 60 years, the IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM) is the world’s pre-eminent forum for reporting technological breakthroughs in the areas of semiconductor and electronic device technology, design, manufacturing, physics, and modeling. IEDM is the flagship conference for nanometer-scale CMOS transistor technology, advanced memory, displays, sensors, MEMS devices, novel quantum and nano-scale devices and phenomenology, optoelectronics, devices for power and energy harvesting, high-speed devices, as well as process technology and device modeling and simulation. The conference scope not only encompasses devices in silicon, compound and organic semiconductors, but also in emerging material systems. IEDM is truly an international conference, with strong representation from speakers from around the globe.
Jürgen Brugger of SelfSys is on the committee for Detectors, Sensors and MEMS. |
 Thursday, 1st December to Friday, 2nd December 2011 Basel | 1st Swiss E-Print workshop Switzerland has already many activities in the E-print field, but they are not coordinated to allow further advances and improvements, both for academia and for research centers and industries. Organizing the Swiss E-Print workshop will allow active professionals to identify potential complementary partnership in this upcoming manufacturing discipline that spans across several disciplines from tools, ink materials, surfaces, chemistry & physics, electronics and optics, among others.
More details are available on the E-Print page and on the conference website. |
 Monday, 28th November to Friday, 2nd December 2011 Boston | 2011 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit
The Materials Research Society (MRS) is an organization of materials researchers from academia, industry, and government that promotes communication for the advancement of interdisciplinary materials research to improve the quality of life. Nico de Rooij of CabTuRes, LiveSense and PATLiSci will be taking part. |
 Monday, 14th November to Wednesday, 16th November 2011 Montreux | NanoBioTech
This is a unique Conference at the frontiers of both Micro- and Nano- technologies, with a special emphasis on Biological, Chemical and Medical applications. The format includes plenary talks from invited speakers of international renown, giving lectures on significant aspects of the scope, together with a variety of short oral presentations of original new research. Participants from over 15 countries encompassing Europe, America and Asia meet in a relaxed and informal atmosphere, ideal for the creative exchange of ideas and the development of new collaborative projects.
Stéphanie Pasche of TecInTex and Janos Vörös of NanoWireSensor are keynote speakers. |
 Wednesday, 26th October to Friday, 28th October 2011 Bali | ICECS 2011 : International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems The VII. International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems aims to bring together academic scientists, leading engineers, industry researchers and scholar students to exchange and share their experiences and research results about all aspects of Electronics, Circuits and Systems, and discuss the practical challenges encountered and the solutions adopted. |
 Tuesday, 20th September 2011 Geneva | Conference and Exhibition on Optical Communication ECOC is the largest conference on optical communication in Europe and one of the most prestigious and long-standing events in this field worldwide. ECOC 2011, held in Geneva, Switzerland, will be the 37th edition, showing the unbroken attractiveness of this conference.
This conference is being organised by Ursula Keller of MIXSEL, and includes Nicolas Gisin of QCrypt as a plenary speaker. |
 Monday, 12th September to Tuesday, 13th September 2011 EPFL | International Doctoral School NAMIS 2011 The WIMEMS workshop in Neuchâtel is a part of the International NAMIS Autumn School 2011 that will be carried out from 12th September to 16 September at three locations: IMT - Neuchâtel in Switzerland 12 - 13 September, Arc-et-Senans in France 14 September and FEMTO-ST - Besançon in France 15 - 16 September.
Futher details about the Swiss dates of this Nano-Tera event are available on the WIMEMS-School page and on the EPFL Namis page. |
 Monday, 12th September to Friday, 16th September 2011 ETHZ | QCRYPT ED 2011: First Annual Conference on Quantum Cryptography This conference series will bring together researchers working on all aspects of the subject (both theoretical and experimental) and support the building of a research community in Quantum Cryptography. The conference will also feature tutorials on the subject and thus provide a teaching function and help recruit junior members to the field.
Please find more information about this project on the QCrypt ED project page and on the conference website. |
 Monday, 12th September to Sunday, 16th October 2011 Helsinki | ESSDERC: 41st European Solid-State Device Research Conference ESSDERC and its sister conference ESSCIRC are governed by a single Steering Committee. The increasing level of integration for system-on-chip design made available by advances in silicon technology is stimulating more than ever before the need for deeper interaction among technologists, device experts, and circuit and system designers. While keeping separate Technical Program Committees, ESSDERC and ESSCIRC will share Plenary Keynote Presentations and Joint Sessions bridging both communities. Attendees registered for either conference are encouraged to attend any of the scheduled parallel sessions.
Christian Enz of PlaCiTUS will be presenting a paper on Circuits & Systems in Emerging Technologies. |
 Sunday, 4th September to Wednesday, 7th September 2011 Athens, Greece | Eurosensors 2011 The Eurosensors conference provides an excellent opportunity to bring together European scientists and engineers from academia, research institutes and companies to present and discuss the latest results in the general field of solid-state sensors, actuators, microsystems and nanosystems. The conference goals are to stimulate interaction and knowledge exchange between the delegates in a friendly atmosphere.
Participating are Jürgen Brugger of SelfSys, Danick Briand of TWIGS, Phlippe Renaud of LiveSense, Nico de Rooij of CabTuRes, Andreas Hierlimann of NanowireSensor and Alexandra Homsy of IrSens. |
 Monday, 18th July to Friday, 22nd July 2011 EPFL | Plasmonics School The topics covered by the school include both fundamental principles of optics and detailed applications in information processing and optical sensing. Thanks to the contributions from renowned teachers coming from all Europe, still in the early stage of their scientific career (e.g. assistant and junior professors), we hope to give this summer school a very dynamic flavor.
More information can be found on the Plasmonics project page. |
 Wednesday, 29th June to Friday, 1st July 2011 Les Diablerets | Swiss Workshop on Materials with Novel Electronic Properties The 2011 Swiss Workshop on Materials with Novel Electronic Properties is the ninth edition of a series of Swiss Workshops on Superconductivity and Novel Materials which were held since 1996. The meeting will bring together researchers working in Switzerland in the field of Materials with Novel Electronic Properties. The workshop is to act as a forum promoting research and applications in this area.
Laszlo Forró of CabTuRes and Markus Sigrist of IrSens are on the program committee. |
 Tuesday, 21st June to Wednesday, 22nd June 2011 Neuchâtel | Invitation for Innovative Sensors We are pleased to invite you to our workshop on Innovative sensors in the Nano-Tera program. We have maintained the 2-day format already used at our previous workshops, which was well appreciated, offering a great opportunity for networking among researchers of different fields in a casual atmosphere. The workshop will again feature keynote talks and tutorials by senior researchers coming from inside the Nano-Tera community as well as outside.
There is more information in the Nano-Tera Program Brochure. |
 Monday, 20th June to Friday, 24th June 2011 EPFL | Body Area Wireless Sensor Network Summer School B-AWaRE will be a 5-day summer school dedicated to the advancements, challenges, and opportunities for Wireless Body Sensor Networks (WBSNs). The goal is to introduce the WBSN technology to young researchers and motivated students. This school is also expected to be a unique opportunity to disseminate the research results and share the experience gained within the WBSN-related Nano-Tera.ch projects up to date.
Further information is available on the project page and on the B-AWaRE conference site. |
 Monday, 6th June to Friday, 10th June 2011 EPFL | Microscale Heat Transfer Course Fundamentals of microscale heat transfer: boiling, condensation, single- and two-phase flows with Nano-Tera 3D-IC Interlayer Cooling Option
The course provides a comprehensive treatment of both single-phase flow and heat transfer and two-phase flow and heat transfer in microchannels. In addition, this year a new set of optional lectures have been added (in parallel to some of the other lectures) on the rapidly expanding topic of cooling of 3D-IC computer chip architectures.
Find out more about this Nano-Tera ED project on the Microcool page. |
 Sunday, 5th June to Thursday, 9th June 2011 Beijing | Transducers 2011 TRANSDUCERS conference is the largest multidisciplinary conference on Microsensors, Microactuators and Microsystems, with typically 900 attendees from university, research institute, government and industry who gather every two years to exchange the latest advances in the field. The coming Transducers'11 conference is the 30th Anniversary of TRANSDUCERS conferences, and it is the first time for this conference to be held in China.
Participating are Jürgen Brugger of SelfSys, Danick Briand of TWIGS, Andreas Hierlimann of NanowireSensor
The winners of Swiss i-Can will be presented - see ED event iCAN |
 Wednesday, 18th May to Thursday, 19th May 2011 Baden | Swiss Nanoconvention The Swiss NanoConvention will bring together leaders from science and industry in the field of «nano», key figures in innovation and technology, entrepreneurs, investors, administrators and politicians. The goal is to enable the efficient development, financing and regulation of innovative technologies.
Among the speakers are Prof. Viola Vogel of LiveSense and PATLiSci, Nobel prize-winner Prof. Heinrich Rohrer, and Dr. John Kelly, Director of IBM Research. The steering committee includes Dr. Alex Domann and Dr. Pierangelo Gröning of NexRay, Prof. Christian Schönenberger and Prof. Jens Gobrecht of NanowireSensor and Prof. Christofer Hierold of CabTuRes. |
 Thursday, 12th May to Friday, 13th May 2011 Bern | The Annual Plenary Meeting of Nano-Tera The second APM of Nano-Tera, this time over two days with all 19 RTD projects being presented by the principle investigator.
You can download the flier here . |
 Tuesday, 10th May 2011 EPFL | Micro-NanoFabrication Annual Review Meeting The EPFL's Center of MicroNanoTechnology will present research achievements of the past year and will actively encourage interaction among professors, researchers, students, and industry partners.
Among the speakers will Prof. Renaud of LiveSense, Prof. Leblebici of CMOSAIC and Prof. Forró of CabTuRes. |
 Wednesday, 4th May to Friday, 6th May 2011 Lucerne | Microtechnologies in Medicine and Biology The 6th International Conference on Microtechnologies in Medicine and Biology, MMB2011, will be held in 2011, in Lucerne in May 4-6th.
Please find more information about this Nano-Tera ED project on the MMB2011 page. |
 Friday, 1st April 2011 EPFL | SPIMD: Workshop on Security and Privacy in Implantable Medical Devices Implantable Medical Devices are increasingly being used to solve a wide variety of medical and research challenges. However, they introduce potential vulnerabilities to adversaries that can result in life-threatening situations as well as compromises of privacy. This workshop brings together researchers and advocates from a range of perspectives to present recent research and experiences in this domain.
Please find out more about this Nano-Tera ED project on the SPIMD project page. |
 Friday, 18th March 2011 EPFL | Nanosystem Design and Variability This conference will feature presentations by many Nano-Tera participants, including Giovanni De Micheli of i-IronIC, Yusuf Leblebici and David Atienza of CMOSAIC, Vaisilis Pavlidis of D43D and Wayne Burleson of SPIMD.
The full program is available here. |
 Tuesday, 15th March 2011 EPFL | Nano-Tera ED Project: iCAN contest The goal of this nano-tera.ch ED project is to set up and organize the Swiss based contest to select the best student team to participate at the international iCAN contest that will be held during Transducers’11 conference in June 2011, Bejing, China.
The national contest in Switzerland will follow a typical scenario also done in other countries (e.g. Germany, Netherlands, USA, and Japan, among others).
This Nano-Tera project is led by Jürgen Brugger, with Philippe Fischer and Christofer Hierold as co-Investigaros. See more details in the flier and on the project page. |
 Saturday, 22nd January 2011 San Francisco | Photonics West 2011 The LASE technical program showcases the latest fundamental and applied research on new laser sources and applications. Highlights include conferences on fiber, solid state, disk, and ultrafast lasers plus the world's largest concentration of semiconductor laser/LED content at one event. Applications include lasers for free-space communications, industrial, and biomedical use.
Prof. Ursula Keller principle investigator of, and Bernd Witzigmann co-investigaor of MIXSEL will be taking part. |
 Tuesday, 14th December 2010 EPFL | Smart Energy Day The integrated Systems Center has organized a day of presentations and discussion about energy efficient solutions in today's world. The speakers are leading scientists and researchers in their respective fields. This workshop is sponsored by nano-tera.ch
This meeting is organized in the form of a workshop followed by a panel discussion where the audience will have ample time to ask questions. The workshop is of interest to professors, research and teaching staff and graduate students in electrical, mechanical and environmental engineering, material science, microtechnologies, as well as computer science and communication systems.
The list of speakers includes Jan-Anders Månson of Greenpower and David Atienza of CMOSAIC. |
 Thursday, 2nd December 2010 EPFL | 3rd Nano-Tera Workshop: Autonomous Systems and Self Configurable Networks This workshop will explore a bit more the "tera" side of Nano-Tera, the theme being autonomous systems and self configurable networks.
As usual, the workshop is a great opportunity to meet other researchers involved in various Nano-Tera projects in a casual atmosphere and a beautiful location. The workshop will feature keynote talks and tutorials by senior researchers coming from inside the Nano-Tera community as well as outside. Presentations given by participants will also be proposed.
The registration deadline for the event is November 20th, 2010. Simply register by sending an email to nano-tera@fsrm.ch, letting us know if you are interested in giving a brief presentation of your work at the meeting. |
 Wednesday, 24th November 2010 USI, Lugano | Challenges in embedded system design: involvment of SMEs in designing complex systems For many applications, complexity of embedded systems has been steadily increasing in the past ten years, leading to new challenges when designing hardware and software. Innovative methodologies for reaching optimal solutions have been proposed: compared to the . monolithic . design tool-chain traditionally offered by the big EDA providers, flexible frameworks appear to offer attractive possibilities, in particular for the SMEs that increasingly face the design challenge. In fact, two aspects deserve discussing: - How can SMEs fit as providers of tools in the new design environment? Under what conditions could their offer be meaningful and successful?
- As Embedded Systems designers, SMEs face a number of constraints - from cost to design time to strict customer requirements - that a-priori limit their design freedom. How is it possible to meet such constraints and yet propose innovation and optimization?
Some recent (or on-going) EU projects dealing with design of complex embedded systems have involved SMEs as active partners: Workshop speakers will discuss their experiences and outline future lines of evolution. An initial Round-Table presentation will be followed by interventions and discussion open to all participants.
Organised by Prof. Maria Sami, who is the Principle Investigator of COMES, with the participation of Prof. Giovanni de Micheli. |
 Wednesday, 3rd November 2010 ETHZ | ACM Sensys 2010 The 8th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys 2010) is a highly selective, single-track forum for the presentation of research results on systems issues in the area of embedded, networked sensors. Distributed systems based on networked sensors and actuators with embedded computation capabilities allow for an instrumentation of the physical world at an unprecedented scale and density, thus enabling a new generation of monitoring and control applications. SenSys provides a cross-disciplinary venue for researchers addressing the rich space of networked sensor system design issues to interact, present and exchange research results, and demonstrate their work in a hands-on research exhibition. |

August 24-27, 2010
3rd International NanoBio Conference
For this 4-day conference, we will have at least 42 invited, internationally renowned speakers for plenary and two parallel sessions, as well as poster sessions and an industrial exhibition. We expect around 500 participants, 250 - 300 posters and about 15-20 exhibitors.
This meeting gathers the leaders of this progressive field from all over the world helping scientists to get an update on the most recent achievements in the different topics of nanobiotechnology, to discuss, to network, to exchange stimulating new ideas, and to take responsibility in forming public opinion about nanobiotechnology.

June 23-24, 2010
DTC: European NanoelectronicsDesign Technology Conference
Application-oriented design technology for micro and nano electronics have become a very important success factor for European system, design and semiconductor companies and will be looked at in its full range. Exhaustive research and development in this area has been supported by CATRENE, ENIAC and local governments through the past years. Latest results and exciting highlights from CATRENE and ENIAC projects will form the subjects of this conference.

June 14-15, 2010
Nano-Tera Workshop: Lab-on-chip & remote data analysis
Nano-Tera.CH and FSRM are glad to invite you to this second Nano-Tera workshop, on Lab-on-chip & remote data analysis. We encourage everyone to participate and meet other researchers in a casual atmosphere. The details of the program will be continuously updated here.
You can download the presentations here.

May 26-28, 2010
D43D: System Design for 3D Silicon Integration Workshop
3-D ICs enable dramatically improved performances at a much lower cost than new leading-edge CMOS technology below 32 nm transistor fabrication. The success of these new ICs depends on the availability of new methodologies and skills that are required to achieve acceptable design quality and productivity.
Topics addressed are: Applications requiring 3D, interconnect architectures and thermal management for 3D ICs, application partitioning, floor planning for 3D architectures, modeling, characterization and testing for 3D ICs.

March 8-12 2010
Dresden |
Design, Automation and Test in Europe
The 13th DATE conference and exhibition is the main European event bringing together designers and design automation users, researchers and vendors, as well as specialists in the hardware and software design, test and manufacturing of electronic circuits and systems. It puts strong emphasis on ICs/SoCs, reconfigurable hardware and embedded systems, including embedded software.
e Prof. Giovanni de Micheli is the General Chair; Prof. Adrian Ionescu of CabTuRes and NanowireSensor is Nanoelectronics Chair; Prof. Rolf Ernst is Embedded Software Chair and Prof. David Atienza of CMOSAIC is Web Chair.

December 17 2009
The Future of Electrical Engineering
The Integrated Systems Centre has organized a day of presentations and discussion about the future of Electrical Engineering as a discipline and profession with a group of world renowned leaders and innovators. Much of the future of this discipline depends on how we become aware of the current challenges and opportunities and react to them.
This meeting is organized as a forum, with ample time for the audience to interact and ask questions. The forum is of interest to professors, research and teaching staff and graduate students in EE and neighbor disciplines, such as microtechniques, computer science and communication systems.
The list of speakers includes Prof. Giovanni de Micheli, Prof. Jan Rabaey, Prof. Heinrich Meyr, Prof. Satashi Goto and Prof. Lothar Thiele.

November 27, 2009
CNT RF NEMS and Hybrid CMOS-CNT Integrated Circuits
The objective of this workshop is to gather researchers and engineers working in the field of carbon nanotubes and NEMS from fundamental science to market surveys, and to provide them with a forum for discussion for exchanging their points of view and experience and sharing their research results.
One of the speakers is Prof. Laszlo Forro, a member of CabTuRes.

November 23-24, 2009
Le Louverain
Nano-Tera Workshop: Biosensors Body Area Networks
Nano-Tera.CH and FSRM are glad to invite you to the first Nano-Tera workshop on biosensors and body area networks. This event is free of charge for all participants - unless a single room is required - and we encourage everyone to participate and meet other researchers in a casual atmosphere. The details of the program will be continuously updated here.

November 16-20, 2009
Autumn School on Complexity Management in Embedded Systems
The overall problem of complexity management for embedded systems is clearly of such extension as to deserve more than one Autumn School in order to cover its various aspects; this aims at preparing a strong basis, considering different viewpoints and presenting challenges and solutions of specific relevance to Nano-Tera: on such background one can envision creating in the future more specialized schools targeting, e.g., the challenges of software for complex distributed systems or of reliability. The list of lectures can be consulted here.
Organised by Prof. Maria Sami, who is the Principle Investigator of COMES.

November 16-18, 2009
Nano Bio Tech 2009
This is a unique Conference at the frontiers of both Micro- and Nano- technologies, with a special emphasis on Biological, Chemical and Medical applications. The format includes plenary talks from invited speakers of international renown, giving lectures on significant aspects of the scope, together with a variety of short oral presentations of original new research. Participants from over 15 countries encompassing Europe, America and Asia meet in a relaxed and informal atmosphere, ideal for the creative exchange of ideas and the development of new collaborative projects.
Organizers include Prof. Philippe Renaud of LiveSense and SImOS

October 12-14, 2009
Capri, Italy
IEEE 2009 Bipolar/BiCMOS circuits and technology meeting
The BCTM conference attracts people interested in all aspects of the semiconductor business, ranging from starting materials, semiconductor manufacturing and testing tools, assembly, process simulation and evaluation tools, analog and RF circuit design and EDA tools and off site manufacturing services.
Prof. Giovanni de Micheli, Spokesperson of the Nano-Tera.CH program, gave a paper entitled "Nano-Technologies for Tera-Scale Problems". The Nano-Tera.ch presentation is available for download.

September 6-9, 2009
Eurosensors XXIII
Since its establishment in 1987, the EUROSENSORS
series of conferences are the only European forum
to cover the entire field of Sensors, Actuators and
Microsystems. The Eurosensors conference provides
an excellent opportunity to bring together European
scientists and engineers from academia, national
research institutes and companies to present and
discuss the latest results in the general field of
solid-state sensors, actuators, micro- and
nanosystems. Organised by Prof. Jürgen Brugger, who is the Principle Investigator of SelfSys and Danick Briand who is a member of CabTuRes.

July 8-10, 2009
IEEE Symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems
The aim of the symposium is to bring together researchers and practitioners from industry and academia and provide them with a platform to report on recent developments, deployments, technology trends and research results, as well as initiatives related to embedded systems and their applications in a variety of industrial environments. It is chaired by Prof Giovanni di Micheli, Spokesperson of the Nano-Tera.CH program.

17-19 November 2008
Nano-Tech Montreux 2008
This unique Conference, chaired by Hywel Morgan and co-ordinated in Switzerland by Prof. Philippe Renaud, is at the frontier of MicroNano Tech and Bio applications. Nano-Tech Montreux 2008 will feature high level invited speakers as well as selected presentations on current topics related to micro- and nanotechnologies in the biosciences. Participants from over 15 countries in Europe, America and Asia meet in a variety of contexts ideal for creative exchange of ideas and new project developments.

28 October 2008
Forum Industriel Micronarc
Souvent méconnues des responsables d’entreprises, les collaborations avec les institutions publiques de recherche et formation peuvent prendre différentes formes et bénéficier de différentes aides financières. Elles constituent une formidable source d’innovation encore trop peu exploitées par les entreprises.
L’objectif de ce forum est de démystifier l’institution de recherche, de clarifier le rôle des organismes mis en place pour favoriser l’innovation et de créer les contacts nécessaires pour de futures collaborations.

17 September 2008
BioAlps Networking Day 2008
Le programme de cette journée vous permettra d’approfondir cette problématique et surtout d’explorer ces rapports science, technologie et économie lors d’ateliers thématiques qui approfondiront le rôle que peu jouer l’association BioAlps afin de les faciliter.
Le futur de BioAlps doit se construire avec vous et pour vous. Profitez de cette occasion pour découvrir la force d’un réseau et contribuer à son renforcement. Des hôtes prestigieux seront avec nous et nous accompagneront dans cette réflexion qui devrait se résumer à « construire ensemble ».

11-12 September 2008
International Workshop on Approaches to Single-Cell Analysis 2008
The third of a series of very successful and inspiring conferences that have been initiated originally by the Japanese LifeSurveyor Program, a network of about 60 research groups in Japan devoted to the topic of the conference and coordinated by Prof. Hideki Kambara, Professor at the Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology and Director at Hitachi Central Research Laboratories. These conferences take place annually and sequentially in Japan and Europe, this year being hosted by the ETH Zurich, and chaired by Prof. Marcus Textor.

14-18 July 2008
Nanoelectronic Circuits and Tools
This five-day Summer School brings together instructors from renowned universities and research centres around the world with morning sessions dedicated to Nanoscale Electronics and afternoon sessions to Computer Aided Design. The Summer School takes place in the Centre SI Laboratory of Prof. Giovanni de Micheli.
©nano-tera.ch 2007-2008